Rights Are Respect For Universal Needs

From the moment the foundational unalienable paramount right to life is granted each and every one of us by our Creator, we have needs.

Abraham Maslow accurately observed and identified those universal needs in his presentation.

Clearly, one’s need for life is foundationally paramount.

One then begins to move up the pyramid, with need for security of person understandably coming next, segueing into non-security of person needs of freedom of action becoming dominant as one moves to the very top.

These three basic needs – life, security of person and freedom of action – are expressed in the reality of rights as the mutual respect for universal human needs that we afford our self and others.

Maslow’s chart is a presentation of the reality of needs, and the reality of rights – the paramount unalienable foundational right to life, the right to security of person and the right to freedom of action – derive from our mutual respect for our self and others and our needs.

These rights are real and universal, just like the needs from which they are derived.

When one is self-actualizing at the top of the pyramid and suddenly one loses one’s job and one’s ability to procure life-sustenance, a conflict of need occurs.

The pyramid, by its very nature, presents the rational resolution of needs in conflict: those at the base override.

Thus, the same is true for the three classes of rights derived from the hierarchical pyramid of needs: when rights between people conflict, those more foundational rights override.

Thus, in general …

… When a person shows signs of mental-emotional instability that would put the lives of specific or general others in real and present danger if he kept and bared a gun, his security of person (self-defense) or freedom of action (sport shooting) right to own a gun is overridden by the right to life of any and all others not threatening his life, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

… And when a person or group of people is outraged at the threat made upon the sustenance of their very lives and they take up arms to riotously protest, their freedom of action in defense rightly stops short of taking the lives of others when there is no imminent threat on their own, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

… And when a person, bound and guarded and imminently endangering no one is convicted of a capital crime, he may be rightly deprived of his freedom of action rights to protect others, but those others, once so protected, cannot then rightly deprive that person of his foundational right to life and right to security of person, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

… And when a person is newly alive and his very existence threatens only the convenience and economic freedom of action needs of others, those others have no right to murder that newly conceived person, as the newly conceived person’s foundational right to life and security of person rightly overrides all others’ right to freedom of action, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

… And when a person is suffering such that his misery is threatening to the psychological security of others, those others have no right to obtain their need for personal psychological security at the expense of the overriding foundational right to life and right to security of person of that suffering person, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

…And when a group of people fear their freedom of action and maybe even their security of person is at stake if another’s freedom of action with respect to that which he owns prevents them from buying what he owns, that group of people has no right to invade that person’s space and murderously slaughter those around him to steal from him his non-life-threatening ownership rights when that group of people had other non-life-murdering alternatives to shore-up their insecurities of person and regain their freedom of action, thus affording mutual respect in accordance with the reality of the universal hierarchy of needs.

It is our consistent application of mutual rights respect for this universal hierarchical reality of needs that will form the foundation for moving us safely into a more otherwise technologically dangerous era.

And the reality of these rights as derived from and related to the universal human hierarchy of need will form the philosophical foundation of the new or revised political party that will lead us there.

one needs to control the actions of everyone else.


And what happens if you don’t?

life goes on…

but that’s exactly what you advocate- everyone follow this way of being and only this way. no freedom for you. but as long as you admit you want to enslave the world, you have no problem.


No, all I’m doing is pointing out what’s true.

People are still free to live in a fantasy world if they wish.

Though I would not advise it. :wink:

The truth of the original post in this thread remains. :sunglasses:

The truth is much preferable, is it not?

you haven’t revealed any truth


You are in error.

The opening post in this thread presents the topically relevant truth.

In order to realize this, you would have to leave the relatively secondary world of epistemology and journey into the foundational world of ontology.

I don’t believe you have done so.

Interesting that Maslow’s Hierarchy was used here as a building block for truth–as Maslow’s Hierarchy has no scientific evidence of actually being true itself and is in fact contradicted fairly often.

Metaphysics isn’t science, case closed.

Don’t get me wrong, Jenny, I share your opinion in many ways, but it’s dangerous to think you have anything more than your opinion.

That’s when anti-abortionists start murdering doctors.

Global warming, supported by some scientists, is also “contradicted fairly often” by other scientists.

Obviously, where groups of scientists come down on a matter is irrelevant to that matter’s intrinsic fallibility or infallibility.

Scientists have proven they can be bought.

It’s the scientific method that’s of value here.

Maslow’s hierarchy was determined with respect to the scientific method.

It is constantly substantiated as being accurate.

And it presents a great revelation as to the origin of our rights.

You’re being a little narrow-minded in your selection of definitions, don’t you think, DD.

Here are some relevant definitions (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&defl=en&q=define:Ontology&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title)* A branch of philosophy focusing upon the origins, essence and meaning of being.
adamranson.freeserve.co.uk/c … ncepts.htm

One would think you would be getting tired of being shown up so often. :blush:

As you can now definitively see, DD, your statement here is not only irrelevant, but erroneous.

