Hi…people iam new to this site and this is a rather long piece of writing by me…just felt like submitting here…
Return to the caves.
chapter 1. Past or Future
Year 1984.
Somewhere in Rajasthan on the Thar desert .The archaeologists are having a high time. They are riding on a huge success wave .Unlike what regularly happens in India the government has alloted a special fund for this project with speed incomparable to any of the projects India has ever done ,why not it is being hailed as the greatest finding ever. The Archaeological society of India is too proud of its discovery and they are just enjoying the celebrity status which is normally held by people with hardly any brains.
The caves that were discovered under the hot sands of Thar desert. They are complexional set of caves with a giant network of routes connecting them. The computer engineers who have fed the data into the silicon heart machines are already on the verge of proving that the cave network is optimised for strongest route(means there are many paths between any 2 destinations… so that even if one gets blocked still the other place is accessible) between any two caves. The network has just the efficient make up for the free flow of air… somewhat similar to the underground mines we have.
They were so full of pictures. How come the stone age men were so artistic? .The animals that were depicted were something which is a big research subject for the evolutionists and all types of biologists .The men that were drawn were huge but slightly bent confirming Darwin’s theory. They were carrying tools which are being interpreted as tools made of iron and the animals were too small to face to him. Man has really dominated the animal kingdom from time immemorial,even the hard core religionists are enjoying. Man is the image of God,otherwise how could he have dominated even when there was no visible scientific development. Most of the pictures on the walls of the caves were concerned with hunting down of animals. Was man herbivorous or carnivorous to begin with or was it a man in the first place??
How have these caves originated? is the big question. To know answers for all these we should dwell deep into the limitlessness of the past …no… the real answer is in the future.
chapter 2 .Vasudeva kutumbham(God’s Family)
Year 2005.
The world is one big family,this is what is being advised to all the revolutionists but they are in no mood to listen. The truth is all it matters. All the democratically elected governments of the world have been warned of dire consequences and the developed world is in no mood to listen to them.
New technologies are sprouting up and science is still lurking with problems but one thing has definitely changed every equation in the world. The development of the nuclear bomb by the terrorists. It is official and the governments are having a tough time accepting it.
How can we forget the wrongs of the past?? .Even if the white man or the mystic Hindu is my brother in the global level how can he go scathe free for his wrong doings.
Human life has no value. Serving GOD is the utmost duty to all humans. If he fails in this duty his life has no meaning and he should be sent to GOD. After all,creation and destruction are part of natural processes.
The world has really evolved into a complex structure. From the French revolution,Indian independence movement and the two world wars the world has moved far ahead. Blood sometimes really help.
Even the philosophy,from the definition of man being a rational being to the definition of him being a linguistic animal has undergone many changes and at present there is severe disagreement on what he really is.
The extremists are having mirthful time. What with the lone super power of the world indirectly supporting them and making them what they are.The lesser mortals are having difficult time.
With every sunrise problems seem to be rising too.They have already threatened to use them if need arises. The condition is not to kill any one of them.
The world had faced many dangers and it has somehow found the solutions to most of them and the solution to this threat is already under way,building caves in the underground.The surest way to escape the radiation from the bomb,but every country keeps these type of missions a secret and nothing much is known about these projects,lest it should fear the people. They can’t be near any water source nor any hills otherwise,under such intense vibrations nobody knows what will happen. There was no model to learn from. It has to be correct the first time. Such an obvious simple solution to the gravest threat sadly is being pursued by only one country. Are all the other countries are so dumb.
No they are too clever they are the economic and the military super powers and ironically they too want to put and end to this earth crap hence the missions to mars, where already a pretty size of scientific population is living.
chapter 3 …The Future.
Year 2010.
The earth shook,it screamed for help. The GOD lovers have indeed done what they have been threatening all along. The planned honeymoon to Mars failed and everybody of them have now become free planetary bodies they are only bound by the laws of gravitation. Indeed experiments fail when missions which require absolute precision are expanded to such a large scale, the odds are too high. Still some of them escaped to the planet. It was just a matter of time before they perish. Though they are free from all the earthly crap, Mars still depends on Earth for survival and there was no Earth.
