Sex, prostitution, robots and relationships.

I never knew that that was a view-point only reserved for Goths… it’s a view I acquired since a child, but it’s not static… it comes and goes, but I’m not sure dependent on what.


The only two things Goth about me were my make-up and penchant for dark clothes in interesting textures and fabrics, so my world-view is all my own and not borne of any one tribe or ideology… I’d probably blame it on my tortured-Artist days, when my wardrobe mainly consisted of red or dark lipstick, navy dungarees or Levi’s, and Travel Fox or DMs… and not a Goth outfit in sight, although… I’d definitely say I have the temperament for it/for the Gothic, which does show up in my appearance every now and again, in phases… like the moon.

I’m still waiting for humanity to outgrow its bad habits and should-be-obsolete needs… I reckon that will still be a long while off.