serious rambling

The clouds in the sky - speckless vast desert…
The trees in their wigs look peaceful, look skyward…
Someone points the index finger at God in the air…

Autum is dereliction…

Note toward utopia: Peace spreads only after the toast has burned!

A banana shared is a banana peeled…

the stink of stale smoke and beer and a whiff of hash
on a reckless Friday morning-afternoon!
Who was that old man I rambled on with
for drunk hours disgusting
the benefits of actual suffering
midst burps of beer gas and through
guitar songs of cliche…he was a wise old mensch!

if there is blood on the toliet paper
after you have wiped your ass!
this can be a sign of bowel cancer,
anal fissure, or at the very least, poor diet…

Imagine baring your ass and allowing the Doctor
to stare into the Void of your Anus
a marriage between gaze and ass whole!
Beatific comedy! Tragi-farce! The buttock
of pure death and blood spill - bare all!

Where’s the rhyme…? Where’s the reason…?
Cheer up mate - 'Tiz the season…

it’s prose ramble…artless diatribe…