
The shadow is no joke.

I’ve never laid a fucking finger on someone in my life.

Always thought I was a really good person.

I had TONS of emotional power! And I directed all of it to destroying existence forever!

Turns out, that can’t be done! But the fallout from that passion was MUCH worse than laying a finger on someone! I almost really fucked shit up massively!

The shadow side is no joke.

Thank you for your illustrative self-disclosure. It shows that when we become aware of our shadow side we can choose to stop inflicting it on others.


Your reply to Karpel is true.

I would add this caveat! It’s almost impossible to know what the shadow is!!!

Now I spend lots of time saving the ‘darkest’ souls who think they are ‘light’. I’ve been there! Hopefully I can get through to them.

I know what it’s like to call upon all the good gods and suffer even worse than before. Eventually, everything becomes inverted … you think good is bad and bad is good! In the spirit world I’m a very good PEER councilor.

Right! Learn to love the flip!

or start to ‘inflict it’. Sometimes that’s necessary also. sometimes we push healthy , just , appropriate responses into the pit.

"And I directed all of it to destroying existence forever!

Turns out, that can’t be done!"

I have a question. At what point when you were doing whatever it is one does when one decides to begin destroying existence, did you suddenly stop and say ‘shit, I dont think existence can be destroyed’?

Like what was it that happened that made you pretty much give up on destroying existence?

I ask because I have a couple friends who are also thinking about destroying existence, and the other day I wuz like ‘you know I dont really think you should do that. That’s like the most uncool thing you could ever do… destroy existence.’

That’s a great question promethean!

So, right now I’m drunk as fuck!

Here’s the deal. When you try to destroy every soul, the hell is really extreme…!let me explain this to you!

You bring all the souls to a dimension where they cannot Know anything but a space where they only feel pain but they don’t know why!

This hell sucks because you eventually lose all your memories and only suffer.

Shit! I’m too drunk to make this message!

And now I’m more than sober! That small message took me 10 minutes to type because I couldn’t hit the fucking letters!

So here’s how it works when you try to destroy existence. You are a dark blob in infinitely dark space. You pulsate with pain/agony. And because there’s no stimulus forever, your memories eventually fade.

All you are (and all the people you took there) is just a dark blob that only feels pain / agony.

Actually, this hell doesn’t last forever… but that is the ‘destroying existence hell’

What ends up happening is that a spirit will eventually scoop up all those trillions of souls and start retraining them. Since it can’t detect your memories (because you now have none) it can’t resurrect you!

Tell your friends this!

That reminds me of a meditation.
Close your eyes, and you see black, right?
Try to turn it into light and colors.
It’s simple but, it can have good result.

“Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

Conception and enlightenment are now separately induced , conceive light, literally, as it is sensed. How does conceiving that in figuratively, how it figures, how it firms images.

Brute light confronting the total absence of it, does not create a shadow world, the shadow world is already experienced as different.

The most basic difference between black and white support a the foundation of the most basic idea of the choice, either darkness or light.

One can chose without being conscious of it, one can choose to try to see light with eyes closed.

In fact if one decides to firgoe this basic choice in tempore , in the moment, the choice will become a power accelerator and increase the pressure on the will to choose, until one is obliged to choose.

A suspension of choice generating a field of no choice, can suspend that only until the force overcomes the will.

Then, the will becomes bounded into it’s own inertia, with that happening, two simulations are generated:

One an implosion into a ring of fire, (configuration) and the other an explosion unto (reconfiguration)-disfiguration

Welcome to the shadowooowowowowowowo
how deep can it go

were already in quite deep. Our society… what shall be left… our ego’s… our jobs our houses our lives our sanity and our personal rights… all transferred in the name of compassion to the state… now all we are is shadows… wooo-waahhing on the walls…