The Scientific and Deist Assumption
The Enlightenment wiped out much of the reality of a supernatural world and Materialism essentially finished off the residue. The only existing reality then became the physical world of sense experience, reason and human consciousness. The world of make-believe or the supernatural simply became fairy-tale. A cynic of God might say that the belief in God is arbitrary because of a lack of facts. This is true only to the point as a belief in God is based on Faith and not facts, but this truth does not make a belief in the Material or Science any less illogical.
Kurt Gödel proved in his paper, “On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems†that logic as a means of coming up with final, incontrovertible answers is inadequate. He showed that logic cannot supply absolutely certain proof of even the most basic propositions of simple arithmetic. What would seem like a logically unarguable answer turned out every time to be based on an assumption which could be proved only by making a further assumption. Each time the process started over unremittingly—we assume that the assumption is correct, if and only if the assumed answer is what the first assumption intended to end with.
If human beings, like other matter, are confined by walls of space and time, then questions about life after death and God appear to be nonsensical. But how do we know that this space-time box confines us entirely? In order to maintain seriously that we are totally confined within a purely physical universe, a person must believe implicitly one of two things. One can decide that he or she knows all the facts of the Universe and that there is no shred of evidence on the contrary and this is obviously an absurdity. Or, one can assume that he or she knows the essential nature of the world itself (Kelsey, n.d.).
Since this cannot be demonstrated by logic, one can only maintain this truth by faith and assumption. It is ironic that this faith is the same type of faith that has come into question regarding a Theist’s faith in a higher power. If a person does not know the essential nature of the world or hold the knowledge of the universe, then it is impossible for that person to hold onto logic and science with anything other than faith.
Truth is based on assumption and expectation. We assume that what we have scientifically proven is true only because these things are indefinitely constant and expect that the end result will be as similar as possible to what we obtained on prior occasions i.e. two plus two will always equal four, unless at some point it equals three. It is the expectation that this equation will always equal four that we pronounce it true. This assumption is based in as much on faith as the assumption that God is true is based on this similar faith.
The burden of proof, regarding a higher power, is not left to the believer, but to the cynic in this instance. God exists until Science scours the entire universe, the supernatural universe and everything above and beyond and proves that there is no such higher power(s) that have influence over the natural laws of the universe. Science is then inadequate if it is unable to find the supernatural. Simply not believing is not longer acceptable.