Personal feeling about the show…if you have not seen it i highly recommend it. I laugh my ass off every single episode. You can see them all on Or on Adult swim when its on.
Anyone not like it? any reasons? If not This will be for the sole purpose on the discussion of robot chicken. Including things you liked/disliked, previous episodes. Basically just let us know how you feel about it in general.
lol…I was hoping to talk about it…Philosophically. What people point of view is on it. Diffrent depictions, if you have seen the show you know it is very diffrent. Not to mention i dont know if you read…but look at what the specification on MUNDANE BABBLE.
Trying to say i spend all my time in Mundane babble? I will say the majority of my Opinions are released here, but that is only because i dont speak on the behave the things i dont comprehend. I spend alot of time reading in other sections. So now that your done attacking me, can you move along? I would rather spend time depicting other subjects of interest.
Dude I love the one where all the bad guys are stuck in traffic and all the good guys keep cutting them off and taking their parking spaces. I’m usually so baked by the time that show comes on that I don’t remember any of the details really, but I do laugh my ass off every time. Adult swim is the nectar of life, (except that anime shit. what’s its appeal?).
Ya, i know what you mean. I think half the problem is that it just flips through so many diffrent skits that its hard to remember them all. Honestly its like a 15 minute hilarous dream. I have TVO so i record them. Watch em over agian. I just love how they mave fun on Transformers and The cobra and shit. All the things i grew up on. They make fun of.
How i sum that show up the best is that everytime you have ever watched a show as a kid. Whenever i said i “i wish they would have done this”, they play it out on robot chicken. its awesome.
Im only “pro” the fucked situation were already in. But like iv said numerous times before, im an All or Nothing kind of person. I didnt want to go to war, but if your going to do it go all the way through.
That doesn’t make any sense. If you’re going to drink milk, you’ve got to drink the whole jug? If you eat some potato chips, but start to feel full, you still have to eat the whole bag?