Shapes and Forms...

This is an old game, and much like the word association thread in execution.

All you have to do is write a quick couplet, that beats/destroys or otherwise nullifies the previous one.

For example,

“Snake - poison slithering.”

“Rider - snake trampling.”

“Horsefly biting - rider throwing.”

“Plaster cast - bone knitting.”

“old age - skeletal weakening.”

“Youth - strong in sinew.”


If you think a poster has dropped the ball… Cry “Foul” and I’ll sort it out…

I’ll start:

Love - life rekindling…

apathy - extinguisher


Drug – Wanking

Boxing gloves - idle hands hindering…

Championship belt - the women get-ening

PVC Corset - Champion dominating

Psychotherapy - trauma curing

ramones - leather


Dusty grooves - the bane of old vinyl

stupidity - nietzsche

that was a nonbrainer

snydley whiplash - better moustache


Methusela - loooooong beard

Screw it. I’ll answer my own…

Barber - sharp scissors

rock - beats scissors

hammer - breaks rocks

can’t touch this - bankrupt


masseuse - wealthy

RICO - goodbye ill-gotten gains


SUAVE - hello cheap hair products


Imp, you broke the chain.

Gillette - no hair