Should I kill myself(you,decide)pc greatly appreciated?

I say mark the date on your calender and decide,and you’ll be the happiest man alive.Your entire life is planned out,no worries no stress,it’s perfect.

though you might start worrying if that special day would go right,and you may start worrying that worrying will make it worse,even more cause to kill yourself.It’s absolutely perfect,i would look forward to that every day

think about it what constitutes, a path to not kill yourself,If we know were gonna die,at least someday,then were always deciding our death,we just procrastinate,and show up late for our appointments,and misread information.All I know is you better not get in way of my suicide,or someones gonna have to die

Does a suicide bomber get good benefit’s,because they cause a huge reaction,and it seems like the best long-term career in todays expanding job markets

that or to be one of those test rats who get to inject themselves with heroin all day till they die.

which ones better?

life would be a blast,no need for comedy,it makes you wonder what our last thought is,that was boring!

shit, if that was boring whats next,sex

more cause to kill myself,definitively

boring,we’ll hey,that’s the way it is

great thought,new way to kill myself.

interested in seeing the poll numbers :smiley:

oh and quick thought,is it me,or does the internet appear to have a consciousness.right here in this forum?

It is better to travel well than it is to arive at the desired location.

Also, you sound like a Deathist. Is that more Nihilism? Or is that more Nihilism? … ation.html

what finite number system is the opposite of infinitely small

new dimension the integral, infinite(one dimensional)?

if you only compare to (approaching) death then of course take the heroin

yet if you think in after-thoughts you have just created a dimension


and the flights are equal

propaganda is propaganda

though what does death equate to we don’t know it so it must be time

pick my time to die-(without cause)

i’m tired finish later

For the most part, suicidal tendencies are easily cured by anti-depressants.

thanks for the pc. stop banning me and read my post,your missing the fundamental intelligence and morality which is humor,though possibly that is an intrinsic value

more cause

still interested in the count

just say yes or no

unless of course you can’t see the philosophical relevance,and then why are you even on this forum

stop looking at yourself,no one cares

In the end, it doesn’t really matter how you die. Death is a fixation for some, most of whom aren’t fully living. If your suffering is so great that you feel that you should end your life prematurely, then I have compassion for that position. I have a friend who is contemplating just such and outcome due to 40 years of mental suffering, of which he has regretted most of it and the medications just aren’t enough anymore? “Is he insane and unfit to make that decision?” is the question that seems to arise most, but he has long periods of lucidity and sanity which are mostly fraught with reminders from family and friends about how much he has hurt them. Is suicide selfish? Of course it is, but is it really wrong? I don’t happen to think so.

Why can we not choose our own fate? If you can definitely answer whether or not your life would improve after setting a date or finalizing the decision, then you must ask yourself two questions;

Is the life I live significantly less sufferable when there is finality in the way that I die?
If yes, is it possible that the meaning of setting the date is more important than the arriving at it?
If no, is it possible that you’ve missed something?

These questions are not meant to keep anyone from killing themselves, I think that it is up to each and every individual. I place no value in death, personally, so perhaps my views are skewed on the subject. Why live, why die? I suppose that if you truly find no meaning in life, then your life is suffering and ending it may seem like the right thing to do. We shouldn’t judge you for that. We cannot walk a mile in your shoes. With the exception of serious mental illness in which one cannot understand the outcome of his or her actions, I think that suicide should be a choice that people allow others to make without the added guilt of suffering.

Religion tells us that it is wrong, compassion tells us that religion is wrong.

hope somebody doesn’t turn the light on in that dimly lit room of yours,gasp

and of course everyones a fixated on death we have biological needs,just think happy thoughts and happy things will happen?

that our you get enjoyment out of fucking somebody up,or somebody else secretly does

if you had no concept of death,you’d be a vegetable,with another person deciding for you

lighten up

shits sad,but your gonna die anyways,so who cares

this isn’t the lion king, though death certainly gives life

and life certainly gives us death

get over it

still waiting

why does conditionality scare people so much.

just ask the world bank,they don’t give a fuck


there is no money,it doesn’t exist.

we create fake conditionals,when in reality they never existed

and we expect to get something for nothing,that just never happens

take control of your life,

even if it’s just somebody’s imagination

where’s the heroin

Not everyone is fixated on death. Some people make a concerted effort not to be fixated on anything. Attachment to worldly things and ideas cause suffering, and a lot of it can be safely let go without any life-altering changes. If you suffer with the idea that there needs to be that money in the world bank, then will you really feel better if you saw that money yourself? Would it change things?

