Resolving the differences between blacks and whites

Then this:

Google “are some races superior to others” and you get this: … gle+Search

Sure, I might be misunderstanding obsrvr524’s point, but he seems to be embracing “identity politics” by suggesting that blacks “on average” are as a race inherently inferior to whites. That this is why they do not “on average” acquire the skills necessary to compete with whites in all these fields.

Me? My own political prejudices revolve around the liberal/left wing assumptions about racism. Rooted in dasein. And that the persistence of racism may well be embedded in the biological evolution of a human brain in which the closer you get to the more primitive components of the brain – the limbic system – the closer you get to a predisposition to treat those perceived as different from you in a more hostile manner.

But: something that the less primitive components of the brain can change through nurture.

Still, how is it determined once and for all beyond all doubt? It’s not like experiments on human beings can be conducted. Taking babies at birth from around the globe of different races and creating two communities where, in one, race is played up while, in the other, it is played down. And then see how the two races fare in accumulating various accomplishments and achievements.

No. Not as we know it.
Public school were always for the rich until very recently.

Really - what the fuck are you talking about. Do yourself a favour and get the fuckk off Fox News. You just sound like a moron. You are not stupid, so why poison your mind with bullshit.

The biggest problem with the Welfare system is that it has been deliveried by the rich with little idea about needs. Corrupt business practices have always been hot on the heels of social programs. In effect the rich are just awarding themselves big conracts for housing “projects” in which they fleece the government, and try to make the poor gradful for the rich soending the country’s money.
The politician anounces with grime seriousness the aid they are giving the poor, wagging their fingers - and behind closed doors they are laughing all the way to the bank. The poor get the increase in taxes, whilst the rich get the brakes.
Free market for the poor; socialism for the rich. That is the American way.

This has fuck all to do with communism.
Stop making a fool of yourself.

:laughing: :laughing:
Trump exposes the stupidity of the American people. Then he pissed in their faces.

There is no communist coup, idiot

There’s probably some truth to this, but I’m of the opinion that there are more difference within each race than there are between the races themselves.

Ah, if it were only that simple.

IOW, there are more difference within each race than between the races.

From a nationalist perspective, if a nation could manage to get its tribalism to the national level–we are all American, we are all Canadian, whatever–much of the internal strife and conflict between the races would dissolve–but then you inherit the problem of war with other countries. That’s when the globalist steps in and tries to raise tribalism even higher–to the global level. The problem with this is that if raising tribalism to the level of the nation is hard enough, how can one manage raising it to the global level–the sheer amount of media effort and propaganda and brainwashing, the geographic and demographic challenges of establishing a unified and consistent message across the entire global, throughout every nation, is staggeringly difficult. Not to mention the human need to find a common enemy. If we’re all one happy global village, where is that pent up aggression going to be released. It’s times like these when we need an alien invasion.

Yes, the problem here is that we need a consistent, uniform movement throughout the population without the drive coming from a centralized source. A centralized source means the movement is serving the values of only that source and its adherents–the rest are merely being pressured or coerced into following. Most of the movements we’ve seen in history which we would consider “good” or “healthy”, those that swept up the vast majority of the population (as opposed to having factions in which one merely overpowered the other–like the civil war), are typically driven by an inspirational idea or event, one that the vast majority of people find easy and tempting to hop on board with.

It would probably have the consequences you expect–greater pressure to integrate–but you’re talking about population reallocation–which is just another exercise in authoritarian power. It works against individual freedom and, as far as America goes, is unconstitutional.

Join the club. The solution I’m proposing–more open and publicly accessible discussions committed to civility, reason, and problem solving–certainly isn’t an algorithm for producing peace and harmony between the races (or any group of people), but historically speak, it has proven to be a very effective way of making progress towards this end. So maybe a glorified heuristic if not an algorithm.

Hate to play Devil’s Advocate, Sculptor, but your sample size is two. You’re gonna need a lot more than that to prove that it’s all about opportunities and social problems. Statistically, if blacks were inferior to whites on intelligence (or some other measure essential to success in the American system), you’d still have to expect a handful of success cases. Though I really do hope that you’re right.

