Because I thought I was okay - just as okay as everybody else.
But I got Yopele calling me unstable and Tabula Rasa calling me an asshole and all manner of complaints - not complaints to me, but about me. So, since I had to go find this on another site, where I am almost universally hated, it seems, and so might not last long on, I thought I’d get some feedback here. I know I get scrappy. But I could tone it down. I just want to get some feedback.
Just for the record, I consider Yopele a friend, despite that he almost single-handedly destroyed a website that I worked hundreds of hours on. Shit happens, and people can have disagreements.
And for the record, Tab has considered me an asshole for a long time - not just becasue of this. It’s just an example.
I think you’re a pretty fair minded and humorous dude. I don’t know how far back the problems go with those guys, but if they’re hating, then they’re biased. We all just need to erase the hate. Learn to get along. Think about the children.
There are alot of very strange people on these boards. I think it’s best to look at it like it’s a video game. None of them are real. It’s ok if they hate you, and you can turn them off whenever you want. If someone doesn’t think you’re funny, then that’s thier problem. Maybe they should learn to take a joke or something, or stop being so uptight. That dude yoeple only ever said one or two things to me, and they were both unintelliglble and absurd. Something like a line of random obscenities with no apparent structure. I dunno man. Just be yourself. That’s the happiest way to be.
Okay - here’s an example. I have been told (via PM) that “So, since I had to go find this on another site, where I am almost universally hated, it seems, and so might not last long on,” has been interpreted as “I may be banned” - and in retrospect, I can see this interpretation. But it’s not what i meant - I meant that the posters there might not like that I am there. It seems a close-knit group. I may be wrong about that - but that is an honest mistake, and that I wasn’t clear was an honest mistake.
See how quickly things can get out of hand?
I accept some responsibility for the misunderstanding, but not all of it.
You are easily the most hilarious person at any forum that I post, or ever posted, at.
So who gives a shit if you are nice? I mean, you more or less are, but who cares?
Being hilarious is better than being nice (in my opinion) why do you think I have respect for Detrop (when he was here and not a ped) or Satyr (when he was here) or Smears (Who I really like, but think is kind of an asshole sometimes, just not to me) because all of the aforementioned people are goddamn hilarious!
Smears - now see what has happened. Mastriani and I have had, shall we say, an unresolved conlfict for some time now - as a result of this thread, now he and I have kissed and made up.
Monroe said that if she was at a party and fifty people complimented her and one person belittled her, all she would remember is that single individual.
We’ve had our differences in the past and no doubt we’ll have our differences in the future, but so what? I’ve always thought places were better with you than without you.