I say mark the date on your calender and decide,and you’ll be the happiest man alive.Your entire life is planned out,no worries no stress,it’s perfect.
though you might start worrying if that special day would go right,and you may start worrying that worrying will make it worse,even more cause to kill yourself.It’s absolutely perfect,i would look forward to that every day
think about it what constitutes, a path to not kill yourself,If we know were gonna die,at least someday,then were always deciding our death,we just procrastinate,and show up late for our appointments,and misread information.All I know is you better not get in way of my suicide,or someones gonna have to die
Does a suicide bomber get good benefit’s,because they cause a huge reaction,and it seems like the best long-term career in todays expanding job markets
that or to be one of those test rats who get to inject themselves with heroin all day till they die.
which ones better?
life would be a blast,no need for comedy,it makes you wonder what our last thought is,that was boring!
shit, if that was boring whats next,sex
more cause to kill myself,definitively
boring,we’ll hey,that’s the way it is
great thought,new way to kill myself.
interested in seeing the poll numbers