W i l l T h e R e a l G o d P l e a s e S t a n d U p ?
By John Christian
[ Extract from http://www.savinggod.com ]
Before you start to read the articles on this site, I mention “God” a lot in this site. I want to clarify what I mean by “God” since there are so many variations of meanings.
Church Days
I was raised heavily involved in the mainstream Christian Church. For those raised in similar environments, you would no doubt be aware of the many variants of the God figure that is preached from the pulpits. The Catholic God forgives when you give confession, the Baptist God forgives when you call on the name of Jesus. One God will love and accept you if you’re baptised and the other if you give 10% of your income to the institution. Even within the confines of the one basic religion of Christianity there are many faces of the one God indoctrinated into the minds of the loyal Sunday congregation.
Islamic Connection
My wife was born into a Turkish Family with strong Islamic influence. The Muslim religions are just as widespread and seemingly contradictory to each other as Christian denominations are. Even the Islamic icon Mohammed stressed that after he is gone the Muslim religion will separate into smaller sub-religions and that actually none of them will be the true Islamic religion.
Jewish Version
The Jewish religion talks of the God of the Law, a God who judges by the book and no margin for grace.
Please Stand Up!
So who is GOD really? Each religion will fight to the death that they have the correct interpretation of the Bible, Koran or Torah or whatever - so it doesn’t make for a healthy debating environment to attempt to discuss these matters between parties. I’ve been there. I was once in a conversation where a Christian friend of mine wanted to label my beliefs with name. Was I a Christian or since my marriage am I now a Muslim? I began to explain to him what I have come to believe after having the pleasure of getting to know the Islamic religion quite well as a result of my marriage. I mentioned to my friend that I didn’t believe there was any difference between the religions - there is only a difference in peoples egos. He said of course there is a difference – Christian’s worship the God of the New Testament, Islam worshipped the God of the Old Testament. I told him I didn’t know God thought - “Shit, I gotta change my religion, get baptised, repent and all that - 0 B.C. is coming quick…”. I’ve studied the 3 main religions in some depth. One the surface they are different, widespread like the base of a pyramid however as you get more mystical in each, they all meet at the apex of the pyramid to tell you one thing. God simply IS!.
Lets Get Down To It
Almost all these religions agree that God is everywhere and in everything. My personal belief is that everything we do, see, smell, hear, touch, feel, believe, create and everything in between are facets of the God that pervades every atom of the known universe and beyond.
What is a stark contradiction between the religious versions of God is that most religions agree that there is nowhere where God is not and yet still continue to make a seperation between God and the world – and most importantly – God and ourselves. There is no difference.
Every morning we wake, we are basking in the glory of God – God is the eternal energy that cannot be created or destroyed.
So now you know what I mean when I say God, its safe to read on. However, I would love to discuss any of this in the discussion forums.
T h e C r e a t i v e P o w e r
By John Christian
[ Extract from http://www.savinggod.com ]
As I have evolved in my path, one question has always begged an answer regardless of what beliefs I held at the time… That question is simply in regards to creation - “Why All This?â€.
Many Moons Ago
When I was in the Church scene, the question “Why?” took its form into something like:
“Why would God – who is perfect and all knowing – create a world where the inhabiants are sentenced to death from birth and a percentage of them will burn in hell, the lucky others wise enough to know their creator would spend eternity with God in eternal bliss?â€
It didn’t make sense. What kind of God needs such an egotisical boost? What kind of God who is capable of everything and anything feel the need to satisfy his ego in such a convoluted manner? It didn’t make sense. Then, as I moved away from Christianity to my own personal path, I had found an answer – at least if only a temporary one.
Good and Bad
The answer to my big “Why?” became
“If God was perfect, he needed imperfection, good and bad, black and white, to know himself.”
I was happy with the answer and I managed to get some good sleep after this if only for a little while.
Square One… Again
Then I came into the belief that good and bad didn’t really exist its only energy that exists - theory crushed again! For example – in some cultures its BAD to eat all the food on your plate when you’re invited for dinner, but in other cultures its GOOD when you do the exact same. So what is bad? What’s bad for me might not be bad for you and likewise with what is good. So what is bad and good? It’s only a energy coupled with how we perceive that energy. Therefore Good and Bad is an illusion, albeit, a very good one.
Back to the Drawing Board
So there is no good and bad – so my big “Why?†answer had become voided. After a number of other failed attempts I tried to understand the nature of God. If God is everywhere and in everything then I turned to everything for the answer as to why God decided to create this world in which we live.
Evolution of an Idea
Then a thought came to me that I first laughed at… however it started to make sense the more I thought of it…
To me, there was no perceivable reason why the God force would WANT to create this creation and others we are unaware of. If God was perfect, then there is no need to create a single human being - Let alone the Universe. If something is perfect then it lacks NOTHING. If you are perfectly content, you don’t even need to speak. The only reason you speak is because you are not content with your thoughts. Think about it, its true.
So, putting two and two together gives rise to a previously unheard of theory. God HAD to create this universe. There was an underlying need that had to be filled by the act of creation.
Creation Alarm Bells
Telling most people that God HAD to do something is ludicrous, which is why I laughed it off. God is the ultimate - what does he HAVE to do? And yet, here we are a seemingly perfect being which was not content with his thoughts - the result - CREATION!
And so? Why was God not content that he created life as we know it, I hear you ask?
The answers I believe are in creation. This is a world built for pro-creation and evolution. The World is a breeding playground. The world is a built for breeding. From the reprodution of cellular bodies, plants, animals and humans and the majesty of the cosmos. It’s the one facet of our world that is instinctual in every lifeform this planet (and most likely many others) has.
We humans are built magically for human reproduction. The intricacy of the human genetalia, the inbuilt need to pro-create and make babies and the wonderful design of the womb. But we are not alone. The plants live only to reproduce and the survial instinct of animals are for one thing – continuation of the species. Not only this but the networking between all degrees of life to help in one way or another to aid the reproduction process. For example the tree grows fruit to attract the birds to eat the fruit to survive and therefore reproduce and who then pass the seeds in their faeces which are then resoiled into the earth for reproduction of the original tree. The world is alive for one thing and one thing only – to reproduce.
Drawing a Conclusion
So does this innate character of the world give us some insight into the nature of its creator? If God is everything and if the one purpose of everything living is to create, and God HAD to create this creation - Then GOD MUST BE REPRODUCING! That is the reason for creation and that is the answer to my big “Why?†at the present time. There was a threat to the energy that we call God that called for creation which therefore allows that energy to be maintained.
Think about it… It will keep you up at night I am sure. It certainly also will create more questions…I am happy to discuss this theory in more detail in the discussion forums. Look for them on the left hand menu, at the bottom.
John Christian
SavingGod.com is looking for contributors. If your interested. Let me know