Snail Brain Merged with Microchip

Wow, They say that they still have major hurdles in the technology, but still… I tell ya one day I’ll be Johnny Neumonic :sunglasses:

[edit] Sorry forgot the link

Bionics, nanotechnology etc are surely the places to be… I only hope the copyright issues (particularly in biology) don’t squash it.

[thinking]…not so sure snail brains cells on microchips actually sounds like they are going smash any speed records though??? [/thinking]

Lol, well later on in the article they said they replicated the same experiments using rat brain cells.

Even more impetus to donate your brain to the furtherment of science when you die… :smiley:

With a little luck you’ll wake up as a sentient Dildo…

[ :blush: Checks Forum :blush: ]

Damn - thought we were babbling… :unamused: Seriously though, I think the only way forward evolutionarily (if that’s a word) is a human-computer interface, the rate science is going (I read somewhere that the publishing rate of new research papers is something like a bookcase filling shelves at 90 mph…) It’ll plateau off simply because one human brain won’t be able to contain enough info to make breakthroughs, or Phd’s will extend into decades… We just ain’t smart enough with our little monkey-brains.