
Megalomania: from the Greek μέγας, and μανία…
Megas = large, great. Mania = state of obsession, characterized by inflated fantasies and excess energies. Hyperbolic desire: psychosis where mind behaves and thinks in a manner exceeding its own physical abilities; an increasing sense of grandiosity, unsupported by reality. Megalomania is a product of aristocratic narcissism.
In relation to semiotics this psychosis finds grandiosity in symbolic displays; words, objects, or attitudes, associated with a socioeconomic cultural ideals.
Magical word-power is intended to impress a desirable image upon those who are exposed to their symbolisms, triggering specific imagery of social, group, dominance, never supported by actions, deeds. Such displays usually express the essence of inversion characteristic of nihilism. An individual over-inflates what he/she feels most insecure about. The use of words is meant to avoid the high cost of actions, and their repetition is meant to imprint a desired effect into another’s mind. Some supportive feedback is possible if the psychotic chooses his audience carefully, viz., based on their impressionability, feebleness of mind, retardation; deficiency in individual energies attracted to any surge of external pathos; lostness, an incapacity to give itself direction; insecure and fragile egos seeking a compensating super-ego to empower themselves – emasculation, a natural female disposition to be attracted to what is superior.
Messianic Complex is a variant. Humility used as a ruse to cover an exaggerated, and unfulfilled ego. Another variant is the current “cult of individuality,” expressed as hypermasculinity. Emasculation compel individuals to compensate by hyperinflating their masculine status with displays, adopting social symbolisms, language, and commercial idolatry – a slave seeks in a singular God an association to compensate for its own impoverishment; symbols used to associate itself with an empowering idea/ideal.
In philosophy – as in politics, and the entertainment industry – it takes the form of being an iconic representative – a representation of a representation of a world-view; the embodiment of a theoretical idea/ideal.
World is indirectly engaged by using an idol as a proxy – self declaring itself the lens through which the idol’s brilliance is focused; prophet of a god; glorified hero of a King’s king.
In extreme cases the individual declares itself the very light being focused by the idol. The idol becomes an icon – divinity is degraded, becoming a prophet of the individual’s own sanctity – psychosis attaining an exalted apex.
A form of masculine psychosis, connected with the frenzy of sexual competition – the madness of lust/love; impulse to dominate – so as to achieve temporal longevity ([size=80]fitness[/size]) – is hyper-inflated when it has suffered a traumatizing deflation.

Course there are only limits that constrain, not that other way around, and for various reasons, til to Ischthus as well, the sources include the rescources by which, and the methods, do certainly de-marginalize such things as intentended formulations, questions which birder on limits of sub-conscious exposure through symbols that verge on security issues, familial as well as familial,( archaic coping mechanistic interpretations, etcetera,

They are real, non assumptive and beyond wild imaginative encumbrances, so let things not broken not needing a fix.

I know, what ill might say, same old story, but then all ways with some twist.

So back to what was doing.

Last call, oh of turn and grand I psittacosaurus, truism turned into daliesque rationale, and why not? Esse est percipii, to be is to perceived, even if one is an obilesque or a totem pole, one must have idols even literary ones in the works.

American Messianism
When an empire begins to decline and rot from the inside out, maggots appear to feed on the yet to be carrion; on the living corpse. Some of them spring wings and call themselves ‘butterflies,’ and nectar harvesting bees, but they are fly larvæ that have filled their gullets on decaying flesh, expelling nauseous gases – product of their processing gluttony – with self-gratified joy.
Vermin and scavengers rejoice when death and decay abounds. What name have we given to such creatures, other than prophets and Messiahs – harbingers of “good tidings”? From where do they come and where are they headed? From shit piles to cadavers, laying eggs, swelling on decay, attracting vermin and scavengers with their bee-like buzz. Do they not try to convince us of their honey-making? What do they speak of, these flies? What can we discern in their rhythmic flatulence and incessant white-noise? Codes of rebirth and rejuvenation, subtle hints of fertile days to come; the dead beast’s essence channelling through their masticating maws, fermenting in their pestilent abdomens.

