Should Parents Have a Say?

No I don’t think it helps. A society can be dysfunctional but it’s removal… I don’t even know what that would mean. Kill everyone? Have everyone part ways? break up into smaller societies? anarchy?
I would think a cultural or governmental reform might be called for if a society is dysfunctional. Possibly even fracturing into two or more nations, could be a cure at times… But I don’t quite understand what “removal” of a society would even be. Again this would all sound far more reasonable if you were speaking of a government or institution within a society, rather than the society itself.

I do NOT think a healthy society demands everyone participate equally. The ill or the infirm, for example, cannot do so and it would be brutal and inhumane to throw them to the wolves as it were, likewise with those who are unemployed for lack of opportunities or demand and a number of other such cases…

Otoh, on principle, if a person is not unable to contribute, but rather unwilling, it seems fair to say that they are therefore undeserving of any protections or care provided by everyone else. Reciprocity, if not only the willingness for it, is the foundation of any healthy relationship, after all… Now I only say this on principle, as in actual practice the enforcement of such a thing is rife with problems. So instead I favor punishment for things like tax evasion or other such cases, as a form of deterrent… the total neglect or excommunication of any person another flawed human would judge to fit this category, is far too grim a prospect for my taste.

My answer to your original question was in the form of a should and an ought… as the question was posed.
You’re countering with “but it’s not that, so what now?”
That does not change my answer of how I think it ought be…

All there is left to do at this stage, assuming we don’t disagree about the goal, is look at the facts and see what can practically be done to achieve that goal.
Not being American nor looking to become one, that’s a project I’d rather not get involved in. Working out solutions to the problems in my own country take priority.
But brainstorming with you about what ought be the case, that I’ll do… as those answers might apply equally across the pond, I imagine.

virginia could go either way. kentucky is the among the reddest, most republican, most reliably far right states in america. if you wore an obama tshirt there someone would beat the shit out of you.

obsrvr524: If you look at the actual people being voted into critical positions in the US - you find extremely corrupt and ignorant people - who were put in office by Georg Soros and his team.

Just today they are considering giving $450,000 to every ILLEGAL, DEPORTED alien as reparations. How many taxed American citizens do you think favor that or think that it is for the good of America? Those running the US government are very intentionally doing all they can to bankrupt and destroy the USA forever - to serve the people of the USA? - Of course not.

Those are the same people who want total dictatorial say over what is taught to American children (usually very anti-US lies - such as CRT - and usually in place of any useful skills).

When it isn’t the people making those choices - it is someone else making them - and for someone else’s agenda.

K: I long ago given up hope that you might offer us some proof or evidence for your wild
eye claims… so just go ahead and continue to make your insane,
unproven, with absolutely no evidence or facts to support these FAUX News claims…


"giving $450,000 to every ILLEGAL, DEPORTED alien as reparations.’

This is an excellent idea. As an anarchist-accelerationist, I encourage any means to increase the federal debt and hyper-inflate the economy.

We must force the revolution, comrades. Bring society to the brink of its own destruction so that the proletariat might rise to restore order and bring an end to the bourgeoisie forever…