so what exactly is CRT?

I would just remind Mr. Kropotkin that it was he who always proudly referred to the “real doctors” he talked to, and expected everyone here to blindly trust their judgment as to how harmless the Covid-vaccination is. And that without offering the slightest evidence for their existence.

As obsrvr said, he accuses his enemies of doing exactly what he himself does.

Waste of time

i love it that none of the right wingers in the thread can talk about why they think it’s bad to teach accurate history so they’re just turning it into a credibility contest about who heard what from who

Hmm… interesting. That’s why I don’t respond to you.

I gave you proof (not some random dude posting a YouTube video) from reliable sources that Trump blabbed to Russian diplomats about national security secrets of the US to try to seem cool, knowledgeable and potent to them. What did those diplomats do? They took it to Russian intelligence. What did Russian intelligence do with it? They exposed high level spies and severely damaged US national security by finding out means, methods and assets.

That’s actually treason. According to the constitution that you love so much, even as a sitting president, Trump should be excecuted. I don’t believe in the death penalty … Trump should be locked up for life though.

Peter Kropotkin: so bottom line is I called you out when you lied about a “harvard professor” quote
and your response is…
Ob: No. You called me a liar without evidence. And now you defend by saying that I am avoiding answering to your lie that I lied.

K: me thinks you are confused what evidence is or what it means…

so be on the lookout for a thread within the day, most likely tomorrow morning
when I take on what evidence actually means…


Hell, PK starts entire threads calling people liars without evidence. What’s new?

I must have missed your proof post. Please provide a link to that post.


The Wall Street Journal named Harvard professor, Derrick Bell, the Godfather of Critical Race Theory.

K: I have gone over a quite a bit of websites about Bell and other Harvard professors,
and none of the websites mentioned him and this quote…I can’t even find
an author of this quote… I came up with a lot of right wing websites who talked about what
liberals and education boards have said about math being racist… but no actual
quote saying this… In other words, we have the right wing saying the “left believes
this” but once again, no actual proof that the left actually believes this…

in other words… the right wing is making shit up about what the left is
actually saying or doing…there is no evidence that anyone on the left or
any university professor saying that “math is racists”… only people on the right
are saying that the people on the left said that “math is racists”…


Only because it was you who asked -

There are a great many more such articles.

The basic idea is that White and Asian people do better at math - therefore will must stop teaching math to Americans.

From what I gather, CRT is the idea that altho the laws, rules and regulations of our institutions are technically nonracist and antiracist, so called ‘blacks’, ‘indigenous’ and some other nonwhites continue to fall behind whites socioeconomically, not through any fault of their own or random chance, but solely because of both past racism, and the failure of our technically nonracist and antiracist institutions to prevent and counteract present racism.

CRTists hold, not that some whites are racist some of the time, but that all whites are racist, pretty well all the time, consciously or subconsciously (even white progressive activists, perhaps especially white progressive activists, because they’re either just using CRT to virtue signal, or they’re the most blind to their own racism), and so they find ways around our technically nonracist and antiracist institutions to discriminate against blacks and indigenous.
Therefore, while our institutions are technically nonracist and antiracist, in practice they’re racist, because they’re not doing enough to prevent and compensate blacks and indigenous for racism they’re being subjected to.
In order to become nonracist and antiracist, they must become racist against whites.
It’s not enough for institutions to be colorblind, because the dominant race in society, whites, are not colorblind, and so our institutions must discriminate against whites.

In short, colorblindness is white supremacy, and racism against whites is anti-racism.

Capitalism is white supremacy, even colorblind socialism is white supremacy.
And if you’re not in favor of adding more laws, rules and regulations that discriminate against whites until all nonwhites have either achieved total socioeconomic parity with whites, or surpassed them, that makes you a white supremacist.
Borders, nationalism and patriotism are white supremacy because Canada, America and Australia were ‘stolen’ and all white countries were founded on white supremacy and benefitted from ‘colonialism’ (or settlement), somehow, even white countries that never had colonies.

Our institutions must favor so called ‘blacks’ and ‘indigenous’, give more rights and freedoms to them at our expense, to be truly egalitarian, according to CRT.

obsrvr524: It was a Harvard professor (not Fox) who said that maths (consequentially also science, logic, and rational thinking) is racist.

