Sin and disobedience

If we assume God created natures laws as it says in the bible, then since we are evolved creatures, and said to be in Gods likeness also, our morality is natural and evolves with us, we dont disobey God as such when we have no morality then, we disobey, and punish ourselves. This is why in the Greek story of Hercules you will find the same tale of redemption as in other similar myths from around the world, because the story is always the same dressed up a little differently from culture to culture, he takes the bull by the horns, defeats his inner demons after commiting a hideous crime, after twelves years he frees himself. Notice that in the tale Hercules is not forced or coerced by any God to undertake anything, the Gods have nothing to say really, Hercules has commited a crime and seeks the advice of the oracle and is advised to perform twelve labours, which he does and is freed of his sin. But Hercules frees himself, he is not freed by the Gods! And he isnt coerced by them into making this change, his sense of guilt does that, he was drowned in sorrow, remorse. Sound like anyone you know ? These myths are like manuals, self help books, written by people who understood human nature.

Like those mentioned in the Bible, these tales dont have to involve real characters, because what matters is the practicality of the tale, and whether or not we can learn from it, and in this instance, as in all instances where ancient myths are concerned, we certainly can learn something of worth.

When we look at the story of Hercules, and the question of sin in this way, the struggle becomes about freeing ourselves from making the wrong decisions, not tussling with a God who asks us to do things we dont want to do, the struggle is about avoiding decisions which will cause us pain emotionally, which happens because morality is engraved in our chest by nature (if we are going by what we learn from these myths)

The phrase “dead inside” exists for this reason it seems, and look at how people are when they no longer adhere to what is obviously a moral law, when they no longer love or have belief in the good, in people, in anything, and are paranoid, constantly skeptical and bitter, look at the confusion in the eyes, the face. Listen to the philosophical Jibberish.

You all understand this occurs on the physical plane, and is the result of what is percieved in the mind, nobody has a clue how the universe came about exactly, but you must know for sure that if you defy the invisible laws that operate here on earth, you,ll fall apart, the overcrowded lunatic asylums, prisons and graveyards are testament to this fact of life. How much evidence do some people need before they will act?

I suppose you could spend all youre days like a coward constantly asking why you feel like you do, questioning the good, denying it, fighting it, or you can just act on it and be what your supposed to be. A virtuous human being. Only an idiot would protest we should be anything different :smiley:

And despite one mans meat being another mans poison, it should be easy for people to determine what constitutes as a universal virtue and what doesnt. Having said that I understand its not that easy for some, some people are so blackened by all the mental filth they have accumulated over the years, its near impossible for many of them to even begin finding who they truly are once again, a bit like finding a needle in haystack, the task they have ahead will be as arduous as that of Hercules himself, so we must be patient with them.