Sacred Untouchables.

[b]Moralist: I am the moral man with my laws,rights, priveleges, commanding productivity,economicl pragmatism and utilitarianism.

I have the police force with guns and god on my side in whatever action that I choose.

I am the moral man.

Questioning mind: What gives you the right?

Moralist: I have all the courts on my side with the finest parchment and every politician,judge, or leader is working with me.

I am the moral man.

Questioning mind: What gives you the right to command others?

What gives your associations the right to herd individuals?


The law just is and there is no stopping progress.

I am the moral man.

Questioning mind:

In other words you have nothing beyond opinion or your religious convictions?


Society and civilization said it was alright so we get a free pass.

I am the moralist man.

Questioning mind: You really don’t have any substantiation , do you?


Disobey our law and we will have you shot, thrown into prison or disembodied.

I am the moral man.[/b]

[b]Questioning mind: You have no rights and everything you say is a deception.


I am untouchable and my scripture is sacred. You can never challenge me for I’ll see you in the courts taking everything dear to you away.

I am the moralist man.[/b]

[b]There morality sits claiming to be the natural inevitability sacred and untouchable with no challenge or questioning as it deems itself infallible.

In life everything is challenged at one point or another but not this sacred untouchable monolith.[/b]

Question it all you want.

It would seem you lack the conviction to act against it though. Especially the police and their guns – power is what keeps the wheel spinning.

Xunzian: I am the moralist man.

( Note: If I could get away with things I would try but we all know about that little global futility hysterical authorities have installed.)

So you can’t get away with the things that you want because you lack the strength.

So you bitch and moan about “morals” that keep you from acting and posit that “Might is right” but only the kind of “might” you want to talk about. Other forms of “might” are cheating, inauthentic in some way.

To me, that is the weakest form of petty moralizing in existence.

It is petty moralists who lack the strength of letting people like myself act upon our instincts in which they create these contradictive so called infallible moral systems to protect themselves because of their weakness!

( Because without them they know they would be severely dominated! )

I despise the absurd in which authority has created this untouchable,unquestionable, and idiotic unsubstantiated sacred conception of existance.

I long for nature where one can act on impulse without restraint.


It is your moral systems that has sapped the foundations of strength making it meaningless or futile to act upon.

Whatever. I hate your smirk attitude.

Such a nature never existed. Enjoy your fantasy.

So you admit, even welcome, your own weakness?

People often shy away from the truth – living in a fantasy-land is much easier. Education is a bitch.

I hope your dam castle of sand meets a tidal wave where you can expirience what I do! :angry:

[b]Imagine the weak who have to face the music without the police, the law, or courts protecting them beyond theirselves!

What a sight of nature I would like to behold![/b]

You don’t know me dude. I was homeless for about a year. We all need to learn this lessons in time – at least, if the mythic cycle has any validity.

I don’t believe you. I have never met a homeless person who worships the system like you do.

Didn’t you say, somewhere, that you are a Buddhist (Joker)? ?_?

I’m not homeless anymore.

I’ll let you figure out the correlation.

I was. ( not anymore.)

I have fully accept atheism,pessimism and nihilism in it’s fullest with a firm distrust in humanity of course.

Still don’t believe you. You are reminiscent to the typical bureaucrat in my eyes.

What do you want me to do? Take you to Cologne and introduce you to people? Assuming they are alive, of course. At least some of them probably are.

A bureaucrat, eh? At least I am true to my roots.

If you have avoided Foucault up until know I think you two should meet.

Quick Question: A firm distrust in humanity would indicate you have no faith in humanity, yet you yearn for a more authenic (or ‘natural’) human status. Would this not indicate you chase after an ideal (which nihlism would reject and pessemism argue would be as bad as everything else) or that you don’t distrust humnanity at all but merely feel there is a difference of ideal?

I feel the ideal of humanity with everything that comprises it to be a false construct where I desire a instinctual existance which is.

The existance of nature rids itself of all reason where nihilism and pessimism extends.

Many forms of suffering,pessmism and nihilism is a manifestation of absurd reason. If the absurd was to evaporate so would the extensions.

My sentiments of angst,pessimism and nihilism only exists because I have become infected by the absurd b[/b] in my life.

[b]( The evaporation of reason is the infinite regression of most forms of human suffering.)

( I see reason as a curse of the absurd that manifests itself in everyone’s life by coercion or enforcement.)[/b]

I don’t necessarily agree with the motivations of bringing up this subject are (IE misanthropy, something I have long since moved away from), though it is an interesting question as to the origins of what makes a man “moral” in the sense that it’s all founded on intangible assumptions that are never questioned. I’m sure we all have our reasons to agree or disagree with misanthropy, but the most interesting point I think that Joker has here is that we don’t really know why we follow through with the assumptions the majority believes in.

Of course, there’s the logic that what makes a man “good” is if he treats others as he wishes to be treated, but that’s more of an assumption than logic as well, if you truly look at it.


wow that doesnt sound like our society at all.

it would go more like this

Moralist: I obey laws set down and aggreed upon by many individuals. I dont have police with guns at my disposal but instead must adheir to these rules just like everyone else.

Other: what gives you the right?

Moralist: well its not so much my right as an agreement from the majority of our society.

Other:What gives them the right to command others?

Moralist: We ellected them, the majority of people wanted them to be the ones to lead us the alternitive is that we have no society, that means no trading or market system, no healthcare, no clothing or even friendships. That or we have a society is ruled by the strongest. Meaning that even more people would become impoverished and even fewer would see the fruits of their labours.

Other: Oh I see what you mean sorry guess I hadnt realy thought it through