The Wall Street Journal named Harvard professor, Derrick Bell, the Godfather of Critical Race Theory.
Only because it was you who asked -


K: ok, is this the professor who claims for math to be Racist? it doesn’t sound like it…
but then who is he arguing against?

James Varney - The Washington Times - Sunday, June 6, 2021
"]California education officials are considering applying a social justice paradigm to teaching K-12 mathematics that would erase “White supremacy” from the subject and eliminate gifted classes for students.
Proponents of new math say the way the subject currently is taught is suffused with White supremacy. They say it handicaps some minority students by insisting on what they consider racist concepts — such as arriving at correct answers.

K: Once again, read the article… does it actually quote an California education official?
nope, it just says, “California education officials” who? where do they work? a Washington times
article… not a California newspaper… the Washington times is a very conservative newspaper…
founded by Sun Myung Moon… someone who claimed to be the ''messiah"

O: Some academics and conservative thinkers fear that forcing critical race theory into math classes would mark a further retreat from America’s preeminent global position in mathematics and sciences. An influx of foreign scholars has long maintained that advantage.

K: the same conservative thinkers who oppose science, math, experts, logic? those thinkers?

“Ill-conceived [diversity, equity and inclusion] policies, often informed by CRT, and the declining standards of K-12 math education feed each other in a vicious circle, which is in time going to affect the entire mathematics profession and, more broadly, all STEM disciplines,” three mathematicians from Princeton University, New York University and the University of California, Irvine, wrote in a recent piece for the online magazine Persuasion.

K: more really bad arguments… I would argue that the declining standards of the entire
educational system lies in the continuous defunding of disciplines like history, philosophy,
ART, science, stem from the entire educational system being a feeder system to the
corporations… in other words, the only education one needs is the ability to do a job…
to have a job skill… that is the only education being taught in America today…
and that is why we are failing teaching our children the basics… we are focused
on the teaching job skills instead of how to think…

California’s Instructional Quality Commission is considering introducing into classrooms across the state a modified version of “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction,” a curriculum developed by the online tool kit that aims to remove cultural bias from education.

K: I can get behind this… teaching history as it actually happened, not as you might
whitewash it… slavery did exist, white people did profit from the sale of black people,
Jim Crow laws did continue to hold black people in poverty and into limited possibilities…
in other words, the blacks had inferior schools, less job prospects, were denied basic
rights that white’s had…

The social justice curriculum is “an integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, LatinX and Multilingual students in grades 6-8 [and] addresses barriers to math equity,” the organization’s mission statement says.

The Atlantic: How Does Race Affect a Student’s Math Education?
"]—in high school, her excitement for math slowly turned to disappointment. Benjamin-Ficken, a citizen of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe (a tribal nation in Minnesota), was one of two students of color in her 11th-grade pre-calculus class. When her study partner was absent for a series of days, Benjamin-Ficken began to struggle with the material and barely passed the class with a D-minus. Her senior year in AP Calculus repeated the pattern—lacking support and feeling ignored in the class, she passed with a D.

K: of course if one, ONE student is failing one class and feeling bad about it, why that
must mean that we must end the entire educational system in all of America…taking one
example, one person experience of one class, isn’t indicative of anything but that one person

O: One example of whiteness explored in the paper is how the relentless drumbeat from researchers about racial differences in math achievement is linked to racially differential treatment in math classrooms. The concept of racial hierarchy of mathematical ability—a term coined by Danny Martin, education professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago—basically says constantly reading and hearing about underperforming black, Latino, and indigenous students begins to embed itself into how math teachers view these students, attributing achievement differences to their innate ability to succeed in math.

K: this is about the biases and superstitions of the teachers… which has nothing to do
with the students…

seriously… you think this crap has any bearing on what we are talking about?

not only haven’t you proven your point, if anything, you have muddled it…

and wasted my time with nonsense…


One wonders if the politicalization of race and the opposing principle not immersed in the same type of confusion that beset the disarray that came about between Lamarkism and Darwinism, where the conflict became an outcome between biological heredity versus traits acquired through natural selection

In fact it was again a political intrusion into two disparate studies, where traits were acquired through use or, through evolutionary selection of adaptation.

The laterr appears a precurser of this, either or a choice between social construction or heredity.

That prejudice is learned, there is no dioubt, it has become a kind of cultural edict, until rebutted. Of course, the priviliged type tends to use their advantages to their benefit, even to buttress their position under the umbrella of equal opportunity. But, what man could not be stupid enough to use differences of any noticeable kind to use it to his own advantage?

