It all depends on the girl of course. There are other ways to get laid of course, booze being one of them, or just hang around really sexual girls. I just have found this to work for me most of the time.
Ok, about the mom telling you thing. I’m going to sound like forest gump, and that’s fine. My mom actually did tell me once, “that a woman can stand almost anything in life, but she can’t stand not being loved.”
Man, I think that woman love, no, -need-(if they’re used to it) sex even more then men do. The key word here, which doesn’t even appear until now, is ‘when’.
By this I mean that guys always want sex, it never shuts off, ever. Except for about 2 minutes after sex. But it’s always pretty much constant, at least for me. If a potential situation with a girl doesn’t work out, no biggie, jack it to Internet porn and go to sleep. I’ve never been in dire straights where I just went downtown and picked up the first war-pig I could find.
Women I find, are a bit different. Most of the time the desire isn’t all that concrete, but when it comes, it comes (or rather, doesn’t =D>). I lived with 3 girls for 2 years, along with 2 other guys, and some nights they would simply declare, quite simply “I -have- to get fucked tonight” it was sort of funny really.
If you’ve ever wanted to feel true power, men – turn down a woman (preferably the girlfriend/wife) when she really wants to have a go at it. It’s hard I know, and it’s not like you have to follow through… but watching them squirm is oh so funny.
As for the OP:
Never go on dates unless you think it’s ‘the one’. They’re a waste of time and money, and worry. If you want to get laid just go downtown and pick up some girl. If you go to the right place…( you know which one) every girl that is there wants to get laid, it’s just a matter of whether you’re the right guy or not.