Deeply rooted in Abrahamic nihilism, exposing identification with motherly impulses – feminine essence – that cannot but idolize and finally submit to the masculine.

A potential saviour has already taken for granted the innocence and victimization of those he wishes to protect and liberate from an indifferent and unjust world.
The feminine reproductive ideal defines the perfect, ideal, world – Utopia, Paradise; a world dominated by female energies – reprimanding, correcting, undesirable male behaviour. Within this feminine world the highest status for masculinity to aspire would be that of god’s earthly representative – god’s worldly penis, gathering emasculated males and females beneath an overshadowing divine paternal cock.

Messianic complex – applicable to genetic organizations, i.e., organisms, and memetic organizations, i.e., SuperOrganisms, ideologies, cultures, peoples etc.
Within sheltered compounds the messiah emerges to distinguish himself in an idealized uniformity; promising great rewards to those who follow by submitting.

Messianic Complex – Victim-hood
…asks, pleadingly, “Why do they reject me when I offer them salvation and eternal life, through the absolute?
Why do they casts stones at me, when I offer unconditional love, and omnipotence?
Why do they crucify me, when I come bearing the gift of omniscience?
They know not what they do. They do not comprehend what I am offering.”

A wannabe messiah has a motherly psychology: she forgives, accepts indiscriminately, loves with no restrictions, and teaches her children the mind of their divine husband/father, serving it unconditionally; she protects, nourishes, and comforts, bolstering her children with tales of their indubitable worthiness.
Such an emasculated spirit would speak with the conviction of a god – whose words he repeats – and the demeanour of a single mother raising her children alone.[size=80] [ MANifesto: Spirituality – Religion – Judaism][/size]
Effect: for a female child the effect of the aforementioned will be that of the young girl failing to find her ideal male – forever dissatisfied by real men, giving herself to their comparable inferiority. Spiritually dominated, her physical needs will be suppressed and denied, settling for scholarly types who can repeat scripture, shadowing their soul-mate.
A boy – unable to go through the ‘coming of age rites’ – will remain child-like, forever under the domination of a living father, representing the ideal but continuously failing to live-up to its unreal, unattainable example. A boy that will always identify with his mother; constantly fleeing the biological father’s presence, if he is present at all – a constant reminder of his own imperfections.

A secret desire to be a man, or to be perceived as possessing masculine attributes, as these traits and attributes have been understood and idealized by moderns/postmoderns, Americanized institutions.
Penis Envy is the caricaturing of masculinity (hypermasculinity) imposing upon modern females a false masculine type they can never fully identify with.
Woman are now acting as men that do not exist in nature but exist only within Americanized socioeconomic environments as caricatures performed by pop-art celebrity idols.

Females are infuriated by males that deny them the technological means to pretend to be males, viz., such as abortion and contraceptive technologies.
Their redirected anger is really against nature that damned them to carry out their specialized reproductive role. They dream of being freed from its burden.
Progress means promoting a Utopia with no natural identifiers, but only social identifiers. Sounds like Marxism, but is distinctly American.

We’ve been made aware of the Napoleonic & Messianic Complex; we’ve been made ashamed for our love of father & mother by the Œdipal Complex, but we have never heard of ‘Penis Envy Complex,’ and how it warps female psychology.
We’re quick to psychoanalyse male behaviour and cast it in a negative light – diagnosing naturally evolved behaviours as forms of psychosis – but nobody dares criticize female psychology because the feminine is the new standard of ‘normality.’ [size=80][ MANifesto: Feminization][/size]

We can perceive in Zionism signs of Stockholm Syndrome: Nazism the great abusive evil is indirectly admired by emulating many of its methods and spiritual superstitions. [size=80][ Doc: Hitler’s Monsters - A Supernatural History of the Third Reich — Kurlander, Eric] [/size]
Just as we can see it in how many Abrahamics have reacted to Nietzsche’s polemics.