The use it or loss it kind of approach can be applied to both types of view, without really proving which is more 'factual.

Without implying the game can’t be plays reversely, with the kind of comparative extensions which have become commonplace., mirrored images can be set up to make appearences count as if they were indelible facts.

It is easier to imply a reversal from political expedience to a factual contradiction, then it is to ‘prove’ the efficacy of one or the other, going forward, like that can be done with sufficient assurance and clarity.

Genetic politics can be played irrespective of lower level domination propaganda techniques, but a reasonable amount can not be brushed under the rug because if is who we are from ground. up, and not the other way, the conservatives would like us to believe -trickling down.

So is it “divisive” or “racist” that you have become incapable of understanding?

Since the ILP Commie Cult are incapable of researching and analyzing issues before triggering into their cult defense - let me do a little work and critical analysis here - for the benefit of others who might be reading this - since the cult cannot think anything other than what they are programmed to think anyway -

The following is from Britannica (those encyclopedia people) -

In analysis let’s take these proclamations one at a time -

  • (1) Race is socially constructed, not biologically natural.

This is similar to the proclamation that sex - male and female - are not physical characteristics but rather merely social constructs - made by social indoctrination and choice - an obvious blatant lie - denial of science - denial of reality.

So right off the cuff - the first tenet is a blatant propaganda lie. Not only do varied races look differently and perform differently - the medical world must treat them differently in order to best handle their health. During COVID it was clear that Blacks were having more difficulty than whites with the China virus. Other diseases are tolerated more by different races. They are physically different.

Politicians and ILP Commie Cult members are lying all the time - so what is the big deal?

The big deal is that these lies are being programmed into young children - the denial of reality for sake of political power over - those very children - turning them against their own parents and against their own instincts. This is not teaching Santa Claus. This is teaching mental ideological social political distortions - for sake of political power.

  • (2) Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour.

This proclamation falls more in the category of an extreme exaggeration - into a lie. Anyone from outside the US can very clearly see that the US is the least racist country in the entire world - they just recently had a Black President - they have high ranking political minority members - army generals - professors - doctors - business owners - millionaires - yet the children are to believe that the US (of all places) is a racist country.

The sly caveat in the deception is revealed in the phrase - “ordinary experience of most people of colour.” - innocent sounding - but cleverly deceptive.

When the US propaganda media espouses race issues constantly for decades - what are their people going to be thinking about - “racism”. So when asked - very many will focus on their race - even though they directly experience nothing associated with race differences - but they were asked. And because they mentioned “race” - the pollsters mark down that “racism” has been experienced.The fact is that almost all of their racist experience is merely the rantings of their propaganda media - inflaming racism - again - for political power over those same people - now being programmed into children - even before the media vampires get to them.

And perceived racism is not actual racism. If told constantly that you are a victim of racism - you begin to suspect it - and wonder if incidents that were not clear might have been a racism issue - “racism paranoia” - “conspiracy theory” - propagated by the media and CRT schools.

It is preprogramming children to be race conscious with negative attitudes - “Blacks = victims” - “Whites = racist oppressors”. It is programming children to see racism where it didn’t exist. It is programming children to be triggered radical racists and future racist advocates.

So does racism not exist at all in the US? Does the flu virus exist in the US? How much is too much? - Zero? That can never be. Testimony from many Blacks is that racism is NOT their experience other than getting special privileges from government programs and special attention from the propaganda media. The existence of so many prominent Blacks in all fields of career and authority testify to the fact that racism is NOT their issue.

Yet this proclamation is that it is very unusual for minorities to not experience racism - at some point in their lives - by somebody somewhere. Go to any other country and see what you experience.

“Did you ever experience the flu? Are you now an oppressed victim of it?”

By the way - did they ask the same question to Whites? - obviously experiencing racism right now - by the propaganda media AND the government and institutional education special programs.

  • (3) Owing to what critical race theorists call “interest convergence” or “material determinism,” legal advances (or setbacks) for people of colour tend to serve the interests of dominant white groups. Thus, the racial hierarchy that characterizes American society may be unaffected or even reinforced by ostensible improvements in the legal status of oppressed or exploited people.

Again this one isn’t merely a blatant lie - but rather a clever deception.

“Interest Conversion” - what does it mean? It means that people with authority support those who support them - a “convergence of interest”. What idiot doesn’t do that?

