Rey’s Probability Theory
Probability theory is flawed. Probability states that the likelihood of an event happening can be a fraction, i.e. 1/6. However, that is impossible. Probability can always only be 1 or 0.
For example, if we throw a dice 6 times, what is the probability of getting a “5†6 times? Convention tells us that it would be 1/6 ^ 6 = 1/36.
However, when we actually throw the dice, we might get something like this:
1, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1
“5†only appeared once.
For the first throw, an event which has already happened, the probability of obtaining “1†is 1 and the probability of obtaining all other numbers is 0.
For the second throw, an event which has already happened, the probability of obtaining “5†is 1 and the probability of obtaining all other numbers is 0.
The same principle goes for the 4 other throws. The probability is always 1 for a particular event, and 0 for all other events, because the truth and reality is that only one event can and will occur, given time. Probability will never be a fraction, because only one event will occur, and all others will not.
If one goes to a roulette table in a casino, he might place his bet on “blackâ€. He will think that the probability of him winning is ½. However, it must be remembered that every event is unique, that every spin of the roulette is unique, even if it has been spun 200 million times before. When the roulette is spun for that particular bet of that particular gambler, it must be remembered that only 1 event will ensue. The probability of that particular event happening is 1, while the probability of all others is 0. This is true because of the singularity of reality. The roulette table will only hit one number; only one event will occur, and for that event the probability of that happening is 1 and the probability of all other events is 0.
With the principle that only 1 event will ensue, we have our current history. The probability that WWII will happen, at the time before WWII happened, would have been 1, because WWII happened, as time will demonstrate. The probability that WWII will be called WWII, and not any other name, before WWII was named, is 1, as time will demonstrate. Only 1 event will occur, as time will prove. It is hard to tell whether WWIII will occur, but one thing can be ascertained: the probability is either 1 or 0. It is hard to tell if one will win the lottery, but the probability of winning is definitely either 1 or 0. Either he wins, or he does not. Time will provide the result.
This is only possible because every event is unique, because even experiments fall under the jurisdiction of uniqueness. Experimental models may ostensibly demonstrate a broad range of probable results, but it must be remembered that every set of result is unique, that the probability of every result that is obtained is 1. Even if identical results of experiments seem to be reproducible, every set of results is unique. Only 1 event will occur and the probability of that event happening will be 1.
The above principle shows that all events are fixed, so as to provide a singular past, with no possibility of an alternative. If events are fixed, it also shows that the future is fixed, that there is no alternative to the future events that have a probability of 1. The fact that there is only 1 past proves that there will only be 1 future. All this is true because of the singularity of reality.