
I consider it to be an old idea: Sacrifice.
This supposed principal of equal-exchange – first requires that our realm has actual “law” and “justice” within it, so that such a rule cannot be broken.

If this was the case, wouldn’t doctors [for example] need to a human sacrifice for every time they revived some sick person? ((That’s just an example.)) But there have been more than a few religious sacrifices. Are any of these worth it? Or sane?

I do not believe in sacrifice, or equality, do you?

We sacrifice in order to gain something of equal or greater value. Basic exchange principle. Equality is in the eye of the individual. I may see an apple and orange as equal. You may not. You may value the orange more. If I ask a penny for either, you are getting a great deal If you are willing to pay 10 pennies for the orange. I am getting a great deal because I get exactly what I want.

If I sacrifice my life to protect another human I do it for reasons of self benefit. If I would sacrifice your life for another, the reasons would boil down to the same. Of course I would put a very nice philanthropic, humanitarian veneer on both , but still it would boil down to self benefit even if the other reasons have validity and will actually occur. They are secondary to self.

I don’t believe that all humans have the same value system. But equal is equal and sacrifice is always needed.Even should the items or ideals be different.