Overcompensation for a concealed inferiority complex.
[size=80][ MANifesto: Specialization – Compensations - Overcompensation][/size]

The key phrase here is “cannot be backed up by reality”; entirely subjective; no objective validation.

An individual or collective ‘other’ remains the end and the means of evaluating and identifying oneself. [size=80][ MANifesto: Specialization – Compensations – Dependence][/size]

Inability to compensate for feelings of inferiority.

Dependence on others for one’s self-worth. [size=80][ MANifesto: Specialization – Compensations – Dependence][/size]
Specialization cultivates the desire to be validated by others. An individual’s ‘value’ being determined by a collective – usually a fraternity of peers (colleagues) belonging to the same specialization, or the same race and/or ethnicity.

Inferiority may cause resentment, seeking retribution and relief through an allegiance with the enemy of those exemplifying the root of the individual’s resentment.
Inferiority is evident in liberalism, expressed as an admiration for anything foreign and contrary to the individual’s own in-group – xenophilia concealing Oikophobia.

In the aforementioned Inferiority Complex, and Scruton’s coinage of the term Oikophobia, we find the symptoms of western man’s self-destructive, cultural suicidal policies, as well as the psychological underpinnings of liberalism and Marxism.

What of the shizoid manimal, that hasn’t fully evolved into a human?
Unable to contribute anything useful to the human sphere of interests it dedicates its life to shitting & pissing in every corner where humans congregate - like a malcontent pet that wants the master to pay attention to it and doesn’t know how, other than nipping at his heals or soiling his home.
A common theme among manimals, this inability to be noticed reverting to such crude methods to draw attention to themselves - like a child that hasn’t matured wetting its bed, or breaking stuff to receive parental attention.

Without intending it, a variance of Schizoid degeneracy - spiteful mutant - rejects free-will, to absolve itself and its parental heritage, of all culpability that would contradict the inflated image it has constructed for its ego, and simultaneously accuses another, e.g., world, system, humanity etc., of being responsible for what it has brought down upon itself.
the double-stadard protects the ego from self-awarness - contradicting the comforting image it has fabricated to protects its own ego from a corrective prick that will release all the hot air in a sudden burst of flatulence.
A shizoid conundrum that if exposed forces it to perform some impressive verbal acrobatics or retreat back to cynicism and dismissive humour.
Its mind is fractured & fragmented - compartmentalized - so as to apply one set of beliefs in one context and another in another context, without the two ever causing any distress in its psyche - no shame, no integrity, since both necessitate integrity and mental cohesion.
Compartmentalization also separates subjective emotionalism from objective rationalism, allowing the more primal former to usurp the more uncultivated latter.
This is clear in minds that deny any degree of their own will’s agency while remaining fanatical Abrahamics or Marxists, rebelling against what, precisely?
No that would require some degree of integrity.
Rebelling against individuals running a system which they claim have no agency?
Rebelling against god’s law, or natural law? The two are synonymous in such creatures - religious and secular nihilism.

