who hates school, who loves school…
I fucken hate school. Yes I used the word HATE.
who hates school, who loves school…
I fucken hate school. Yes I used the word HATE.
It’s got its ups and downs.
to me its got 5% ups and 95% downs.
What are the ups and why don’t you hate them too.
the ups would be meeting people, and causing mischief in class.
the downs are so many I don’t know where to begin,
you waste most of your early 20’s,
it often doesn’t even lead to money, if you want money, just study business, markets and investments, school is only good if you want to be qualified to work for someone else.
sit in classrooms while it is beautiful outside,
college is about memorization and regurgiation, not thinking.
and on and on and on.
the other good thing, is I sometimes play the harmonica in class and piss off my teacher. Yes, I am a junior high student mentality in college.
My highschool experience turned me into a manic depressive as a result to keeping myself from commiting suicide or going insane throught the last 2 years there, it was hellish…
I have’nt felt any hate recently though.
I like school about as much as I like life.
It’s all the same if you think about it.
life and school remains quite polar to me. You learn in school, but not things that make me happy or that I use much in life generally. You learn in life, what life is all about, at least for me.
At the risk of sounding cliche, I suppose my point was that school and life are similar in that they are both products of your own creation: you get out as much as you put in. Put another way, I wouldn’t say the tendency for fruitlessness is any more prevalent at school than anywhere else.
I think you might turn a corner, so to speak, once it sinks in that learning is about 25% up to your instructors and 75% your responsibility. It’s so easy to come from high school with a passive approach to education, hoping to simply learn by osmosis. Eventually you have to take ownership of your mind and really pursue learning actively.
I love school. School loves me. I get to criticize scientists in labs and force them to understand the thoeries behind thier experiments and the ethical implications of them.
That would be the downs of school for me. Immature students.
ha, life is short, immature is relative. Have fun!
Maturity is boredom and submisivness! I guess you like authority, going to school and then not even getting a good job after you are in debt. Trust me, you, like me are wasting your time. That is why I am just finishing up one class, getting my associates, and studying business and “actual” things that make money, not just qualify you to do buisy work for someone else.
Life is short, please don’t be mature!!! Have fun instead, and be happy!!!
As far as philosophy goes, I’ve learned 90, or at least been referred to what I know, in this site, and maybe like 10% by a cool professor.
Community college, as far as I can see, is 20% older people trying to further their current degree, 60% young people trying to show off/get hitched/kill time/do what their parents tell them, and 20% poor people trying to make due.
As far as the education goes for community colleges, you won’t graduate from it with any more knowledge than you should have had when you graduated high school.
As far as philosophy goes, I’ve learned 90, or at least been referred to what I know, in this site, and maybe like 10% by a cool professor.
Community college, as far as I can see, is 20% older people trying to further their current degree, 60% young people trying to show off/get hitched/kill time/do what their parents tell them, and 20% poor people trying to make due.
As far as the education goes for community colleges, you won’t graduate from it with any more knowledge than you should have had when you graduated high school.
I have also found ILP to be more of a spring of knowledge than formal US college. And ILP also allows more divergent ideas, creativity and thought.
School is awesome! It extends my childhood and delays my having to deal with the real world.
School for me is like fun time that I get paid for. I don’t have to interact with other students, only professors. I don’t have any actual scheduled classes, I just work with people in the philosophy department on ethics in research. As in what is and isn’t ethical for experimentation and publication. I actually do learn alot because I’m the only one there who isn’t a PhD. I know what you are saying about most students thought. Some people go to school for the wrong reasons. Unless you’re trying to get to a certain goal, you’re just wasting time. I’d rather the average undergraduate just take a job at mcdonalds. That way they wouldn’t be stealing all the good parking places on campus, and I’d have a better chance of having my food prepared properly. The average joe on campus may be useless for intelectual stimulation, but they most likely are smarter than the average fast food worker. They just have to find thier station in life.
School is awesome! It extends my childhood and delays my having to deal with the real world.
you have to deal with the real world sooner or later, you can extend your childhood into the real world as well.
The issue of being an “adult” differs in every culture. In the US I feel it is an excuse to be working drones.
If you enjoy it, hell yeah for you!!!
The hardest part of my job is justifying the fact that I get paid at all. Most of what I have to do is just to think about things and explain them at a later date. I do that for free all the time anyway. I could never be a working drone. I track my own hours, whether I get paid to be at home under the covers with my laptop, or in the library, or at a meeting or conference or reading in the park. They insist that I write down every hour that I work, and I almost feel guilty about the amount of time I get. I mean, if I’m totally stoned and reading some articles about a research project, it is right for me to make more money than it takes to buy the weed in the time it takes me to do the reading? Like when I’m at a bar on the patio with my computer, and I work for long enough to cover my tab and some more weed, is that wrong?