self portrait of my father

Ooh… I really like this, Boss. It has a Chinese feel to it… very dramatic and thought provoking. Very nice :smiley:

What medium/application did you use?


beautiful work… what inspired the title?


I sketched it on paper then used photoshop.

creation imperfect,

The title was inspired by the connection I feel with my father. We are not exactly close, more of a mutual respect sort of thing. He is an accountant living in a fluid world, a man of numbers in a constantly evolving universe.

We have never spoken about anything more than the weather or a ball game. But it is good.

that honestly looks like my dads personality too.

its really cool. I like it a lot.


Thanks. I particularly like the mountain texture and grades. They look like they were originally coloured areas then desaturated but that’s the way some filters look too.

(You don’t have to answer me. I’m just thinking aloud)
