Secret Affairs

What’s ironic about atheists or agnostics taking their committment to marriage seriously? :confused: Keeping one’s word and taking promises seriously is no more a religious idea than a secular idea.

If monogamy is a quaint, unnecessary concept, then why would you even want to know if your spouse is screwing around or not? If it doesn’t matter anyway? I think the fact is that while some people can engage in extramarital affairs with no emotional strings attached, the phsycology of sex dictates than in a great amount of cases the relationship will cease to be purely physical the longer it continues. I think there’s a lot of research that indicates, by and large, women become emotional towards a sex partner to a greater degree than men do.

Anyone thinking that they won’t jeapardize a marriage by cheating is either pretty naive or in a very unusual marriage.

I agree with you on this, however, if, as it is typical, vows are exchanged, one has a moral obligation to keep one’s word. This is regardless of whether the marriage occurs at a church, temple, courtroom, Las Vegas, or before a kid dressed as Goku while at a DragonBallZ convention.

If human beings are nothing more than social animals, the onus is still upon keeping one’s word. Otherwise, no society could function.

I don’t share those conditions, and place no importance on the “religous” in “religous vows”. Basically if someone is going to break their promise, if they cannot keep their word… if they are too afraid to tell their spouse to whom they gave their word then they should have thought long and hard before giving their word to start with.

Promises are not Olympic Decatholons. Also, the person who makes the promise, and that person alone, is ultimately responsible in choosing how they honor (or not) that promise.

Some people cannot keep their promises. Some people should not marry, make vows, or work in banks either.

Dear Bessy, (so glad we haven’t come to blows as it’s been nice writing that story with you… :wink: )

Your wish is my command - might I introduce you to my wife Madam…?

Lean closer to your monitor, for she comes closer, you may scent her - clean sweat and perfume (for it grows hot here, and sultry - even with the first flexing of Spring) - Look - look, you may see her amongst the shifting pixels… The long dark hair and high cheeks of the Khan’s lost breed, listen, soft velvet roughened by smoke, and pity me, poor translator, as I purloin rough meaning from barbarian song…

“Herkes, herkese aldatabılır: Anyone may betray anyone, çunku herkesin içinde istek vardır: for everyone contains/owns desire, kendine afet: forgive yourself, sizin tek hatta - kolay yolu seçmektir: your only mistake was to choose the easier path, zor yolun yerinde: instead of the hard path, dişerde bakmak, evliliğinizin içeri bakmaktan: to look outside of your marriage instead of in, kendin değerinizin ölçü bulmak için: to obtain a measure of your self-worth.”

She’s called Emine by the way, Turkish, and way cleverer than me when it comes to relationships… :smiley:

“If I had a nice pushover husband and I decided at some point that I wanted to have sex with someone else, I would want him to know - so that I could put the poor bastard through what I went through…”

Sorry Shyster, but I don’t believe you could build a marriage on such a compromised basis. Stop kidding yourself.

SHYSTER quote: “If I had a nice, easygoing husband who decided at some point he wanted to have sex with someone else, I would want to know. I would want to meet the woman and see her STD test results. My husband wouldn’t have to sneak about, we could just make an appointment that suited both our schedules for his tryst.Heck, I’d even have her over for dinner if she wanted. I’d know exactly where he was and who he was with, saving me the trouble of going through his wallet and Visa bills and wondering if I’m being paranoid.”

You are a better woman than I am if you could handle that sort of relationship. I think that is one of those ideas that sounds good on paper, but it would drive you to drink, and you would be making a list in your head of the comparisons between you. So would he. You are, after all, human.

Gate Control Theory: “Some people cannot keep their promises. Some people should not marry, make vows, or work in banks either.”

That is too simplistic of a view in my opinion though I do agree in a perfect world there would be “perfect” monogomy and people wouldn’t steal, lie or cheat. In a perfect world, Shy might be right where everyone gives everyone else permission to screw around all the while taking each other to dinner. On the other hand, I believe that it might be more realistic to admit that maybe, just maybe, NONE of us should be monogomous because maybe (just maybe) it’s virtually insane (for a lifetime that is!) Just a thought.