In most cases, that condition is met. In the American case, pride in being American is, to most people at least, pride in being a citizen of the greatest country the world has ever seen because of what it has accomplished in trying to live up to its values (at least in its glory days… today, it is crumbling like Rome).

I wouldn’t be too quick to judge what instances of nationalism are pig headed and which are not. It all depends on if the nationalist understands why his nation is so great–back to the point about appreciating the values rather than nationalism for its own sake. I don’t know Trump, but I think he understands the principles on which the US was founded, and is a nationalism for that reason. Yes, the US sucks in its current condition, and I’ll agree that anyone at this point boasting that American is (today) the greatest country there is is living in a bubble, and is holding onto a catch phrase of a sound bite. Even “Make American Great Again” at least admits that at some point it ceased to be great.

I really do think America was once great, and in principle can be great again. My hope is on the side of resurrecting that greatness (without the racism).

And that’s what makes the situation in the US so bleak. It seems no one wants to resolve the difference, but to go to war–especially the left. In fact, I’m pretty sure they already see themselves as at war, and so the time for civility, reason, and problem solving is passed. This is an extremely difficult mindset to reverse but I’m not convinced it can’t happen. The podcast above would suggest some can still be open to it.

Agreed big time!

First, what does opportunism mean to you? Second, how would opportunism be effectively barred?

Agreed. Agreed. Agreed.

It is sooo orchestrated it’s not funny.

Sculptor’s point seemed to be you cannot implement national pride without first serving and meeting values worth having pride over, and then national pride should just come naturally. This doesn’t mean it cannot be taught in school, but it must be backed by the reasons we should be proud… and going forward, I think we’re going to have to learn to not gloss over the experience of those who have yet to benefit from the realization of these values.

But if we live in a wholly deterministic universe, we could not have not refrained from conducting such experiments! :astonished:

Huh? Where did poor people go for school?

I agree. NTD News is where it’s at (unfortunately, they report the same thing).

The biggest problem with the welfare system is that it usually blocks any incentive to get out of welfare at a financial level. What I mean is that, suppose you had a family who was receiving $2,000/month from welfare. To have any incentive to go out and get a job and raise one’s self and one’s family above the poverty line, one need to be ensured that doing so would earn one and one’s family more than $2,000. But in many cases, that’s not what happens. Suppose the father of this family who receives welfare checks of $2,000 every month goes out and gets a job. Suppose this job earns him $1,500 a month. This can often mean no more welfare checks. Doesn’t matter if it’s less than the $2,000 welfare checks. He has a job. Therefore, the welfare ends. So he loses $500. ← No incentive. No reason to get one’s self out of welfare. ← That’s, at least, one condition that I’ve heard of that some on welfare find themselves in.

But at least you’re aware that the government and big business aren’t your friend. Like I said to obsrvr, there’s no way in hell the Democrats aren’t aware of the futility of the welfare system to get people out of poverty–sustain their existence so they don’t die, maybe, but definitely has not solved the problem of poverty at any point in the past. So I’m convinced it’s a strategy to convince their voter base that they need them, to keep them dangling on Kamala’s rope in fear of falling to their death.

Oh? It would seem to be aligned with the communist objective. I’ll grant that obsrvr is a bit hyperbolic and speaking more from disdain than reason (if you’re making that argument), but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he were right.

Care to substantiate that with examples?

Care to substantiate that with examples?

Throughout this discussion, I’ve come to realize that the glorification of America is matched by an equal demonization. Everyone is aware of America’s closet skeletons (which aren’t really in the closet but are glossed over according to many)–racism and slavery; America began as a bell tole of freedom and the promise of prosperity. But I wonder if the slaves, who were there at the beginning just as much as Madison, Jefferson, etc., would have given it just as lofty and glorious description. In fact, I would think they would have given America exactly the opposite description: a bell tole of despair and misery.

Now, I’m not certain how many slaves there were compared to freedmen, but I’m sure their numbers were significant enough to say a huge swath of Americans (if we can call them that) did NOT see America as such a great and wonderful nation, the product of enlightenment thought. They saw it as eternal hell.

