and takes it to the media
your thoughts?
‘Sarah Palin sets the record straight’? You’re kidding, right? To which record do you refer? The old-fashioned vinyl kind that when you play it gets stuck on “Sarah Palin is an idiot who was chosen as a running mate by an apparently even bigger one”?
she’s a very intelligent woman
but I you’ve convinced yourself she’s an idiot and only listen to what the media spoon feeds you
Conservative, “small government” ideology obviously suffered a crushing blow on the issue of regulation of the financial markets. It’s tough to sell “hands off” when hands off has led to near economic meltdown. So we’ll increase regulation, we’ll increase taxation, and we’ll increase the size and centrality of the government. Then, one day, somebody in the government will screw up, society will fall again on the brink of disaster, the Republicans will rise up, and their “small-government” mantra will seem just as universal and undeniable as the opposite seems now. That’s how it works. Round and round they go, while most people just try to hold onto their sanity. My only hope is that we actually are working our way toward the happy medium.
I don’t know if she’s intelligent or not, but I do regard her as dangerously ignorant.
Plus, I don’t think that’s a particularly warranted attack just because someone disagrees with you.
Palin may be ambitious, with a homey style that appeals to plumbers and the like, but that doesn’t make her intelligent. And I don’t think someone who governs Alaska necessarily needs to be anything other than what she is. But she isn’t going to the big leagues. Call it classist if you want, but I have no problem with Ivy Leaguers and electing the smartest to go to Washington. Sorry, I don’t happen to think the plumber down the street is the sort I want running things. Let’s leave him or her to fix the sink, okay? Yeah, Palin was certainly cunning enough to get herself noticed by a crew of high-profile Neocon men who cruised into Alaska and were transported to the capitol to receive a tour, a meal and a healthy dose of her charms. Lots of women are taught to use that from a very young age and it’s clear that Sarah knows when to take off the moose pelts and put on high heels, hike up her skirts and wink at the cameras as she delivers her homilies. She’s had to develop that talent, because she can’t compete with her opponents in brainpower. It’s not a new story.
As for the reformers versus the old guard Republicans, I think there’s an underlying problem with the right-wing media. As the NYT piece by Brooks states, the old-style conservatives have control of that, not the reformists. Has anyone ever sat down and seriously listened for a while to a broadcast by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? They’re STILL spouting the same BS and talking points they’ve been dishing out for decades. Talk about the hypocrisy of their bloviating lambasts of the ‘mainstream media’ as too liberal. They rely on a powerful propaganda machine and, if you look at the ideology of the corporations that control talk radio broadcast access, it’s strictly the old guard. Limbaugh is so institutionalized in the genre that the only thing that will stop him is old age. And Hannity has branched out to television…into Roger Ailes’ ideological machine, Fox News. They aren’t going anywhere. I cracked up at their made-up issue of the Fairness Doctrine’s return. That little bit of offensive strategy came about because they know what they’ve got going, and they also know that any inroads into their propaganda machine would be a disaster to their balance sheets.
But despite their power to shape public opinion, there were other factors that stopped the Repubs this time: the massive amount of corruption in the party, John McCain’s terrible campaign (which included amongst its many errors the unwise and hurried choice of a bimbo like Palin for the express purpose of appeasing the Repub base, btw), the attribution of the state of the economy to the Republican rule, etc. But I think one other key thing that finally changed the outcome was the Internet. The Dems (and not just Obama) got the netroots thing down and it helped them blow away the opposition.
I agree. But that is also why I think the traditionalists are doing such a fantastic job If they keep at it, the Republican party can be completely marginalized for a good decade-or-so. After that, I imagine things will naturally swing back regardless. But that will be at least some time to fix a lot of the problems the Republicans and their ilk have created, and hopefully put this country on a stable enough course that Republicans can’t mess it up too terribly when that happens.
at least give her credit…
I’m hopin’ she gets all the credit she, errr, deserves (?) come 2012 . . .