See? I want my husband to talk about me like Tabula talks about HIS wife. THAT, my friend, is what I had been looking for these last few years, damn it. (And what I had found in my friend) Keep up the good work with her Tabula! You are Da Man! :smiley:

Well, I have sold out quite a few things… made many a concession to live in the real world, but not something that is wholly within the power of one person to either keep or break. There are plenty of grey areas… but keeping your word? Come on now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and Tabula, your wife sounds like a keeper. :evilfun:

It was pretty simple really - and sex had nothing to do with it. Anyone out there REALLY have a rip-roaring-affair wanna talk? Why don’t you tell us why it WAS the right thing to do and how you justified doing it without feeling guilty. :unamused:

Okay, just came back from a neighbourhood party where I am usually the “go to” guy when it comes to making “risque” comments/jokes (or the running joke is that all the men and women blame ME when they say something inappropriate…), and have had quite a bit of booze. So, I’ll write now and not look back. I hope I’m coherent (I trust my anality will keep my typos to a minimum… :sunglasses: ).

Anyway, I “flirted” with several women there, while my wife was at the same party. She happens to be the most beautiful woman in the room wherever we go, so it’s not b/c I want to talk to a hottie…it’s just my nature…but nothing inappropriate–hell, I flirted with a couple of gay men that were there as well…just my style.

Anyway, just to clear up a few things: Tab, married a bit longer than you, but not sure how you define “middle age” (I’m in denial and expect to live to AT LEAST 80, so I’m not there yet… :wink: ). And the comment about “I keep telling myself that” referred to being happily married (I think). Of course, I have no illusions about marriage or myself. I am married to the most faithful, wonderful, loving, non-jealous, trusting woman around (doesn’t hurt that she also used to be a model/TV spokesperson). But she does drive me crazy at times just as I do her. And of course not all of the years or months or days have been “bliss.” And I’ve been attracted to MANY women…I’ve flirted with MANY MANY MANY women. I’ve “connected” with a few women…I’ve got to the point where I’ve had to have the “discussion” with a number of women. I’m sure there are some people who think my behaviour is inappropriate: I remember when I’d dance at my friend’s gigs, and people would be asking who I was–again, with all due modesty, I dance well–and his wife would say “oh, that’s ____…HE’S MARRIED!!!” It used to piss her off that I would act as carefree as I did b/c in fact she worried about HER husband…he’s as bad a flirt as I am, and she’s afraid that if I act that way, he will too…she’s afraid that he will go too far. My wife has no such concerns. I’ve shown her Emails students have sent me…she doesn’t worry b/c she trusts me…she thinks it’s cute (for the record, I try to answer their EMails as tactfully as possible and explain why I can’t do what they might want to do, as gently as possible so I don’t make them feel embarrassed or silly or whatever).

Anyway, the difference between me and a lot of other married men (especially psychologists) is that I don’t pretend that my feelings don’t exist. I don’t deny the sexual attraction or even emotional closeness I might feel for someone. I enjoy it. I relish it. I savour it. I let my ego inflate to crazy proportions. And then I let it go at that. And if it’s not that easy, I have “the discussion.” I am a very sexual being (look at my job…) and I have no problems enjoying the sexual pleasure I might get from being with a woman. But my sexual pleasure stops at contact (meaning that I don’t engage in the physical side).