The glorious human civilization came to an end. The humans have done what they have all along threatened to do for themselves. Suicide .Reckless destruction of nature in the name of providing wealth and making lives more comfortable.Something has taken its revenge finally and now it can sleep peacefully for ever.
Alas!! it was mistaken Something has Survived.
Life which originated in the sea developed to human beings who ruled land and air, now is taking refuge near the core of the earth. Life needs heat and water. Temperatures at the center are so high everything is available in liquid form so water too was there. It is is just mixed with molten metal. So at a safe distance from the real hot bed the caves were located. The differences among all humans were diminished for the moment and everybody were working for everybody else’s good. They were comfortable and they can now live for ever.
Life is becoming difficult. The biology of the body are undergoing changes. Man can’t walk upright anymore .The back has bended a little to accommodate his free travel under the caves. The hands became a little large and huge because of their constant use under such rough conditions. Leaving that,there is a crisis now, the differences have slowly crept up and each group is taking the responsibility of the protection of the valuable scientific journals and books,literature everything magnanimous the civilization had once to offer. Just last week there was a terrible fight between two groups and most of the documents were lost for ever. The problem here is once something is lost it’s lost forever. Day by day the access to scientific papers have decreased and without them everything is dependent on someone’s memory. The alternate power source which has been working properly for the past 50 years is now showing signs of breaking up. One fine day man has to go back to fire.
The day of fire came. With no access to new materials and humans not learning from their mistakes they had to push themselves back to lighting fire from two stones. The paper was gone and the languages which have been developed for many centuries had to go. Survival is important not education nor language for that matter. They failed to realise that is what is survival is.With out the availability of paper and electronic machines man had to go back to writing on walls,even art had to be on wall. So people with some in-born ability for art started drawing pictures on the walls. It became a great source of happiness to all the other people too.
That should explain why there were so many pictures on the walls of the caves that were discovered. With all the scientific progress that has been achieved man was able to build them in quick time optimise them so that the air flow is well managed through so many routes. Achieving the best paths between any two dwellings so that even if one path gets blocked by the fall of land still there is a chance to move through. Make them with the best material that was available to build, which could withstand any sort of disturbances.
But how is future explaining past?
Chapter 4 the beginning of the Beginning
Some thousands of years later,
Life still went on below the caves. Everything that differentiated man from the animal have all ceased to exist. There is no way one could identify him (or it) now. Just like many underground creatures it is covered with hair all over the body and it almost walks on four legs now.
The surface of the earth was now free of radiation and plants started growing already. The roots of a plant are very powerful and they go deep. Something happened because of this property.The roof of a cave broke.
Though it is now indistinguishable from much of other animals in behavior,something still lived in it. Curiosity. That was the reason it went near the place of wreckage when every other animal ran away from that place. It took the risk. Started climbing up.After living underground it was no problem for it to travel through earth. Just push the earth in front of you to the back with your hands and from their push it with legs you’ll move forward on earth can be called as swimming in earth. It went up and up and from a distance it could see a opening. Never in it’s life it has seen such a bright thing it moved and finally reached the maculation.It couldn’t be touched like anything else.How can it be? .It was light.It was difficult for the eyes intially but it just went ahead.Cool air just went pass it,ooh!! the feeling of freshness after so many centuries of stench.The light touched its thick skin.It felt uncomfortable but something inside pleaded it to stay and enjoy.It followed it,as it has been doing for years, it’s instinct.
There was a change in the facial expression ,it could be called laughter.So over come by the feeling of joy which hitherto was unknown it roared and roared.The earth vibrated and it felt a little shock, the human civilization has just begun once again.
You might have already realized the caves which were found in the thar desert at the start of the story don’t have any connection with the caves described.They have a one civilization difference among them.,or that country which has went ahead with caves was not India.
Did man come from ape or is it the other way round. The way the world is working today seems to suggest the opposite to the theory of evolution. He is expected to grow into a stronger and stronger being but he is growing weaker and weaker physically and intellectually everyday.He always glorifies the past infact he lives most of the time in the past the wonderful,sweet memories.There is something which is inherent inside which craves for the higher past.Is it encoded in the genes like this??
The two things which very much differentiates us from any creature or organism is curiosity and instinct, both when nurtured and developed take the form of conscious and intelligence. These qualities lead humans to rule the earth. It is a different matter we just exploit it