Should deathrow inamates be tested for human research?

The nazi medical scientist became very honored, after the reports they have found in autopsy, studied human behavior, inventing or investigation of how to support or help humans survived in the air ( aircraft) , or under water( submarines) . All through the testing of human research. Which in many ways boost the time frame of testing animals instead and effective.

However, there ways were found inhuman, yet are not the people who use there research alos inhuman then?

Should the people who are convicted to death sentence or capital punishment deserve to be conducted in human research projects?
For the exchange of some freedom?

I really would like to see what viable research you think the Nazi experiments came out with. Their science was generally so tainted by the Nazi-ideology that it was by-and-large unusable.

Yes, we now have an improved understanding of hypothermia because of them, but that is really the only addition to our corpus of knowledge that they really contributed.

As for using death row inmates for testing . . . well, it sure would make the paper-work a whole lot easier.

In the name of science, I declare this a well founded idea.

I would also suggest using them for testing prior to their execution … we can save some indigenous wildlife that way.

Although, If I was an inmate on Death Row, and if I felt that the “testing” in question was going to benefit my country in some profound way, then I might sign away my body. Might.

But, alas, we do not have to here in the US of A because there are other nations in the world that do messed up shit to their citizens for the sake of science that we observe and note the outcomes of.

Who in the world really obey their laws, and contitution, when there is no enforcements spying at you?

The human research project done by the NAzi, they became international famous because of their reports, fast, efficient, but however their methods and pre-investigation of their experiment lacked, therefore, their aims for finding the cure, or discovery failed. But the reports will remain, devilish knowledge and may prove to be useful in some genre of science.

About the rights for the criminal convicts in capital punishment.
CAn we not give them a trade? Do this and you will have your freedom back or your punishment of life sentence be reduce to half.

How about the medical scientists who had used the human research, what punishment should you suppose they should get? Life in prison? What if these scientists were like Albert Estein?

Like hell I want to be under the knife of a high school drop-out.

See summary to avoid all the bs.

Biotechnology has revolutionized so much of the concept of ethics and justice, et al, that piles and piles of once fundamental, infamous philosophical literature can all be burned in a giant bonfire.

The ability to grow and experiment on a subject renders the concept of testing criminals practically meaningless to science. The idea of how we behave under all our physical constraints is meaningless when we can design those physical qualities exhaustively. Technology no longer “is going to” but has just about rendered the human being essentially useless. All that’s really left for us to ask is wheather human beings -deserve- a certain existence, and how that should be based on behavior.

Some crimes seem so monstrous, I try to imagine if they are even within our capacity to punish. Other crimes seem so misjudged that I’m glad the incarcerated are constitutionally protected, even if the judge wouldn’t want it so. All in all, I think the consideration of experimentation is often an excuse to appear utilitarian, when really we want to see some bastards twisted up as our playthings. That’s when we have to ask if “setting an example” or “correction” is really our favoured justice as the public appeal so unintelligibly boasts- in contrast to somehow vindicating the subject for their offence.


Experimenting on human subjects is probably obsolete. Maybe we just want it because we’re not pacifists after all.

fantastic idea! of course, i, as well as many others would probably only be in favor of this idea if it were voluntary. maybe they could do it as part of a work program that is already going on in some prisons.

drug manufacturers are always needing people to test their products on. i think there would be many benefits to the general population if they had a better understanding of the side effects they would be having when taking prescription drugs. all that some drugs are really tested on are animals. while there are plenty of similarities in effects, animals are not the best test subjects.

The Nazis did that too.


hah. You agree too. Imagine the people who are sentence in life in prision. Imagine their family mourning. Imagine the victim feels sorry what he did, and has no chance to get out.

Now imagine if we give them an opportunity! For the exchange of human freedom, reduce terms, more benefits in jail maybe? While the experiment is conducted in a most human pre-investigated way.

I’ll take that risk, if I was condemn to death, as long the qualifications and satisfaction is meet. Perhaps, Hitler would choose this rather then suicide.