I’ve been tempted many times to go the one extra step but don’t. I think about the consequences (personally, I don’t believe that most people can have sex without any strings attached–yes, it probably happens, but I don’t want to take that risk…). Marriage vows are merely societal conventions and I honestly don’t think THAT is what keeps me honest…of course it plays a part, but I could easily rationalize that away if I had to, so I use the “it’s going to bite me in the ass if I do anything wrong” defence and it works pretty well. My favourite scene in Pulp Fiction is Travolta’s bathroom scene–don’t think I haven’t had THAT convo with myself many times…and to date, I haven’t had to call my dealer to get his syringe ready…). But if that’s all that’s keeping me faithful, how could I be so hypocritical to chastize anyone else for succumbing to temptation, especially when most cultures actually CONDONE polygamy (polygyny, to be specific–one man, many women). I understand people’s feelings and temptations. I’ve had friends, family, patients/clients succumb. I’m not going to pretend to be above that b/c I believe it’s HUMAN NATURE. It’s our will or guilt or whatever that prevents us from acting on this. And just b/c I’ve chosen not to act on my feelings doesn’t mean that I am better than others who DO act…b/c that would mean I’m WORSE than those who can deny their true sexual and emotional feelings for others (again, I’ve yet to see ANY evidence or compelling reason to believe that once we’ve found “the one,” that we somehow lose our HUMAN NATURE and can suddenly shut off BASIC PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL feelings for others).

So I don’t deny those feelings. I just don’t act on them fully. And I also make sure that these feelings don’t detract from my relationship with my wife or kids. In fact, in one case they did. I didn’t notice it for a bit but as soon as I did, it was an eye opener to me and I vowed not to let it happen again. Hell, if anything, this forum is my worst sin when it comes to time away from family (I’m smart enough to set up my laptop in the heart of my house, so I’m always with my family and write whenever they are occupied with something else, or asleep, or not at home…I often write, stop, interact with my family, and go back to the comp when the time allows).

Anyway, I believe we are all sexual beings (sex is not just about the physical elements) and so that is why I am so liberal in my views. Oh, for the record, I was in a long-term relationship with a woman who was insanely jealous and thought I was cheating every second I was away from her. It was the most OPPRESSIVE time of my life and I vowed to NEVER allow myself to be in that sit’n again. So, if I fuck up and cheat on my wife, I would either lose her and maybe the kids, have her kill me (Not my choice, just her threat…:wink:), or stay in the relationship and allow her to impose the most strict rules on me, which I vowed would never happen again (but in this case, I would have to abide by them b/c it’s the only fair thing to do in order to re-gain her trust)…but I can’t accept that latter choice (nor the other two), so I have to make sure it doesn’t come to that. It’s not b/c some institution forced me to take a vow. It’s not b/c society says this or that (I rarely follow such rules). It’s not b/c I have somehow lost my libido. It’s not b/c I have this notion that we can love only one person at a time. It’s b/c I don’t like the consequences, pure and simple. I would like to say that it’s b/c I also respect and love my wife, but I don’t believe that in the heat of the moment that such notions will stop me–they don’t stop a heck of a lot of people, especially those who have the OPPORTUNITY to engage in such behaviours (hell, I’ve been there enough times to know that they wouldn’t have–to be perfectly honest, I have had that convo with myself and sometimes injected to my booze-addled brain (and blood-engorged mini-brain) the following: “Come on…you can still love your wife and fuck the hell out of this other woman…no one else will know…you can still be the perfect husband and father…it doesn’t mean you don’t love her or respect her…you’ve never let society tell you that this or that is right or wrong…LOOK AT this woman!!!” And I tried to counter with “Yes, she’s hot, but so is your wife…” but that doesn’t hold so much weight when the OTHER person is RIGHT THERE and your wife is not…but as soon as I switched to “okay, so you fuck her…you get your ego filled…now who’s to stop her from asking around and finding out where you live or your phone # etc…is your perception so great that you can GUARANTEE that she won’t fuck up your life, the life you’ve fought so hard to build? And can you GUARANTEE that you won’t catch an STD/STI off of her?” THESE arguments work extremely well for me).

Yes, I respect my wife. Yes, I love her. But I can’t guarantee myself that such feelings will stop me from acting on my RAW, ANIMAL LIBIDO (especially with enough alcohol etc. in me) in certain contexts. But focusing on the CONSEQUENCES, and convincing myself that I can’t trust a woman to fuck me and leave me, no strings attached, has worked so far. To me, this is the most honest way. Everyone is different. But that’s me and MY way. I think it’s honest and HUMAN.

Those are my thoughts and I feel a few repeated thoughts coming on, so I’ll end hear before I repeat myself too much…hmmm…better get that massage oil out…

Forgive me, but I think I am a better judge of what kind of marriage I’d be happy in than you are. I’ll choose my path, you choose your path. Peace and love to you,baby!


