That would be because I was replying to someone who didn’t address the actual issue either. 
As I understand it, poverty is the result of economic forces and is not determined by genetics (insofar as no one is born with a genetic predisposition to be poor).
As for lazy folks, trust me I have known my share and many of them struck me as being worthless (not in the sense that their worth is determined by their wage, or lack thereof, but some of the ones I have known were two faced liars, hypocrites, etc). But I won’t generalize that to apply to everyone.
For example, children of worthless parents could very well be future Microsoft employee of the month material. But if we are just going to force them out into the streets to survive then they are going to get an education that is very much different from C++ programming (or whatever it is). The sort of education that makes fine, upstanding citizens like you and me not want to drive down certain streets during certain hours of the evening.
Give people nothing and you leave them no choice but to take something.
And it isn’t ransom. People give other people things all the time. You get hired to do a job for someone, somewhere is giving you the opportunity to work. You start your own business and hire your own employees, you are giving them the same aforementioned opportunity.
You call yourself a Libertarian, I assume then you think people should be able to fuck whoever they want to (the literal, in coitus kind of fucking ((damn me and my recent potty mouth))) Anyway, two worthless people meet across a vast ocean of faces. their eyes lock and soon so do their genitals. 9 months later out pops this little lump of love most Right to Lifers insist must be born.
This child is not responsible for its parents lazyness, yet it will suffer as a result. Such is the world we have made, where people can fuck whomever they can get drunk enough to agree with it and also the world that enables you and I to afford our computers, power supply, and the leisure time to visit ILP to debate such weighty subjects.
This world cannot give up on that child. Even if its parents prosper from its existence in such a way they they enjoy a significant free ride at our fiscal expense. Because, either in this world children are more important than the paper we print money on, or something is wrong with us as a species. And since we have already fought the most destructive war in history over whether or not only certain children of particular skin tone, creed, physical and mental capacity, etc get to live or die… I believe any arguments stating such are moot. (not that you would make such an argument Phaedrus, but I wonder about some of my fellow posters here sometimes).