School and psychological activity

I’m about 90% sure this belongs in the Social Sciences section. The discrepancy is not due to an inability to categorize the topic, but my inability to completely understand it.

I think I am more psychologically active when not in school. Maybe what I am perceiving as ‘more’ psychologically active is just activity that is more personally meaningful. When I am in school, I often find myself spending a lot of thought-time (measured in gflops/sec^2) on formatting my thought process(es) to prepare myself for doing things I don’t really care to do. I’m not sure how else to describe that particular end goal. Social normality? I do know I do not like it (or maybe I just don’t understand it).

When I am not in school, a brief description of my thought activities might seem similar or even identical to those above; however, this is only because I lack the articulation and conversational organization to fully explain. I still attempt to adapt to social norms, but in a more understanding and less forceful way. Not in a way where I become whatever it is that I’m trying to describe, but in a way where I can accept it logically, I think.

Does the focus of learning for a career take away from developing an understanding of oneself (in a multitude of ways). I realize the discipline and such required promotes a degree of self-understanding, but I am referring to something else. Perhaps it is all the little things that add up to make a personality, a person. People tend to focus on end goals, the major steps required to reach the goal, and maybe a few levels deeper, but it seems like the core of it all is often ignored. The idea of endlessly asking why but to oneself in regard to one’s choices and actions.

I think much insight is to be had by applying the style of thinking learned in one field to another unrelated feild. For instance, I often think of my emotions in terms of calculus functions, and the concept of asymptotes has given me some insights.
So it could be that you feel like your more psychologically active outside of school, because you’re bringing novel modes of thought to bear on your everyday existence.

Good topic, butI think it should go in the Psychology forum. Moved.

I know where you’re coming from, and I agree completely. There are many applications to the cold, hard information gained through an education. I guess I’m talking more about the social conditioning involved with formal schooling. I’m not feeling very insightful at the moment (still waking up). Maybe later :slight_smile:

I believe i understand, and i’d like to say that i’m still at that same point of wanting to cultivate the self without interference of “school thought” I know i’m more psychologically active outside of school thought, because school is rather dull to be honest. Why study something that is unintersting over something that makes one voraciously hungry for more?

sounds like you need a break from the formal way of learning and paint, freewrite, or have a drink

I think for me, its not so much about the information being dull (some is, some isn’t). I think the direct relationship of the information with the social normalization makes it difficult for me to become as interested as I might otherwise. I end up doing the bare minimum a lot of the time. I think this is because I want to distance myself from the situation that requires me to ultimately become a person whose thoughts contradict actions. A hypocrite.