Schopenhauer is a Dick

You seem to equate holy with necessary, which is something I dont do.

Sex, regardless of your opinion about it, harnesses immense power, as the founding tale of our western world, the Iliad, indicates. The sex appeal of Briseis and Helena are at the root of this culture, whether you think of it as evil or as holy, or both.

My point, which you are excused for having missed as it is very arcane and not made anywhere else, is about this potential.

Yes, we are immortal souls. These souls have chosen to be on this earthly plane for a reason. Sex is part of this reason, as it governs the potential of this world.

No fixed. It doesn’t.

I’ve been offered sex by the Mother Earth itself.

How do I explain this simply?

When the Mother Earth wants sex with you, every woman who meets you wants to have sex with you.

I rejected the Mother Earth … why?

Because I know better.

I’m not this great woman hating man. Women have been some of my greatest inspirations.

I do however know my boundaries of stomping on the hearts of others while having the best times of my life.

I have bigger ideals than having any woman I want controlled by earth (and not even knowing it)

I’m in the existence game, not the earth game.

“Yes, we are immortal souls.” Really? Tell me more on this if it’s not too off topic.

sigh. I’ll explain it to you if he can’t.

Schopenhauer also was against human reproduction but he had a couple kids that died young.

Ec, I already know that we are immortal souls, but FC saying such a thing is new.

I agree with the above but the main thing with Scopenhauer was a weird kind of premonition of the coming of Freud.when he said of civilization and it’s discontents.

And what was this discontent all about? Was it the pressure that the Great Arcana was putting on liberated Victorian women in Vienna?

Or, was it their secret desire to kill the feminine guile’s intuition that female lib was counterproductive, and they rather strip and tease to elicit their own hidden parts, then to admixture it with ancient archytypes such as mixing romance with the kind of bromance that has ruined genteel attitudes.

Shoppe was prophetically induced into such idioms as kama sutra and kundalini, so he was not a lightweight. He also had an inkling, in spite of trying to balance out things via Kantian wish fulfillment, that a bravurian fellow
gently instigated to such modified suggestions, and go ahead full blast , even at the cost of never harming his vision , to set him straight by the mining of gold from under the river bed.

I think we can all agree that what really bothered Schopenhauer was that all the women were prudes. This did not sit well with him. And I think we can all agree that this is not a healthy attitude towards sex. Sex is a large part of a woman’s power, more so than for men and, in fact, that this is taboo itself constitutes proof of a millennial war against women.

Women cannot be said to have reawoken until it is natural for them to think of sex that way. Also, they should be flattered at the current state of affairs, as their power must have been very fearsome for such retaliation and oppression, and go forth confidently.

The current desexualization of woman which goes under the guise of feminism is the single greatest current threat to woman’s reclaiming of her power.

Chauvinist whore shaming at least is sexually charged.


Baby steps.

Do what makes you feel good baby, go on.

This is a subject so holy and immaculate that Ive not spoken of it in theoretical, philosophic terms. But yes.
I only believe this because Ive been granted entrance to what must have been temple of Tipharet of Briah or even of Atziluth, in my kabbalistic path working, when I was in my 20s. Ive not shared this publicly as it is not the sort of thing you want to normally share, but I sense now that it’s okay, two decades elapsed, and the context and time seem right. I wasn’t just granted access of course, I made my way in there with extreme force and concentration, but still, I was then granted access to something very few incarnate occultists seem to have experienced first hand.

In any case, there was no room for doubt. Visually speaking I entered an immaculate circular palace, around which the whole of time was formated in a ring of frozen lightning. But … well fuck it this is an impossible experience to describe. If you want to know more about how the system I work with works, watch my videos on the Tree of Life, link in my signature. I dont go into this experience either but I do describe being before, beyond time.

The experiences Ive had with the supernatural in general are innumerable, have been since my early 20s. These are things I dont consider to be part of philosophy, which is the Earth-game, all about creating meaning on Earth. But when I understood the inner workings of the will to power, the logic of valuing when I was 34, in that very split second I also understood that my experiences with gods were actually possible. Before that, I lived in a split mind, as much of the important things I had experienced were simply not understandable logically. I changed the entire core of logic.

But that doesnt warrant you denying that it governs this world. It just states that you reject this world.

that’s just sad.

Yes, no doubt. ‘female lib’ has been radically destructive of the seductive powers, and with that, of the liberty of the spirit that exists between the sexes, It has become extremely constrained, where even a small modicum of restraint is destructive of the whole dance that makes up this spirit, this joy that formerly existed in mankind and expressed in countless works of literature. One good example is the memoirs of Casanova. Not that Venice of those days may serve as a general example of all of western culture, it was of course one of its few true peaks, but still, the freedom of the spirit that emanates from it is obviously lost to us now. I wonder if we can win it back. Ive been thinking about this for a long time, mechanisms to somehow restore a form of natural pride to the sexes;

but most likely this will not take place in woman, but in man - perhaps philosophy, establishing it as the rule of Earth, is the only way to convince women to shrewd their abysmal contempt for men and thus for their own sexual role.

Is womens-lib not primarily a result of the weakening of man?
Of the fact that it became disgusting and boring to be subject to men, given that they had lost everything that made them the dominant sex?
The death of God, essentially.

Was he? I find that really hard to imagine. Do you have some texts about this?? He sounds like somehow who is very much sexually inept, his ideas about existence as being a drag, something you want to be rid of, his flaccid notion of nirvana as some kind of dissolution - all of it sounds very empty of tantric experience.

Id love to read of this.

This reclaiming of power was a project we once worked on until my damned love of weed got in the fucking way, with Jacks. Im still remorseful about that more than anything. We had some truly exalted strategy there. Still have some faint hope that I can reboot that project, consider Jacks a prelude. But, that was before the zombie apocalypse so I dont see how it can be managed at the same level of purity now. Maybe that joint ruined the destiny of mankind for ever. I said it myself the day after, the loss of all values. You sadistically said something like ‘ah, but the instinct for destruction is also an instinct’.

Anyway, at present there is both desexualization and consequently hypersexualization at play - the strategy would be the reduce the two to each other or something. Unleash a new breed of violence, aka nature.

No film can have any dignity after the zombie apocalypse, that is true. I didn’t even bother considering watching the Nolan flick.

I feel like I am the only one though that can appreciate and enjoy the atmosphere of war. It’s good. Fuck 'em.

Did laugh a few minutes at that I said that. I remember it. Maybe that’s why I still regret nothing.

Did realize that I am, nonetheless, watching this RZA flick. But it’s the abbot, he can get away with it I guess. Plus, it’s a chronicle of war (more than the soft atmosphere of the show suggests, but that doesn’t detract), so maybe that makes it suitable.

This savagery of yours is a true mark of philosophy.

Hey, I dont not enjoy the atmosphere of war.

But goddamn that material we shot with her in the dead house is the most sublime footage Ive ever seen. Its so sublime it will forever remain to itself, not part of anything. Greatest waste of the history of art. You know what Nietzsche constantly says about squandering.

Yeah, you gotta do it.

I still look it up sometimes. Beautiful film.

The red velvet.

Looking up the trailer, startled that he calls his production company Hulu.
This prompts me to de-unlist the Huluguns. I will do us both a courtesy and not link it here.

No regrets, eh?

Recently had a vision, asked of the Norns, of what my life would have been had I chosen her above the herb. Was pretty, upstate Quebec. Big car.
But there were other sorrows.

Upstate Quebec huh?

Jesus what is wrong with us.

Hulu is some Netflix type thing that existed before. I think he just chose a low-key option that would give him the money he needs.