Tab, I took no offence at what you wrote and can understand where your inferences came from–I checked my past posts and found it:
“I’ve never regretted getting married (at least I keep telling myself that…).”

Not to look like a drunk who keeps repeating himself, but I think I will modify that quote above: I HAVE regretted getting married. Fortunately, I can’t say I REGRET getting married–big difference, with the former statement referring to temporary HONEST feelings.

As mentioned in the post above (there goes the drunken repeatedness…), my wife sometimes drives me crazy, and sometimes I WOULD like to be single…to be childless…hell, to be jobless or family-less…to be responsibility-less…but I have NEVER tried to deny or repress these feelings, otherwise they’d manifest themselves in some other way. Instead, I accept them, let them pass (they usually aren’t too long), and reflect on them and my other related thoughts and feelings. In my years of assessing and treating so many people, I have seen what denial and repression can do to people–I have the insight, ability and desire to prevent that from happening to myself.

BTW, despite everything I wrote in the previous post, I do not condone the HURT and PAIN and SUFFERING that people cause their spouses when they cheat (and/or get caught). I’m just not going to pretend that we are not animals who do not have certain NATURAL urges and feelings…

I guess I just have a really open-minded view of sex. It’s so funny, I’m in the small minority of women on ILP and I’m probably the most sexually liberated person here. Bizarre.

Are you men really so virtuous or should I think you doth protest too much?

Why does marriage have to involve 2 people anyways? It could be a pack of humans all interbreeding and sharing a living space, but somewhere along the line it was decided that 2 is the best number. I wonder if this was a result of evolution or religion.

It seems to me that it would make far more sense for people to live in packs.
We could share in the care of children,make better use of resources,have greater security(one falls ill, all share in helping them out, expecting the same in return) , etc…

Can any of you logically justify why humans should pair-bond? If so, I’ll stop being a lazy toad and set up a proper argument (fallacy-free!) to defend my position(which I will also define should I be engaged in a debate). Sloth, thy name is Shy… :laughing:

Whoa whoa whoa, Shy! YOU are the most sexually liberal ILP member? I think NOT. That title belongs to ME (I’d be willing to share it with you, I guess…).

I’m with you all the way in your thoughts, as you can see by my postings (your slight ranks alongside “Is it in?”… :smiley: ).

The ONLY reason I DON’T engage in extra-dyadix sex is that my wife is not as sexually liberal as I am.

I don’t see why anyone can’t get their freak on and not keep their word (a triple negative… go me). It isn’t that one necessairly excludes the other. Seriously though, what use would you have for any man you could not trust?

:laughing: You’re hilarious, man! If you ever want to send me some comedy material to try out,please,please do.

Well, I DO have a sticker on my bedroom mirrors (on the ceiling and floor, natch… :smiley:) that reads: objects in mirror are larger than they appear…

Hello? Is this thing on? :blush:

[as alcohol starts to wear off: waitascecond! I think shy just dissed me again… :imp: :wink: ]

I’m serious…I still like to take to the stage every now and again. Come on, life observations,jokes…it will just be wasted otherwise.

Why is is that every time a man discusses jealousy about his wife he has to add, “well, MY wife is gorgeous… blah,blah,blah.” I mean what the hell does a gorgeous woman with a great body have to do with real sex anyway? I know, I know - men are visual, but she could be the most stunning-looking bitch, hate sex, and ruin your fucking life with her pettiness and, of course, her stellar body. People with fat bodies, little dicks, nasty pockmarked faces, and bad hair-dos have very good sex every day. I think it is irrevevant in this conversation, but you (psyque) keep needing to remind us of your wife’s lovely status as a woman. Does this make us respect her more? Respect YOU more?. I just don’t get that. I, too, use to model to make money in college, but I don’t feel the need to tell you that my husband and I are a sizzling couple and I am some kind of faaaabulous babe-ette. Actually, my friends die over my husband and his nice cars and 6 figure salary, and ( I’m repeating myself) the guy who does it for me ISN’T the typical hunk-of-a-guy my husband is) Sorry psyque, but it seems petty to me. It seems as though jealousy wouldn’t “count” if she were a dog. Arff-arff buddy… Sorry. :unamused:

