Selfish low level devotion
It is very clear that the human being can worship God only to cross difficulties and attain selfish pleasure (Maanushananda) and if possible to attain the bliss of God (Brahmananda). The difficulties may belong to this world or the upper hell but the philosophy is one and the same. In such case, how to keep the human being constantly in the devotion of God, which is certainly means only and not the end? Even in such low type of devotion, people forget God as soon as the problems get solved. For a few days they may remember God with gratefulness but very shortly they forget God. People will remember the problems of the past forever provided there is a possibility of claiming the credit for their effort. This means people will remember the difficulties in the past and explain the scenes with lot of interest to others continuously till their date of death provided there is a possibility of mentioning their own capabilities as the means for crossing such difficulties. Therefore, the past difficulties are of no use to keep the human being in the devotion constantly because God has to be praised and not the self.
Hanuman never told that He jumped over the sea by a single long jump to project his own capability. Even if some body mentioned about that incident, He would say that He jumped over the sea with the grace of God only. But if you replace Hanuman by an ordinary human being, what will happen? For some days he will say that he jumped over the sea by the grace of Rama. But slowly, as the time passes on, he will be saying that he jumped over the sea by a single jump. You can see such egoistic attitude in the conversations of even old people who always try to project their capabilities expressed in their past life incidents.