The case is closed, all right, but in my favor. :wink:

Why do I find that hard to believe … . :confused:

You certainly don’t share it ontologically. :laughing:

It appears that what is dangerous is dangerous only to you and when you selectively assume about definitions for the minimalizing belittlement purpose of attempting to reduce someone who truly knows to your level of shrug-shoulder moral relativistic agnosticism. :astonished:

Irrational and erroneous.

Rational and factual. Double speak is worthless. Faith, the firm belief regarding all topics to disagree with as irrational and erroneous is a pseudointellectual ruse. Totally wothless.

Such arrogance. [-X

Haha! Another victory for JennyHeart! Yet you never seem to gain any ground?

So projects the moral relativist mistress of pro-abortion. :laughing:

Irrational and erroneous.

Also irrelevant … as when you’re at the top, there’s no ground left to gain. :astonished:


Myopic and predictable.

Being at the top is lonely when no one knows it.


There is a difference between being seen as amusing and being seen as a joke. It’s a very fine line… We’ve had several members who, through their perfect knowing, ended up talking to themselves.

My pragmatic thinking is hardly moral relativism. You do what you will with your body, but do not tell me what to do with mine. The right to control over my body is a moral issue, but do not go on line with sactimonious crap, ad hom attacks unless attacked first.

You are hardly right on this thread, and just claiming you are does not make it so.

We can agree to disagree regarding issues, but try not to be so high and mighty believing you are superior to others on this board because frankly you are not.

Without concern, regards, nor respect

aspacia [-X

Oh, but it is most closely related!

Pragmatism is about achieving utilitarian objectives – “if it works for me, then it’s true” is the pragmatist’s motto.

Thus it doesn’t matter to the pragmatist if she violates human rights or claims fantasy is reality, as long as doing so “works” for her.

And such egotism is nearly always excused with appeal to moral relativism. :sunglasses:

Irrelevant, and erroneous.

If your body harms people, I will most definitely tell you to stop harming them with your body.

I am telling you to stop your pro-abortionist advocation of murderous abortion, I’m telling you why it would be good for you psychologically to stop doing so, … and I will continue to tell you to stop violating the inalienable right to life of newly conceived people, indefinitely.

Irrelevant and erroneous.

Your body control ends as a “moral issue” to be “debated” the moment you advocate violation of the rights of others.

The truth of the matter is that moral behavior is respect for our rights, the rights of all, others, and yours.

And the truth of the matter is that immoral behavior is disrespect for rights.

It really is that simple. :astonished:

Here you issue hyperbolic threats – irrelevant, meaningless, and most ineffective. :unamused:

Merely uttering from a moral relativistic perspective, as you do here, means nothing.

Read the opening post in this thread.

Stay within the terms and phrases of the topic matter, and present something counter.

Then I will do the same in rebuttal.

Here you would be the pot calling the kettle black, except, by virtue of the opening post in this thread, etc., I don’t qualify as a kettle. :laughing:

Spoken like a true moral relativist who doesn’t want to have her fantasy-based perspective brought to light. :astonished:

Sorry, Aspacia, but you have yet to begin to hear from me regarding the reality of our rights. :laughing:

Your transference is obvious.

Who was it from your past with whom you disagreed that you thought of as “superior” and “high and mighty”?

Was it your parent(s)?

Your boss?

Your husband?

Your priest?

Who are you painting on the top of me, Aspacia?

It’s obvious.

Moral relativism is very often a reaction to having difficult realities presented when you just can’t handle them.

Parents do that.

So do religious leaders.

It doesn’t matter what the facts are, what matters is who and their manner of delivery.

For instance, you don’t like to hear the truth of reality that people have the inalienable right to life, and that a person begins to live at the moment of conception.

You’ve likely committed murderous abortion in the past.

Someone else has likely told you straight about stuff you don’t want to be reminded of.

So, rather than face the truth of it, you conjure up moral relativistic excuses to deny reality.

And, you then attack the messenger for the truth of the message you can’t handle.

So despite the opening post in this thread and the related thread, you imagine that my presentation is merely “authoritarian”, “high and mighty and superior” without substantiation, when in truth I’ve presented ontological and epistemological substantiation for the common-experience phenomenon we call “rights”.

Your transference and emotional displacement is interesting.

As always, it doesn’t apply, as simply because people are smart and aware and knowledgable about the truth of reality and present “a cat is a cat and not a dog” in rational logical presentations, doesn’t make them the “authoritarian” that you had problems with in your past. :astonished:

That is because my presentation of the truth of reality is getting to your denial … and I’ve yet to begin responding to you in the “Abortion” thread … which I soon will.

As you exhibit here, moral relativists have a tendency to unconcerningly show disregard and disrespect for those who reveal their sophistries. :wink:

If what you are saying is that boards of this nature are mostly populated with excusive moral relativists who are reclusive malcontents in real life and who find it difficult to get along with those who are intelligent and capable of facing difficult realities and presenting those realities truthfully, straightforwardly, rationally, sucinctly and without regard to the angst of the exiled local masses, then … I really don’t care.

That’s not going to stop me from posting …

… Nor will it stop those readers I bring here from reading and learning about various aberrations.


(And, touche. :sunglasses: )