The implication proclaimed is that Whites only support Whites. It appears to me that the exact opposite is far more true. In the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race - unless you are a minority. And you might notice that most of this anti-white racist hate mongering is being spread by - Whites – The exact opposite of the proclamation.

“Material Determinism” - what does it mean? It means that there are material difference in the races that lead to different outcomes. Strange. Didn’t the first proclamation declare that no such thing exists? Yet it is now used to support the idea that minorities - because they are materially different - get oppressed.

This is a direct attack on meritocracy. It is the proposal that regardless of performance - minorities in the US must get all the same benefits (actually more). But they don’t tell you that - they cloak the issue as “systemic white supremacy” - admitting that Whites are better at some things and they don’t like that because it leads to “dominate white groups” who presumably oppress and take advantage of the minorities. But again - is alright for Blacks to engage is that practice at every opportunity.

A critical issue raised by this proclamation is that improving the laws won’t help - the entire system MUST be destroyed. - and of course replaced with communist ideologies run by Blacks (Nicaragua comes to America).

  • (4) Members of minority groups periodically undergo “differential racialization,” or the attribution to them of varying sets of negative stereotypes, again depending on the needs or interests of whites.

Again - “Minority = victim” - “White = racist oppressor”.

This one is especially interesting because it is both self-defeating and partially true.

“Differential Racialization” - what does it mean? It means that the media and education system display minorities in the way they do solely to promote White dominance.

What this proclamation implies is that CRT and the liberal media should NOT be seen because it serves the purpose of White dominance. In a sense that is true.

By CRT and the media constantly promoting to children that Blacks are victims - they are creating a mindset of self-oppression (repression). If a child is taught from birth that he cannot succeed because of those evil oppressors - why should he even try? And through a variety of interviews with young black men - it is obvious that they don’t try to succeed exactly for that reason - they just know that it would be futile to do anything but just try to get away with things illegally - immorally - and actually self-defeatingly.

So this proclamation implies that everyone should stop learning CRT - and stop watching liberal media.

Interesting - but of course the children being indoctrinated by CRT won’t understand that until it is too late.

  • (5) According to the thesis of “intersectionality” or “antiessentialism,” no individual can be adequately identified by membership in a single group. An African American person, for example, may also identify as a woman, a lesbian, a feminist, a Christian, and so on.

Another interesting self-defeating proclamation that sounds innocent and just - “individual people cannot be identified by group” (anti-prejudice) - yet CRT constantly declares that Whites are ALL oppressors (and in practice that is taught as a genetic trait) and that ALL minorities are victims - due to not being White.

It proclaims the exact opposite of what it teaches.

“Intersectionality” - What does it mean? It means that social and political relations cause discrimination and privilege.

“Anti-essentialism” - What does it mean? It means that individuals are essentially just a number within their group - there is nothing essentially important about any individual person.

Both of these play together.

  • If you are Black - you are the same as all Blacks - all victims.
  • If you are female - you are the same as all females - all victims.
  • If you are White - you are the same as all Whites - all supremacist oppressors.
  • If you are republican - you are the same as all republicans - all evil oppressors.
  • If you are democrat - you are the same as all democrats - all good justice warriors…

It is a promotion of “group-think” and prejudice. It IS racism itself. And it is specifically (and intentionally) anti-capitalism (against any effort to do things for your own good) - yet it proclaims the exact opposite. If it was what it proclaimed - it would be teaching Essentialism - not Anti-Essentialism.

This one is - “There is nothing special about you. Accept the group you are identified with - bow down and shut up.”

What happens when this is taught to unsuspecting children? They think of the group and that they are merely an insignificant member of that group - that they are unimportant individually - nothing attention should be paid to their individual circumstance - ever - for the rest of their lives - brainwashed into the cult.

  • (6) the “voice of colour” thesis holds that people of colour are uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of other members of their group (or groups) regarding the forms and effects of racism.

Again - innocent sounding - very popularly thought - yet actually deceptive.

It proclaims that regardless of talent or skills - only a Black person can figure out how to represent Black people. White people interviewing Black people is pointless - White people cannot understand Black people’s issues - White people are genetically incapable of understanding anything but White people (so why did White people ever abolish slavery?).

Politics is all about clever - behind the scene - scams on the population. It requires a clever mind to see and defend against clever politicians. But to CRT children - that isn’t the point because if the person isn’t the same race as they are (even though “race” is just a socially imagined idea) - the person cannot defend them.