Also, I don’t think all the flirting that you are talking about is all that productive… given what happened to me. Who knows? You might have one of your “down” periods with your wifey, and boom - one of these flirtatious mommas ends up in the back of your car with her legs in the air. At my low point, I was downright begging for it (“Fool-o’-Myself Forum”) and this too could happen to you if you are REALLY lucky. Ya better be careful with all your free-flirting psyque because relationships are built like that before you can blink your winking eye.

As far as sexually free, we don’t have to take a survey here, but I am proud to be conservative when it comes to screwing around. I don’t. I never have - I love sex, but it has to be meaningful in a relationship (for me) and much of that could be my generation. (of course I went to high school in the 60’s and WE started the sexual revolution, and WE couldn’t get enough of it.) I just have found that I feel better about myself when it is a person I am in a relationship with - and, No, I have never cheated on my husband. And, No, I don’t plan on it now - but I may come back in my next life as Shyster. Commune living and sex with strangers does sound fun, except for the good times sharing hepitites and gonorrhea… not to mention fucking DEATH. Yummy!


Can any of you logically justify why humans should pair-bond? If so, I’ll stop being a lazy toad and set up a proper argument (fallacy-free!) to defend my position(which I will also define should I be engaged in a debate).

Children need parents, not packs o’ parents. I do like the “free” concept in a couples only culture, but in modern society those communities usually involve being headed up by a “Manson-is god” middle-aged loser, a bunch of dysfunctional insecure young women looking for a father to fuck, and stray men lookin’ for a good time and/or gonorrhea, not to mention flower children with little or no direction or morals. Shy, you might want to consider having life grow inside you and hold your beautiful child in your arms before you consider wanting to subject him to your communal love-haven. Utopia be damned, give me the fuckin’ suburbs!

Call me crazy, but your own child may make you change your mind. Trust me on this one.

[stardate, log 4565 (or whatever Kirk used to say…)]

Wake up hung over, kids running around screaming, wanting me to play with them…I do, and as they now play by themselves, I check out ILP and read Bessy’s post…interesting.

Well, let me give you my response, Bessy. Although I sometimes refer to stats or studies etc. to refer to what “the average” person does, this time I’m writing about MY experiences/thoughts etc. only, and unlike many who write on such forums, I don’t mistakenly believe that my way of seeing/doing things is the norm or shared by anyone else (though I’m sure some people might).

Remember the previous thread you started, Bessy? Either you or Vort asked me why I’m so caught up on the physical side of affairs. I can find a physically unattractive person fascinating, charming, intelligent, etc., and I would probably even flirt with her, just b/c that’s my style. But I would not ever consider having any sort of affair with her. I could become very good friends with her but I wouldn’t ever consider an affair. To me, friends are friends, lovers are lovers, wives are wives, fuck friends are fuck friends, one-nighters are one-nighters, etc. (though sometimes in the past I would hope to change the nature of one or more of these relationships). Why would I want to fuck her? Why would I need to consider leaving my wife for her? If I’m not physically attracted to her, why can I not just be FRIENDS? Now, if I’m not getting friendship from my wife, maybe I would consider spending more and more time with this woman to fulfill that need–but in my case, that is not so. If she filled my ego like my wife did not, maybe I would spend more and more time with her to fulfill that need–but in my case, that is not so.

