scale of happiness

Does anyone know a common test that measures happiness? I don’t want one that measures depression and I can only think of the beck… If you have one let me know please?

The shitty thing about studying psych is that everyone always focuses on the negative and disfunctional side… Now I have no working knowledge of how to measure pleasure :frowning:

People concentrate on the negative because thats where the usefullness of psychology is. In taking the people we consider abnormal and making them “better”. I think its a shame. If we had more information on what makes people happy, more people would surely be upbeat. But perhaps there is information out there. I just have not found any

Physical health is one sort of test. The happier a person is their health tends to be good, but, that also depends upon circumstance.

Pictures and hooking you up to a machine can give you some information, I tend to get EEG and EKG mixed up, which one is for the brain?

Either way, photos can stimulate the mind in positive and negative ways, I do know they have done tests along those lines they may have some online.

Something about music displays happiness too, humming whistling, singing. A happy human tends to make some sort of musical noise.

Your personality also is a test. Tense folks tend to be less happy or content , those that are relaxed are happier and more content.

I’d go for a test or quiz that’s affiliated with a magazine or psychology department, as they would be the more professionally-constructed ones… :slight_smile:

Happiness quiz

Happiness test

Yeah I was looking for a professionally constructed test that was validified and cheaply accessable. I should look through those anyway. Thanks

You can measure happiness, that is what this article says: … 785402.stm

Awesome… thanks

Any time. :smiley: :smiley:

What you are both looking for is the field of ‘positive psychology.’ This is a relatively new area that was founded in the last 15 years to address just these concerns! Positive Psychology recognises that solving negatives, such as depression and anxiety, while important, does not make a person happy by itself.

Positive Psychology is the study of how to make normal life more fulfilling. … fault.aspx