am i the only one who find SIATD’s new avatar of david hassleohff
incredibly disturbing yet terribly entertaining?
That’s just plain scary.
At first, I had to rub my tired eyes to make sure what I was seeing was, in fact. what I was seeing.
Good job, SIATD.
It’s VERY HARD (ho ho) on the eyes
the HOFF when was he EVER funny any way? - he’s laughing all the way to the bank - mint it once as 80s megastar - twice as “ironic” noughties icon
I like zizek’s line that “the system” has no fear of irony = in fact late capitalism positivity relies on an attitude of detached, clever irony from its subjects - it thrives on it - it demands it!
Irony sux! (so to speak)
the actual ones even better, im waiting for him to post
Disturbing. Very disturbing. Horrifying. He’s gone too far this time.
I want to see the original.
Wait . . . did I really just say that?
SIATD- I just KNEW that would be your response!
LMAO, siatd. Is he REALLY a star in Europe?
I read that somewhere.
I think he’s a huge star over in Asia.
Can anyone confirm this for me?
I dunno about ‘star’. In fact, I’m not sure that he’s had a hit single for a long time. But his video ‘Jump in my Car’ was in the top spot on Google video for a while, which is a reasonable barometer of his popularity. That doesn’t really matter - what I love about the Hoff is his near-mythical status - irony gone beserk, people completely unsure of whether they genuinely like him. Hasselhoff is the apotheosis of the postmodern malaise. And I really hope that someone quotes me on that.
No one diss The Hoff.
Excellent assessment, SIATD. I’m going to have to quote you on it.
Maybe someone should add that definition to The Hoff’s Wikipedia profile.
Wait . . . does the man even have one yet?
Total World Domination.
Think about it.
Not only is he on Wikipedia, the campaign to get him to number one is discussed there. Who dares question the authority of wikipedia?