We may speculate that the method is adopted for its win-win applictions. The individual absolves itself of all responsibility while, at the same time, projecting this responsibility on some nefarious or vague otherness - if not institutions then god, or comic order. This ‘evil exploitive’ authoritarian’ other, is given a name: Capitalist, Nazi, God, System, Institution, state and so on.
This entity is an agency with a choice, whereas the victim of its agency, does not. Its utility is as a scapegoat…soemone to blame for all the unforeseen negative consequences of its own judgments and choices.
Scapegoating is one of the benefits of Abrahamism and so few can ever let go of it.
This is the formula of eternal victimhood, ingrained in the psyche of recovering, or not, Abrahamics - theist and atheist alike, the basic psychological utility of Abraham’s one-god still remains, whichever name is given to it.
When discovered they may, reluctantly, conceded that nobody is responsible for anything, since nobody - according to their nihilistic world-view - has a choice, a will, free from cosmic order - necessity, and since nobody is ever at liberty to do anything contrary to what has been determined they are rebelling against what, exactly?
Fate…their ‘bad luck’, as they call it.
This fatalism may find relief through this self-referential logic that they are fated to rebel against fate itself - or against reality, the world and how it is; against god or universal order, as it has been renamed.
An anti-nature, anti-life, stance they cannot fully admit - because of the personal implications - and so they intuitively adopt cynical narcissism as their preferred defensive posture - the former laughing away at the paradox they’ve linguistically created - or adopted because such minds lack creativity - but cannot abandon. They deal with it with ideas concerning the world’s mysteriousness, or man’s ignorance. They do not abandon the world’s knowability, its order, but only man’s ability to make sense of it - an indirect way of admitting their own inability to rationalize their self-contradicting delusions.
The implication is that they may not be able to explain their double-stadnards - dismissing psychological subconscious motives - but someone at some future time will.
For the moment they remain steadfast in their faith that their own paradoxes will be clarified in some future time.
The future is key here, because nihilists - attracting all sorts of desperate degenerates - live in an imminent future utopianism. No past, but only a present and a positive future. the future must always remain positive, to counterbalance their negative present. Past is dismissed or selectively acknowledged.
They may be living in delusion and self-deceit now, but in the future their present self-deciet and delusions will be rationalized - discovered to be ahead of their time. And all this is also determined - fated.
It cannot be any other way.
This fantasy comforts them and empowers them to remain fixed in their methods of self-absolution, reconstructing Abrahamic good vs evil in updated ways so as to not be affected by Nietzsche’s’ critique of Christianity, that carries through to Islam and Judaism, but also Marxism and Postmodernism.
It helps them cope…until death makes their coping ends.

Upon what grounding do these amoral schizoids base their demand that we adopt their emotionally based thinking?
Can’t be in reference to objective reality, which they reject; can’t be on an ethical system, or a evolved moral impulse, which they also reject as another social fabrication expressing power; can’t be a willful, totalitarian, authoritarian agency, named god.
So, how are were to determine that Nazis are baddies, and all the rest of the subjective emoters, are not?

Why is Nazi, or exploitative Capitalist, or authoritarian Objectivist, even an insult, if all is determined and nothing could have ever been otherwise?
On what bases ought we to pay for Mary Land’s abortions, in a no god, no morality reality?

Who, here, has agency that can be changed by shaming them?

Are they bragging that they’ve been selected to know what nobody can ever know, or that they’ve been chosen to awaken humanity about its impotence?
Are these the true chosen ones that speak on behalf of cosmic determining order, that shall not be named ‘god’?
Have they been blessed to know something that can never be disproven in the future?

If I can never know what I do not know, does this negate what I do know?

If everything I think i know can be proven wrong then why know at all?
Is everything I know wrong because I do not know what I do not know, or because in the future it will all be proven wrong?
Then everything and nothing is justifiable.

How do we even have computers? Why are we even able to live?
What is the deciding factor?

If all is determined and life has no agency - no choice - then why evolve judgment at all?
How did judgment evolve?
Why did it evolve when it is fake?

Is natural selection debunked?
Who is ‘selecting’? What is being selected if all is already determined?
How and why did selecting even become available if it is illusory? Why did it evolve, along with judgement?

What does that leave us?
Creationism by any other name?
Recovering Abrahamics…
You gotta love them. The are trying. Desperately.
Ironically, the same judgment that lead them to Abrahamic and then Marxism and then Postmodernism,


I’m going to make this very simple to you and I want you to attempt to understand.

You’ve never been to hell.

You feel like you’re not one of the cool kids.

The irony is, the cool kids are trying not to let you see hell.

And you hate them.

You feel left out.

ALL of your posting is a child who had parents put plug protectors on electrical outlets so you couldn’t electricity yourself as an infant. And then get mad at them for not letting you be one of the cool kids.

The Jews believe their one-god, of multiplicities, is both good and evil, allowing them to justify anything they do as the will of god.
We can understand why these Jews swarmed to Nietzsche and his Beyond Good & Evil anti-Christianity.
Currently they’ve duped Christians into believing their Demiourgos is the same as the Christian benevolent god of love.

