Snoop Dogg with Joe Rogan on Gun Ownerage (and Buggs Bunny)

Iamb, you condemn my idea as pure evil, which can not be rooted in your own Dasein, but must derive from a belief in absolute universal values.


As for the question of ‘virtuous agenda’s’ - that is a ridiculous concept.

The one virtue I propose is a bottom up structure.

That means no president, no committee, no party.

Only interests and intelligence. Which prevents it from being anarchy.

Complex? Yes. But so are human beings.

Look, I’m just trying to imagine an actual flesh and blood human community where those like you and Urwrong and Gloom are in a position of power. Are, in fact, able to have an important impact on how citizens think about God and guns and evil.

You’ll either take us there in terms of behaviors rewarded and behaviors punished or you won’t. Your Gods and astrology and value ontology, Gloominary’s populism and whatever Urwrongs fanatically fulminating dogmas are in regard to these things.

If not universal or objective values how then will citizens grasp what the most reasonable [or least reasonable] behaviors are in regard to intertwining God and guns and evil in their own day to day lives.

Especially when [inevitably] others will come to very different conclusions regarding the optimal relationships here. The part that, in my opinion, you avoid like the plague.

I’m considerably less interested in virtue as a concept and more interested in virtue “for all practical purposes” as the embodiment of dasein out in particular worlds historically, culturally and experientially…given a particular point of view rooted in the manner in which I construe “I” at the existential juncture of identity, value judgments, conflicting goods and political economy in my signature threads. How, for example, you do not construe your own identity in the is/ought world like that at all.

How you construe your own sense of self here given a world bursting at the seams with contingency, chance and change. I’ve lost count of how many times you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle out of that discussion.

Okay, then, in regard to Gods and guns and evil, note some behaviors that you would want to see rewarded or punished.

You can count on that. Far more complex than the “general description intellectual contraptions” that you and your ilk espouse can ever take into account.

…a very boring interview …despite the host/guest, it’s very dull.

True, dull video. Exciting topic though.

You fear us. But youve entirely missed the point, the whole idea on which this is based is Liberty.

Do you mean that you prefer censorship? That people with convincing ideas should be shut up?

And who is to do that… people with exclusive gun rights?

Dont worry about peoples ability to grasp the value of personal liberty. Worrying about that produced states such as the USSR, Nazi Germany, the EU and the current USA.

Your distrust of people and fear that they, if they are being left alone, might listen to me, where does that come from? Purely from your personal value set?

At the same time, you have now indeed stated that you are adhering to objective universal values.

Your personal values are thus, to your mind, universal.

This. is where we differ; where I, and people in favor of universal rather than selective right to bear arms, differ from you; we do not believe in objective universal values. Thus, we believe that people must always be able to protect themselves from any attempt to rulership by other humans (or gods).

You mean how often Ive told you that you are lying to yourself?

It doesnt matter, you are no longer lying to yourself now. You are a self proclaimed objectivist.

I on the other hand have done nothing but present my own personal experience-based values in a fearless and often quite liberating way.

Any infringements on liberty of others must be stopped, probably through punishment of some sort if the tyrant is too stubborn to be discouraged in other ways.

Attempts to rob people of their means to defend themselves will be stopped; most likely using these very means.

You are a simpleton, brudda. But at least Ive now sown the seed of honesty in you.

I’ll re-listen, and get back to you.

No need to bother with these gentlemen longer than is convenient. I just wonder where you stand on gun ownership. Or at least, that would be the thing of interest here.

Okay, if you were in a position of power, and were able to legislate/enforce particular rewards and punishments for particular behaviors relating to gun owners, why and how would I fear you? And how and why in regard to this issue would missing your point not amount to not agreeing with your point? And Liberty based on what, an essential argument rooted in a deontological assessment of gun laws – yours? – or an existential/subjective contraption evolving over time for each of us as individuals given different historical and cultural and interpersonal contexts?

Again, focus in here on particular behaviors in regard to gun ownership.

Huh? I’m imagining a context in which you and your ilk are in a position of power. Either through might makes right or through elections and the democratic process. Would there be censorship if that were the case? Would you insist that all rational citizens are obligated to think as you do about gun ownership? That if the ideas of others were not in sync with yours they would deserve to be silenced?

Again, focusing in here on particular behaviors in regard to gun ownership. For example, the role that the government plays. What is a reasonable policy and what is not?

And you and your ilk are the ones who would do whatever you deem to be rational/virtuous if you were in power. Would some have “exclusive rights” to gun ownership? After all, just 3 nations on Earth protect the right of citizens to own guns constitutionally…US, Mexico and Guatemala.

Note to others:

Typical, right?

I challenge him to bring his “general description intellectual contraptions” – value ontology, astrology, the “Gods” – down to earth and focus in on the behaviors that would be rewarded/punished with respect to gun ownership if he were in a position of power in any given human community, and all he can do is clamber back up into the clouds.

And his simply preposterous accusations in regard to me!!

Personal liberty?

“Dont worry about peoples ability to grasp the value of personal liberty…”

Quite the contrary, what I worry about are those who insist that in regard to gun ownership, if your values – what I call political prejudices rooted in dasein – aren’t the same as theirs, you will be censored, shut up, dealt with.

The only question here is the extent to which Fixed Cross is as fiercely fanatic as those like Urwrong and Satyr when it comes to “one of us” vs. “one of them”.

Note to others:

Again, what does this really have to do with bringing his own “political prejudices rooted in dasein” value judgments in regard to gun ownership down to earth? Nothing of course. It’s just more of the same Stooge Stuff: make it all about me instead.

As for what “we” believe, sure, let’s zero in on particular sets of circumstance in which a discussion unfolds regarding the right to bear arms re private citizens and the government.

Me, I’m a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not opposed to either hunting or to owning firearms. I own one myself.

I just recognize that this frame of mind does not derive from the most rational manner in which encompass gun ownership but is the embodiment of “I” as an existential contraption rooted in dasein. In the sequence of experiences I have had that predispose me subjectively to think as “I” do “here and now”. And that, ultimately, “I” am no less “fractured and fragmented” when approaching it as a “political issue”.

Really, though, here is someone so naive that, after all these years, he would dare to argue that “I” believe in objective universal values!!!

Again, in regard to the issue at hand – gun ownership – you will agree to explore our own “for all practical purposes” value judgments or you won’t. How is your own sense of identity here not in turn the embodiment of dasein?

Instead, straight back up into the clouds you go…

Then [of course] instead of exploring that complexity existentially it’s back to the Stooge Stuff:

Note to others:

Go ahead, ask him yourself…

In regard to gun ownership, how are his “seeds of honesty” not just the same thing as you thinking about it exactly as he does?

After re-watching the video, I realised that the discussion points and topic itself, is one that Us Brits don’t have to think about or discuss… ever.

Places where State protection is scarce would require Self protection, otherwise becoming a sitting duck, so such places should allow for gun licenses/gun ownership.

I’m going to use the story of Noah and the Ark to explain myself.

If God had commanded me to build the Ark to be the only surviving person on earth to repopulate the earth because I’m the only holy man on earth.

I’d have said “fuck you” to god. And I’d have died with everyone else.

Same with gun ownership… I’ll get shot before I buy a gun. God loves guns and god loves oil, god hates earth.