Should WE be paid for watching adverts?

Should WE be paid for watching adverts?

  • Yes!
  • No
0 voters

I’d like to know more about this idea since only the media we watch/listen to does…


I think we ARE paid, or at least they TRY to pay us by making adverts funny sometimes.

Although most of the time they fail dismally. And even if they are funny the first time, after
the 100th viewing the joke has long worn off.

So, I think the reason you posed the question is because, for you, most adverts either have
little entertainment value, or are repeated too often…?

And what about Food-Tasting-Stands in supermarkets, and money-off coupons ? :wink:

It’d be nice, but it won’t happen. They pay companies to advertise their advertisements, and the television company makes you watch them since you’re watching their channels.

That’s why God invented TiVo. :stuck_out_tongue:

granted adverts pay for a lot that we use online,ILP,msn messenger,etc.
but… i think someone will come along and tell us if this idea is actually feasible or not…
and TV adverts are right adblock,no permission ,nothing. TV ads are far more obnoxious IMO.

bubble bursts

I almost never watch commercials on TV. Of course, partly that’s because I haven’t watched a minute of TV in over four months.

does that mean you mute them or how do you avoid them?

I used to mute them. Often I used to watch shows recorded thru a PC and edited of commercials. At the moment I have a TV but haven’t bothered to connect the cable to it. I guess I haven’t watched a television program since about April.

I used to mute them, but now the only time I watch television is at a friend’s house who has TiVo. I’ve even heard rumors that thinks like TiVo are breaking commercials, since no one’s watching them (fast forwarding through them) and gasp relying on how good the product actually is from word of mouth of people who’ve actually used it instead of commercials that feed you full of bullshit.

thank you for telling about this,because untill today this hermit had no idea TiVo existed.i read up on them in astounding.
i think it’s very cool.some kind of TV computer… :sunglasses:

some kind of god-send that can kill commercials!hhAHAHAH!

Slow down there Jethro, it basically records programs you select, then you watch them later, with the ability to fast forward, rewind, pause, so on. On live TV, you can also pause and rewind (and fast forward to where everyone else is). I assume Wikipedia told you that, just a reminder. :slight_smile:


it told me everything exept what the label “Jethro” means…

There was a long-running series of Brit TV ads where chimps were dressed up as humans to advertise Brooke Bond tea.
So I wrote to them (the company not the chimps) saying I didn’t like seeing animals being used like that. The company wrote back saying “popular ads…no plans to discontinue them blah blah”…, so I replied saying in that case I won’t buy your tea any more, and I haven’t :wink:
It’s a pity other people don’t do the same thing on a massive scale with companies they don’t like for whatever reason, the loss in profits would soon make them see sense…
Alas, I’m just a lone voice in the wilderness so it seems…