In Star Trek, the members of the Enterprise would say shields up, and then the shields would be hit and go down by some random percentage. When you would see the shields get hit, you would notice that what hit them did not actually touch the ship, just hit the energy field of the shields and explode, that makes sense.
What doesn’t make sense is why could the Enterprise (With shields up) fire phasers and photon torpedoes through where the shields were and have the shields not be hit or damaged?
if you’ll recall, the romulans (I believe) had a device that could find the frequency of enemy shields and they could set their phasers to the same frequency so that they would go through the shields and strike the hull…
they also had trouble with the borg and finding shield frequencies…
the shields, torpedo (shield energy) and phasers of the enterprize were set at the same frequency so enterprize phaser and torpedos could pass through…
Well, that’s good then. If I was a bigger fan, I’d know that. I usually just watch it at 1:00a.m. when there’s nothing else to watch.
Thanks for the answer, though. The Borg are a serious PITA because they adapt to everything. Darwin loves the Borg, I would say, if they were real they’d be indisputable proof of his theories.
Borg is also my last name spelled backwards, so that’s kind of cool, I suppose.
Those tricky romulans… but you’d think the federation would answer by switching up their shields frequency… like the borg. I mean, its nothing Data couldn’t handle right? Just let Data do it.
No, he couldn’t, that’s true. Data is incapable of abstract concepts, he only is programmed with knowledge of things that have already happened, been done, etc… Everything past tense, pretty much.