I’m going to add Monotheism because it often function as the backbone of denial behavior.
By monotheism, I’m talking about the idea that there is only one god, and that god happen to be the god these guy worship. 
I think monotheism represent extreme case of narrowed vision.
I guess it was developed in the environment where many gods were competing to get more customers.
And instead of promoting one god as a better god, some people started to “deny” the existence of other gods and promoted their god as The GOD.
This is convenient because they could avoid comparison to other gods (in their mind since other gods don’t even exist).
On the earth, when we talk about monotheism, it’s mainly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And it’s often used in the context of some sort of “unity” of religions and also “superiority” over other form of religious beliefs like pantheism, animism, (and maybe atheism ).
The idea of “unity” sounds nice and beautiful, but I tend to see something similar with multi-culturalism. I mean, in some countries, I think multi-culuralism has been promoted by Jewish people to reduce prejudices and hate against them.
Similarly, by promoting the idea of monotheism as something noble, Christians and Muslims may gather and get along with Jews who claim to be the inventor (and thus the leader) of monotheism.
So, the idea of “unity” can be coming from the fear of loneliness and prosecution, and the idea of “superiority” can be the result of inferiority complex caused by the victim mentality (with the recognition of victim = weak).
The idea of monotheism is somewhat similar to absolute monarchy.
All power is supposed to be owned by the all-mighty god.
But evidently, god guy is either lazy or not so all-mighty that there are angels and holy spirits and holy people doing lots of job.
And if god is omnipresent, then it may mean EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE is god.
I mean, we are god and we are eating god, shit is god, we breath and swaet god. It can be a bit similar to the idea of pantheism, to me.
Aside from many potential logical contradictions, acting as the extreme from of “elitism (chosen people syndrome)” and “victim mentality” (because it’s Jewish … they can’t help it, I think monotheism has relatively strong contaminating power as far as mental attitude is concerned.
It’s a crystallized form of denial behaviors that causes insensitivity to others through walls of denials.
Although most of monotheists are pacific and not violent on the surface, I think there are things opposite of what they pretend, underneath.
On top of these, they are generally bad thinkers because they are so immersed in associative thinking by quoting scripture or their holly books.
Their brain work as if it’s a bible search data base.
Yeah, it can be useful IF you wanted to get bible data without googling. 
But it’s pretty much useless for people not interested in quoting parrot of old heavily edited potentially badly translated “holy” book which is full of killing, cheating, etc.
And they can deny anything by evoking their god, since god is everything and anything and can be/do anything. Very convenient. Too convenient that monotheist may abuse it to the point their ability in thinking would be severely limited.
If you are a monotheist reading this, are you denying these?