But let’s adopt the gullible Christian’s description of a benevolent, all-loving, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, absolute being.
If it is so, then all this suffering is part of its sadistic, masochistic nature…exposing it as the Jew god, after all.
And if he knows the outcome and still persists in allowing events to proceed uninterrupted, leading to more suffering, then its sadomasochism would be closer to Nazism.
If the Jew one-god enjoys suffering, for its own sake, then were the Nazi’s the real ‘chosen ones’? Were they divine agencies of divine will?

Do Zionists admire Nazis because they taught their fellow Orthodox Jews a lesson?
Had they strayed, and was Hitler the agency of the Jew-god’s vengeful corrective sado-masochism?
Is this why they emulate them?
Is this why Nietzsche was so seductive to them?

But…but…how could anything and anyone stray when god’s will is omnipotent and all-determining?
Ah…another ploy.
He chose both sides to increase the pain and suffering. He enjoyed it.
And if he enjoyed it, is he truly perfect?
To enjoy is to lack and have this lack fulfilled. To lack is to be imperfect.

A crock of horseshit it is.
But it isn’t gone, is it?
It survives under a different guise.
It lingers on, over the ages.
As long as there are spiteful mutants, and desperate degenerates, it will never die - it will live on, as if it were immortal.

Now that we’ve adopted the schizoid debunking of natural selection, and accepted the ‘fact’ that all is determined, making judgement and choice a superfluous inconsequential factor we must justify, let us proceed to unravel this sadomasochistic film that never ends, and constantly repeats.
Presumably, it is not pleasure but pain and suffering that is the core of existing, in such a reality.
So, pursuing pleasure would be a sin - anti god’s will. This is made clear in Abrahamic asceticism.
Suffering for its own sake, would be divine. It gives god pleasure…or it is what has been determined.
Jihadi martyrs rejoice.

Nothing is being selected, and the lie of choice is another way suffering increases.
Quite a sadistic twit this one-god is…or, such a masochistic state existence is, evolving life only because it can suffer, and by suffering fulfill its determinations.
Why else would we evolve the ‘illusion’ of will, when we have none?
Self-hate reaches its apex. We must resent ourselves for being nothing more than illusory agencies of pain and suffering…the entire cosmos centred around its experience.

See why these dimwits had to be given a Paradise - in some beyond - or a Utopia, in the forever imminent future?
Pleasure principle.
Carrot to the stick.

And now they are told they must will its continuous return.
The suffering never ends.
See why Buddhism developed this idea of not being born again?
Nihilism’s linguistic inversions lead to paradoxes that non-existence can hope to resolve.
They worship the nil…as I’ve said.
Self-gratifying lies are confronted with cosmic paradoxes.

This is why most are uninvested in anything beyond their lifetime, and are cynical to the bone.
Their narcissism is an exaltation of their awareness and acceptance of their own impotence…which they must pretend to want to relive eternally, proving that they are living their ideal life…the life that has been determined for them.
A slave feeling superior to other slaves because it is convinced there is no escape, and no world outside the fencing.
It laughs at those who still believe in freedom. It has accepted its lot…surrendered to its fate, and can only scream at those that have been lucky enough to have been aloted a better fate.
The chosen ones.

As I’ve repeated many times before…nihilism is linguistic.
Language is its root, and in language we should seek our release.

Words…and how they are defined - collectively, conventionally, or not - is the root of the problem.
It is where semiotic matrices begin to entangle our mind.

How to escape?
Back to basic.
Return words to their original utility of being mediators - connectors - between an ideal and the real - a thought and an action.
Place action before thought - inverting nihilism’s inversions.

When you’re fighting the demons in your head, you imagine them ferocious and formidable, but you still diminish them to a manageable level, so that they remain well within your power to vanquish them.

What is going on here?
ILPers independently aligning with the status quo.


How do ants and bees remain cohesive and behave in uniform ways, with no authority directing their every move?