Sailing the Aegean

The bad thinker prefers ambiguity for the same reason the bad artist prefers abstract art forms.

Some use words to reveal, to expose, to illuminate; others use words to conceal, to hide, to cast a shadow.

Those who know the difference find the latter to be the worse kind of human, because the more they conceal the more they reveal, and in their need what is hidden inside of them, even from themselves, shines brightly…and then why it is concealed is made obvious.

What can be uglier than a pretty shell opening up to let go of its internal rot?
A pretty cadaver decaying from the inside out.

What can be more beautiful than a noble, symmetrical, spirit?
Not time, nor disease, can decrease its appeal.
Every time it opens up you want to be engulfed by its grace.

Arrogance is how low self-esteem protects itself from judgments that cut deep.
Self-deprecating humility is how high self-esteem expresses its indifference towards shallow judgments.

When I’ve purged myself of eros, and tired of thymos, it is in the embrace of hypnos, and his brother thanatos that I release myself, not knowing who will be the stronger of the two.
Together they carry me to the shores of styx, and before I cross over, energies rejuvenated, creativity and destruction call me back for more, and I heed their call.
But, sometimes I wish I could slumber on, wounds not fully healed appetites no longer as pressing, knowing that one day my energies will wane and there will be no more awakening, and that finally, deaf to eros and thymos eternal rest shall be mine.

My words may taste bitter in mouths addicted to sweets, but then a drink of water tastes so when we’ve been sucking on candy for too long.

Addicted to patterns the artist spills his mind out, enjoying the sight of himself with the arrogance of one who dares the other to criticize.
The mathematician traces his mind using the symbols of his thinking, finding fascinating connections, and subtler patterns in the abstractions.
He begins to lose contact with the world they were supposed to represent, and become a world unto themselves – the mind marvelling at the mechanisms of his thinking, given an external form – the representation being represented.

Before others, I’ve been a shadow in my own light - the third in a duality, sitting aside and still participating.
Others feel pity, mistaking their own darkness as belonging to me, bathed in my reflective luminosity.
But I am as I am, and where I ought to be, for this is my essence and can be no other… nor wishing to be.

With no way of standing-out, within a group, the desperate one will take the mundane and mystify it.
Exploiting weakness of mind and body is the only way his brain can surpass the median.

The simplest self-evident truth sounds like profound wisdom in the ears of those who cannot hear, or have failed to listen.

Brevity in speech - Hellenic askesis {ΑΣΚΗΣΗ} - habituates the spirit to efficiency of thought.
Prolepsis {ΠΡΟΛΗΞΗ} against the miser’s linguistic obscurantism, attempting to establish a relationship of spiritual usury.
An exercise in covering the largest distances with as few steps as possible, without leaving the earth’s gravity.

The next Bible will be written in the language of mathematics.

Semantics is where convoluted detail hides intent.

Having lost his footing modern man plummets into the tumultuous sea of existence; the unceasing interactive flux.
Having nothing to grab unto, to keep himself afloat, he, in a last act of desperation, declares himself an immortal god, and drowns in his own ego.

Without internal balance the reaction to externalized absurdity becomes just as absurd.

Rebalancing Pretences
Major spirits claim to be less than what they are; minor spirits claim to be more than what they are.

Paraplanetic Image
America wears her Roman garb, over her Abrahamic soul, like a paraplegic wears his running shoes.

You may believe you are a friend of wisdom (i.e., philosopher) but have you asked her if she considers herself a friend of yours?

A man refers and defers to an icon/idol to the extent that he feels he needs protection from his own prejudices and ignorance.

An honest mind seeks validation from an indifferent, uncertain, world, mirroring its own severity towards itself; a dishonest mind seeks validation in other minds, and finds it in those mirroring its own dishonesty.