All this extraneous thought is taxing, and wasteful.

Live in the moment. The meaning is always there.

There is nothing more than that.

If someone else defines the meaning-how is it always there

not everyone believes it’s always there

just some

No one else can define the meaning of your life. They can just subjectively assert their opinion on it.

Anyone who tries to do so is assuming too much.

life is experiences and fullfillment and/or the lack thereof. . Joyful ones, shitty ones, whatever.

Maybe your life is just boring. Why not start skateboarding or something like that? I am not kidding one bit.

go for it, a resounding YES from me.
how do you plan on doing it?
do you have the balls/guts…?

What about the ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword; practiced by warriors in the traditional Japanese society. Or hanging, which is fairly painless after you’ve had a few drinks. If this was me i’d have to have one more party, anything goes party. then stick my middle finger up to society and ‘Yea, and fuck you too…’ but this isnt me, its you. i think… so things maybe abit moanful. abit bereft of benevolent mandible chatter from your part; or is it? you seem rather cool about it all. of course suicide isn’t considered a stand norm to people; neither is pulling some beautiful women on a night-out only to blow it because you get too drunk and start talking about your love of shit and then go to the toilet. fuck cares. theres too many of us to care. even if we did care, and tried to talk you around it’d be for selfish reasons, hidden value stamping reasons, been a nosey bastard reasons. fuck. there arent any reasons, apparently this pile of rock is just spinning around out in one vast empty lonely cold… whatever. but you do because you can, man i hate when people say: ‘You’ve got no life; they must have no life; they could of done this or that’ …bollocks! i could sit there in four walls picking my nose for three weeks, it’s still a life… Im not conveying this well. But YEA, do it. then again, nothing lasts forever. this includes you opinions, feelings, physicochemical make-up. your whole body sheds and isn’t the same body it was a few years ago. this suicidal tendency will have no future, one day.-If you didn’t do it/kill yourself. thats all im saying.

[have a drink on me before hand if your a drinking man ;]

I’m gonna find a girl to get on top and drill a hole in my forehead(you know like the one the cable guys got)

they all seem to just hate the mess

so bottle of wine and piano wire will just have to do

yeah I’ll just strap my vans on,cool dude

hes not kidding
like totally man

right on


he obviously doesn’t get it


The post

two yeses and a yeah Ok, It seems like everyone wants me to kill myself,must be the morally correct thing to do

what engine do you think drives biological intelligence

insufficient sample

still waiting

Oh, are you waiting for some self-righteous do-gooder to come along and suggest that you shouldn’t?

Where is the intelligence in that? Of course you shouldn’t do it, and there are a million reasons why… blah blah blah. Assumption is for the weak, and morals are there to remind people who don’t have a strong bond to humanity to behave themselves. Morality is overrated as a virtue, but like religion… there to keep the ignorant masses in good graces for the most part.

Did you want to be coddled and cajoled? I don’t think you’d find much more compassion than people have already shown. Of course, if you are just dribbling existential bullshit down your chin, then here’s a napkin… leave a tip.

As for trepaning, I’d advise against it for medical reasons.

killing who,and how?

is morality there to tell you what not to do or provide with an example of how it should be broken

you know,so you don’t get caught

and so you don’t care to

And just what are we talking about

apparently I must type incognito

just remember to not use an a general anesthetic

got to make sure my cognitive abilities remain while you do it

morally speaking

didn’t mean to offend

just didn’t know you wanted it now

thought I wait for the poll results first

then see
