Republicans: OUR Democracy Now

Highly based :sunglasses:

Quote - Mencken, H. L. (3).jpg

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Do your retarded individual brain cells vote to democratically elect the bullshit nonsense that you type here?

The core problem is the no means yes / sex dimorphism / approach escalation problem.

Sex sells right?

Well if all sex is no means yes, we’ll have a corrupt world. All politicians are guilty of the crime of marriage. That’s the worst crime there is…. It’s the root of all the other crimes.

You folks are so asleep.

Do as you will, but that’s the core of all corruption.

Someone who doesn’t care about the pleasurable exclusive access problem, but thinks it’s the meaning of life.

Peak autism is no joke, amirite [-o< =;

A ‘melting pot’ perhaps?

The American model, replacing genetic heterogeneity with a superficial appearance of diversity concealing ideological uniformity.