Science can prove it?

science cannot give a proof for the existence of God. Nature is a so complicated and so ambiguous system as they cannot understand it and later prove that God exists. While to make, it seems to me that it is necessary to run to religion, it is the only means for the time being that approaches you of god.

Science can’t YET proove that God exists.

It’s like saying 8,000 years ago nothing else existed in the unverse other than the earth, the moon, and the sun because it all wasn’t proven to exist in that time.

And 8000 years ago, believing in black holes and galaxy clusters would have been unjustified and irrational.

I still don’t believe in black holes now.

Science is nothng more than the collective of knowledge.
It cannot give anything.

Science does not typically involve proofs, that’s mathematics. Science relies on evidence/observation.

There is no reasonable defintion of supernatural gods/godesses.
There is no reasonable hypothesis that describes their existence.
There is no evidence of such nonsensical things (and cannot be).

Something must exist, for there to be evidence of it’s existence. Why is that so hard to understand?

That’s what faith is for, belief WITHOUT evidence (or in spite of).

Science is about knowledge, not fiction. Fiction is about fiction. I enjoy fiction, and I enjoy science. But I do not intentionally confuse the two.


Science doesn’t try to prove anything. Good science does exactly the opposite. The methodology requires the constant testing of a hypothesis in an effort to disprove that hypothesis. Science doesn’t provide absolutes, only probabilities.

God is - isn’t is speculation without any ‘evidence’ other than what is manufactured in the human mind. The difference is that theism claims absolute knowing, while science admits that its’ knowing is conditional and subject to constant revision.