I’ll have to admit that ILP DOES fulfill part of my relationship that may be lacking (certain types of intellectual stimulation). But I’d much rather spend some time online than in a personal relationship getting this need fulfilled, where the risks of falling to the other side might be too great–in fact, yeras ago this DID happen sometimes and I had to be honest with myself and admit what was happening, otherwise I could have rationalized my actions and motivations and then get into trouble. But, it only happened with phyiscally attractive women, so, I also had to be honest with myself about what was going on: i.e., I never felt compelled to spend excess time with physically unattractive but very intelligent women–I met them, spoke, perhaps began to form a friendship, and that was it…nothing excessive or weird at all…but with the physically attractive, highly intelligent (and funny etc) women, I did feel compelled–so I had to draw a line between where I “platonically” enjoyed the no-contact sexual pleasure of being with such sexy, funny, smart women who dug me (on whatever level), and where I actually sought such pleasures (i.e., enjoying time with such women when the situation arose–at work, university, parties, etc–was one thing, but wanting to call them up and go out was another…and it took me a some time to admit that to myself…after I did, I stopped doing such things and really cut myself off from many of the people I used to know–b/c I was honest about my motivation.

And let’s look at the teaching part: Do you know how many of my colleagues are physically unattractive and, quite frankly, have no personality whatsoever? But of course there’s the “crush on professor” phenomenon that many of us enjoy, and in THEIR cases, they fail to admit or recognize that it’s the CONTEXT and not THEM that attracts the students. So, when these professors (male or female), who had NEVER (or rarely) attracted the attention of “beautiful people,” are faced with phyiscally attractive, younger students who want to “learn from” their “expertise” (read, fuck their brains out), why do you think so many succumb? Bessy, YOU might not be tempted by phyiscal pleasures or attributes of others, but that does not mean that MANY others don’t too. I’m sure you’ve seen such things, and I have…MANY times. That is, just like you had certain needs fulfilled by that other man (and wanted other certain needs fulfilled), one need that many people seek to have fulfilled is the fantasy or reality of having a phyiscally attractive person find THEM attractive. If you don’t think this is true for MANY people, then we are living in different planets (remember, regardless of what is considered physically attractive (since our standards/criteria change quite often and vary from culture to culture), most people acknowledge that physical attraction is an important part of intimate relationships…and we can ask my evolutionary colleagues for a biololgical explanation for this if we would like…). I mention the beauty of my wife b/c that is one area where I do NOT need my needs fulfilled. I am NOT one of those people who longs for the attention of attractive women b/c I never had that before or don’t have that now. That is not my gig. BUT, I DO enjoy being in the presence of such people and I DO still get an ego boost when it happens (but not from my students, given the reasons mentioned above); though, as mentioned in the “intelligence” thread, if the most beautiful woman in the world (well, second most beautiful, after my wife… :unamused: ) is a total bitch, I’ll have nothing to say to her (actually, I usually talk with her for a few minutes if I’m with an intelligent friend who will get the subtle insults I throw her way, which she doesn’t get…I know…petty…but it can be amusing… :unamused: ). That’s me…

And it’s interesting what we place importance on, Bessy. I don’t want to get Freudian nor “turn the tables,” but there’s a reason we write what we write or refer to what we refer to. You mentioned your husband’s salary and car. Yes, you were just making a point, but of all the points you could have made, you chose those ones (along with looks, but that’s a response to my mentioning of such things, of course). Personally, I’ve never been impressed by how much money someone has (aside from one period in my life many, many years ago–a period I think was my most pathetic ever…I am extremely embarrassed about having been caught up in that…my only excuse was that I was quite young, was in a foreign context, and was pretty messed up and lacked any type of insight or self-honesty (and I was pretty low on the self-respect scale as well, not to mention the “respect others” scale)), or what kind of car they drive, etc. Anyway, the point of my referring to this is that you went off about ABC, then referred to XYZ out of the blue, which somebody could then use to turn around and say “Why do people have to place so much priority about XYZ???” In other words, I feel you are being very judgmental and seeing things from a very narrow, limited, perspective, Bessy.

Your questions are valid, of course. It’s the anger and hostility and resentment with which you wrote such questions and responses that compelled me to write back. I hope you don’t think THIS message is angry or defensive or rude or anything else. I’m just writing from my perspective and trying not to be judgmental (aside, perhaps, from my comment on your being judgmental…but I don’t know how else to express that).

