Shame on you!

I would like to thank whoever closed the thread about PG’s personal crises. Shame on those who were negative towards her. Thank you mods for taking some seriousness in this. I have learned so much about human nature reading people’s opinions here.

Clearly some of you were raised in a barn by dirty farm animals. Shame on you!

For whatever its worth Bessy I can see why you’re upset over it. I didn’t want to say anything since I knew she was close to some on this site and this seemed very personal and should be discussed in person or in private mail.

Just simple consideration should give the benefit of the doubt that there may be a problem and if you have nothing encouraging to say, don’t say anything and let friends and those she trusts handle it. But, as you know, simple consideration is not necessarily the rule of the day.

I assume you are talking to me. Well, shame on you for being a sucker.

If you are stupid enough to take something like that to a forum of strangers, you get what you get.

Dr. S

I didn’t read the thread since last night so if something else happened I don’t know. I do know that I may be a sucker but in these matters it doesn’t bother me. I’d rather err on the side of concern and have everyone ROFL at me.

As far as a forum of strangers, that is often our normal everyday life. The Bible speaks of the value of the Good Samiritan. Who knows where they will pop up as well as the ones who will give you what you deserve. Each do not inhabit designated areas but can be found in the strangest of places both online and in the real world.

Actually nick, I was talking to the holy gatekeeper of all that is righteous and moraly superior, bessy.

shut up satanical.
sure it is dumb to post something like that, and sure it is attention-whoreish, but how do you know if it is serious or not?? do you not have the capability of being the “bigger man” and fucking off at the right time?
YOU took time out of YOUR day to encourage someone else to kill themselves.
i wonder what that says about your personality…

lol. Yeah, I noticed you said you didn’t support the “If you don’t have anything nice to say…” phrase. I could rephrase it, a little. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t bother because you’ll just frustrate yourself, and anger the people that do.” Was it really worth it?

The point is I don’t care if it was serious or not. Human life has no inherant value other than that which is subjectively given.
Boo hoo cry me a river.


Think of it this way, how would you like it if you were in that woman’s position and someone said what you said onto you? though I don’t like that woman, I think she’s dumb, and probably fat and ugly. You should read some of her PMs to me. calling me Nazi pig and all that. I suspect she’s on social welfare. People like that are useless.

nevertheless, I have to condemn you calling her an attention seeking something. As Jesus tell us, there is hope in all of us, despite her being so dumb, I feel it is my duty, indeed my God given duty as a good Christian to enlighten her on the importance of race, something she has obviously negated, probably caused by the politically correct media propaganda.

To you and those that care about you. To everyone else it means nothing.

Do you think if you died in an accident and it made the news, the millions of people that heard about it on the news would even bat an eye? Do you feel genuine emotional pain when you hear of the deaths of strangers?

I didn’t think so.

When I read Dr.S and PoR I get the impression that a certain aspect of Christendom and Satanism are very similar in the source of their motivations being self importance. There doesn’t seem much value in putting one self into the position of another from these shared perspectives.

Now in contrast, the feelings expressed by Simone Weil in the following excerpt would be considered stupid by some. Yet they come from one of the most intelligent women of the twentieth century.

It was natural for her human nature to put herself into the position of another and in this case others even though at great distance. It must appear stupid because these starving people are worth nothing so why be bothered by the human condition? It is better to philosophize. But what the heck, I imagine from what I’ve written about Simone Weil, it is obvious that I believe her to have been a special person and uniquely human. It won’t do any good to sneak around it now. I must admit that I respect the depth of her feeling no matter how stupid it may appear. I guess it makes me naive as well. It is silly enough showing concern for suspected fat and ugly women but Chinese as well?..That’s asking too much. But what can I say, I still admire Simone Weil’s concern even as un hip as she was and in my own way, at the risk of admitting this weakness, I share it to a certain extent…

This thread could easily turn into a classic.

if i died, the world will be rained on, as if to release the sky’s agony never felt before, the flowers will wilt, my body will go deep into the soil, and for once, i will rest! trees and grass and all marvelous things would come of my body, and i shall be one, i shall be nature and i shall (once again) be beauty, and if one so happens to even glance at the beauty that i have created with my remains, the keeper of my soul after it is free, they shall fall weak on their knees and be inspired to do great things for humanity. the bees shall pollinate on the flowers that i have created, and the people will taste the sweet honey on their tongue, knowing that once, i was as sweet, and my soul remains so. as a deep exhalation, a sigh of releif, a release of the burden, the winds will blow, and the sky will be releived of its greiving.i shall be nothing, i shall be one, and i shall change the world.

…but yeah, other than that i am still young, and who knows what i will be later on…i hear the US needs a new president…

on a serious note, does it matter if the world greivs or not since to you each individual life is worthless? would a million worthless people compensate for the worthlessness of one? for if you have ice in the north pole, what good would it do for you to find more?

double negative my friend. your words have cancelled themselves out and are now worthless to me…

Worth too, is subjective. I didn’t claim everyone is worthless to me.
Worth comes in many forms, the person that sell me my morning coffee has an inherant worth for without him I’d not have a coffee. Of course, I wouldn’t greive his loss as I don’t know him at all, and someone else would fill his position and sell me coffee in the morning. But value, I value many people. My family, my friends, my girl…And I would venture to say that because i can distinguish actual compassion and feeling from generic love-everyone blanket generic compassion that my sentiment is of more value than someone that truely thinks they care about ‘everyone’, because it is focused and undiluted.

generic blanket :laughing:
social norms problems, eh?
anyways, why didnt you define “worth”? god we can play the “define this” game all day. but you know, it isnt as simple as how you described it. it is important to feel, but not let it take over. it is important to give people worth, but when it comes down to it, nobody knows anything for sure, and you my friend, think youve got it all figured out. worth is relative.

but i am god, and not in your “satanist” way, i just AM and i control everything.

Meh… what’s up Doc, chews on a carrot

Embracetrees does have a point, Despite how you feel about PG, and her supposed threat to the world in general… you took the time to actually express it to her/us. I find it strange that although you do not give a shit about this girl, you felt the need to tell her how you felt…

it may just me, but I think that this type of action would be considered a provocation to her going through with the supposed suicide. Since I’m a pothead and know nothing… surely you would have thought of this, but yet you decided to go through with it.

I’m not calling you some asshole or anything… I just find it interesting.

your rules don’t apply to everyone
in a social environment you should respect that…

Tombola! We have a weaner…

[size=67](no offence, I mean to say that you are spot on with this comment)[/size]

Thank you. Who does that. anyway? As I said:

People like that are raised in a barn.

Wil, maybe I shouldn’t say that in a social environment either. Then again…


Go for it.

Gobbo, I posted because attention whoring ‘im gonna kill myself’ whining is 99% of the time a pathetic cry for attention. On the off chance she was serious, oh well. If you are weak enough to do that, you should do it.
'nuff said.
Asshole? maybe…realist…definately. I puke on idealists.