For this reason, I challenge the view that America is numero uno in the world–at least at it’s inception. I get that it marks the beginning of something great–at least in potential–but I challenge the view that it started that way. Sure, millions of white British subjects celebrated the day the US declared its independence, and more so when it won the war, but we are often focused only on the point of view of the (ex-)British subjects. From the slaves’ point of view, it must have seemed like the death tole of their freedom, the final nail in their coffin of slavery. What else could represent the exact opposite of freedom?

So based on this, I find it hard to see the birth of America as the lighting of the torch of freedom, but as its extinguishing at the same time (mind you, if the British had won, the slaves wouldn’t have been any more free). Isn’t that something? It’s lighting and extinguishing at the same time. The truth is, America has always been a yin-and-yang nation–good and evil in a perpetual battles–(not that blacks represent evil but enslavement); the birth of America was not a signal of freedom finally come to reign, but a battleground on which the fight for freedom would be waged–each contender–good and evil–equally fierce and voracious–without any certitude about who would win.

I have come to think of America as the world’s stage upon which good and evil are fighting their final battle, and in today’s world, that fight seems to be embodied by the conflict between whites and black (again, not that these races themselves represent good and evil, but the principles of freedom and slavery)–not surprisingly because these represent the greatest division the US began with, the greatest rivalry between any two groups the nation ever possessed. In short, I don’t see America as something great, but a yin-and-yang of greatness and evil that has yet to be resolved.

There is almost a religious connotation to this view, a harkening to a kind of Armageddon or Apocalypses–in the sense that it is the final stage on which good and evil will be fought–and I wonder if the founding fathers saw it this way.

Jesus and the constitution.jpg

They were, after all, children of the enlightenment, a period named after the process of living in a dream and suddenly waking up to reality. Did they see themselves as performing the work of God? As the agents through which Heaven would finally be established on Earth? The battle against the British being a kind of Armageddon or Apocalypses they had to fight through?

If so, then the slave community must have experienced it as precisely the opposite–as hell on Earth–and the signing of the declaration of independence and the subsequent victory ending the American Revolution the death knell of hope.

In other words, the birth of America does not represent the birth of freedom, but a balance of freedom and slavery, the setting of the stage for the battle between the two, and is to this day fought.

America faces a terrible and most fierce demon, the existence of which the black community is deafeningly pointing out. This battle isn’t over. America is not yet established. The demon must be slain. America must fulfill its promise, to resolve this yin-and-yang once and for all. Is it in God’s hands or man’s?

I don’t have the answers… another compounding problem is that in times of peace and prosperity we seek meaning and challenges in ever more trivial matters
As the hard problems get solved we get invested to the point of madness in the smaller more trivial problems and with no less emotional fervor…
When someone mispronouncing your name can be given the same emotional weight and significance as when someone punches you in the face it tempts the thought that some hardships needs to be endured to generate any kind of lasting peace between flawed human beings… if not to give us a common enemy, than at least to grant an appreciation for the peace we might yet have.

I was thinking incentives rather than force being applied to generate this process but It hardly matters anyway…
I suspect the cost of doing so, by whatever means, would be ruinous all the same… can’t have a cure that is as bad if not worse than the disease.

That sounds very reasonable to me, but it isn’t a solution. This presupposes there exists some solidarity between the people sitting down to discuss.
It doesn’t work when people choose to segregate into tribes… if they don’t want to sit down with you… how will you make them?
That’s what needs solving… and the question itself demands the answer be manipulative of people’s free choice as free choice is what landed us here in the first place.

So if it has to be manipulation… I rather it be by a process or circumstance rather than by anyone’s design.
Alternatively we keep talking to people who do not want to talk to us, hoping they choose to do so eventually…
But often it takes a war to make people long for peace… I’d rather it not come to that.
Perhaps another process where we engineer a period of controlled hardship, might generate a populace capable of appreciating peace and cooperation.

We are far removed from the environment our species was born to… I worry that our problems are made intractable because we don’t want many of the things we need.

That has to be the funniest cartoon I have ever seen.

Who’s the guy doing the head slap in the right foreground?