If a man had an irrational fear of dogs, and was inspired by modern Americanized, nihilsits…he would …
define the perceived organism, named canine, in a way that would make it impossible to exist.
He would claim that dogs fly, or are immortal, and that anything that does not meet this criterion is not a ‘real dog’ but an ‘illusion.’
This is what psychotics do to deny their will’s ‘freedom’ to whatever degree they have it.
They experience will daily.
With every act, with every choice they make they experience it.
they experience it in others. They see others act, and go through the process of choosing, or judging…
But they refuse to define what they perceive, adopting whatever definition is popular - conventional - or that satisfies their objectives.
They do the same with the word ‘free’…though it refers to ‘will’ - in the free-will context - as ‘strong’ might when describing a ‘strong will’.
Free is a qualifier…descriptive…expressing an evaluation, a judgment…a perspective of the perceived acts of Will - willful actions…intentional actions.
The actions living being perform constantly, whether consciously or unconsciously.
All value judgements are triangulation:
Interpreting subject ---- interpreted object/objective ---- and the subject’s estimation/approximation, evaluation, of the effort required for subject/ and its objective to coincide…or to come closer, to bridge the distance between them.
This is what all value-judgements are.
In the case of ‘free-will’ the objective is ‘freedom’, independence, liberty.
Freedom ius the objective…and Will is the subject.
The way we define freedom will determine our estimation of the effort required to attain the objective.
This is true of ALL objectives.
(the same is true of how we define ‘self’, but that’s another issue)
If we CHOOSE to adopt a definition of freedom which is supernatural, unreal… projecting it in a noetic realm, contrary to the real, then the estimation/approximation of the effort required will be adjusted accordingly.
We can do the same with ‘strong’ in 'strong willed…or strong man…or beauty…or life…
For example, if we define life in supernatural ways then we can claim that nothing experiences meets this criterion and that what we perceive as living are illusions…our sense playing tricks on us.
We can then declare ourselves dead…no different than any inanimate object.
We can say life is an illusion, because we cannot find anything that is immortal.
This is what modern Americanized, recovering Abrahamic, psychotics do with the concept of freedom, in reference to Will.
They define it in such a way that it can never be experienced, so as to then declare it illusory.
Why do they CHOOSE to do so?
They could, instead, use their experiences to define both terms ’ will’ and ‘free’ as they would a ‘dog’ and tis ‘strength’ or ‘speed’…
But they CHOOSE otherwise.
Their CHOICE, can now be used to identify their motive…as would any choice…and any willful, intentional act.
Why do they do this with ‘free’ and not with the other terms, for example?
This is a clue.
Why do they not define it, or CHOOSE to adopt a definition that satisfies their motive, relative to their objective.
Their objective being to nullify the Will and negate freedom.
This is anti-philosophical because philosophy’s objective is truth or understanding…using perceptions and language.
Their use of language reveals a different objective.
They don’t want to know and understand but to excuse and escape…to immerse themselves in misunderstanding…to evade
Why, then, do they come on these online forums that are dedicated, presumably, to philosophy?
Does their love of wisdom means love of deceit?
Is there a kind of wisdom in deceit?
Is their true motive comforting…survival at any cost, even the cost of intellectual integrity?
Has reality become so traumatic, to them, that this is the only objective they recognize as attainable?
Is their objective human parity, through universal submission to a collective, represented by an abstraction, like Will? Another way of describing the same god they believe they’ve overcome.