Schizopost. 6: The Transyuggothic Philosophy of Horror.

From my perspective, the world has gone mad. The world has reaped what it sowed… lack of foresight/forethought much.

It has been mad for a very long time. What has happened recently is that smartphones replaced humans as the dominant species. Humans have now no responsibility whatsoever anymore, not for themselves nor for their world, and thus all that is left for them to experience of themselves is their own insanity.

Have you noticed how every blogging retard and ‘awesome person’ on youtube is now saying ‘this is insane’ ? Insane is the new inane.

I don’t know We very well, so I try not to speak on behalf of those with whom I have little familiarity. I know ‘I’ pretty well though, so I also know ‘You’.

That guy polishyouthgotipbanned needs to get banned. I don’t care about political disagreement or even aggressive disagreement, but the guy is just there trolling one post after another, filling up an entire page of my thread with something about rape and whatever else, I didn’t even bother reading past his first one. If you keep putting that shit in this thread I’m going to ask you to be removed from the forum, if you just go away I’ll leave it.

Does that mean that we are our data limit… when it runs out, we do too? hehe

I think it the younger generations to me, that are constantly filming content to upload to Insta or TikTok or blogs, or…

We’ve all taken a collective global breath, so now will we see clarity and a truer personal purpose and adjustments made? for this is what I’ve been thinking about, the last few weeks.