And again, please don’t think I’m hiding behind a cloak of Freudian proportions or trying to take any heat off of myself by re-directing toward you, Bessy, but when people resond so strongly as they do, there is a reason for that–usually underlying unresolved issues. That is not a judgment but clinical “fact.” And that is why I am not judgmental about others’ sexuality–I don’t have unresolved issues there, so I don’t get something triggered that makes me respond in a certain way. I mean, think about how some people responded to your editing before, Bessy. Some people wrote nothing, others were understanding, and others went medieval on your ass. There’s a reason that different people react differently. And I think the same thing happened here.

Speaking of which, I guess my insistent reference to my wife’s beauty represents my own issues (though I think they are not unresolved). That is, although I was a very cute baby/kid, my tween/early teen years were of the VERY “awkward” variety and that had a HUGE impact on my self-esteem. Not until my mid-later teens did I come back into my own, but those few awkward years did have an effect. And, as not-bad looking as I am, and of the many beautiful women I’ve been with, I am not exaggerating when I say that each time people found out I was dating/engaged to my to-be wife, they were wondering how much money I must have (or something to that effect). That is, even my FRIENDS thought I was out of my league with her (physically, at least), so my wife’s beauty has played an important role in our relationship. However, fortunately, my wife has solid morals and is the most loving, generous person I could have hoped to marry, otherwise I wouldn’t have made such a commitment. And, again, b/c MOST people put quite some import on the physical aspects of people, I raise her beauty to explain why SHE is not jealous when she sees me talking with other people…at least on that level, she knows (and I tell her) that I wouldn’t be tempted to cheat for THAT reason.

Heck, Bessy, I think even YOU mentioned that the other man told you how beautiful you were, something your husband didn’t do enough (I’m pretty sure you wrote that), and this was one of the things that helped tempt you. So, such a reaction formation against referring to or placing importance on beauty, as you demonstrated in your previous message, seems odd to me (again, please re-read your post and see how your words came across–I’m not being judgmental, just trying to let you know how I perceived your message).

Okay, I think I’ve beaten the point into the ground. If I’ve missed something or haven’t expressed myself properly, please let me know (I have written this in bits and pieces, as I’ve been playing with my family throughout the day…).

Oops…Need to Edit:

And, again, b/c MOST people put quite some import on the physical aspects of people, I raise her beauty to explain why SHE is not jealous when she sees me talking with other people…at least on that level, she knows (and I tell her) that I wouldn’t be tempted to cheat for THAT reason.

SHOULD have read:

And, again, b/c MOST people put quite some import on the physical aspects of people, I raise her beauty to explain why SHE is not jealous when she sees me talking with other people…at least on that level, she knows she has nothing to fear about my meeting someone more beautiful than she is (and I often tell her that she is the most beautiful woman in the world). I thus wouldn’t be tempted to cheat for THAT reason.

(I realized that my poor/distracted editing before made it look as if I often told my wife "don’t worry, I won’t cheat on you b/c you’re beautiful… :unamused: )

BTW, one of the things that attracted me to my wife at first was that, despite her stunning beauty, she was so down to earth. She had no pretentions. She couldn’t be a snob if she tried. She could let out a huge belly laugh, act silly, etc. She worked her ass off (before we got married, she was working three different jobs to help pay/prepare for our wedding and future. Sadly, in our society, we don’t often expect such attributes in the “truly beautiful people,” so it’s such a pleasant surprise when we find that. Sad and petty and unfair in many cases? Yes, but that’s what a lot of us are conditioned to expect (that is, the lack of said down to earth qualities in the “beautiful people”). If you think I’m off base, then again, please let me know. But what I’m writing about here has been presented or written about or alluded to by so many people in our society that I don’t think it’s just me…

Finally, I should also mention that my wife trusts me on many other levels, and I must be doing something write on the love and emotional bonding and trust-building side that she lets me stay out VERY late when I sometimes do, without worrying that I might fuck around on her. She and I HAVE had this discussion, and I clearly said to her “If you even THINK .01% that I might be doing something wrong when I go out, please tell me and I won’t ever stay out late or will do whatever you want me to do to re-gain your trust.” Each time she has clearly stated that she does NOT have such fears (followed with “And if you ever DID cheat on me, I’d kill you”…fair enough…).