So Whites - when fighting Chinese - cannot defends Blacks. Men cannot defend women. Women cannot defend men. Straights cannot defend gays. And Blacks “should not” defend Whites (because ALL Whites are inherent racist oppressors).

So in summary -

I cannot say that the entirety of CRT is lies (it does actually teach that CRT should not be taught). But I can say that the entirety is deception of children and promotion into self-defeating cultism - which explains why the ILP Commie Cult - really loves and defends it. :smiley:

It is extremely divisive -racist - and socialist/Marxist.

And they are teaching this in place of - how to easily remember things (which James has shown to be a very simple process) and how to accurately analyze things (“critical thinking”) as well as many social skill subjects.

Mr Reasonable: just calling it divisive and racist isn’t really painting the picture that i need to understand what your critique is. also what false history are they teaching?
O: So is it “divisive” or “racist” that you have become incapable of understanding?
Since the ILP Commie Cult are incapable of researching and analyzing issues before triggering into their cult defense - let me do a little work and critical analysis here - for the benefit of others who might be reading this - since the cult cannot think anything other than what they are programmed to think anyway -

K; I note with some interest that you failed to answer Mr. Reasonable
rather interesting question, ''What false history does CERT teach?
The second point is, it isn’t an Observe post without insults…I do wish
for some original insults but no, same old same old…alas nothing new…

The following is from Britannica (those encyclopedia people) -

"]In their work Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, first published in 2001, the legal scholars Richard Delgado (one of the founders of CRT) and Jean Stefancic discuss several general propositions that they claim would be accepted by many critical race theorists, despite the considerable variation of belief among members of the movement.

These “basic tenets” of CRT, according to the authors, include the following claims:

  • (1) Race is socially constructed, not biologically natural.
  • (2) Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour.
  • (3) Owing to what critical race theorists call “interest convergence” or “material determinism,” legal advances (or setbacks) for people of colour tend to serve the interests of dominant white groups. Thus, the racial hierarchy that characterizes American society may be unaffected or even reinforced by ostensible improvements in the legal status of oppressed or exploited people.
  • (4) Members of minority groups periodically undergo “differential racialization,” or the attribution to them of varying sets of negative stereotypes, again depending on the needs or interests of whites.
  • (5) According to the thesis of “intersectionality” or “antiessentialism,” no individual can be adequately identified by membership in a single group. An African American person, for example, may also identify as a woman, a lesbian, a feminist, a Christian, and so on. Finally,
  • (6) the “voice of colour” thesis holds that people of colour are uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of other members of their group (or groups) regarding the forms and effects of racism.

I too will approach this statement by statement…

  1. race is an social construct, not biological construct…
    can you tell someone race by their color? Nope…and what of the mixed types?
    how do we decide if someone is black, white or yellow? as EVERYONE is biologically
    mixed, everyone… I am part black, part American Indian, part Ashkenazi Jew (where the hell
    that came from, I have no idea) and mostly Irish/English…so, what race am I from is
    decided by… me… who do I identify with? I identify with the … Irish…so, when asked,
    I say I am Irish… my last name is clearly Irish… from my father’s side…

  2. Racism in the United States is normal…an experienced by people of color every day…

I am not colored… I am white, so I can’t tell you from personal experience, but I have
friends who are colored and they say they face racism every single day… sometimes
overtly, sometimes not… are you colored? If not, then how can you explain what other
people are feeling? you can’t… you have to take their word for it…

  1. I have no data either way on this one, so I must judge it on what I know about
    the law and racism…as it is the white people who make the law and it is white people
    who enforce the law and it is white people who sit in judgement of the law…
    so, I would say this is true…based on my knowledge of how the world works…
    and I have over 60 years experience of knowing how the world works…
    because the white folk never experience racism, they can’t really know what
    solutions will or will not work… as a Parent, I love it when non-parents butt in
    and tell me how I should be parenting…unless you are a parent, shut the fuck up…
    and this is the same for racism… if you haven’t experience it, then shut the fuck up…

  2. I believe this one to be true… this is based on my knowledge of history…
    at one time, the most despised minority in America was… the Irish… from about
    1800 to the Civil war…there were signs on retail stores, saying, Irish not allowed in…
    and it was widespread all over America…then after the Civil War, the most despised
    minority was… the Chinese… even in San Francisco, the Chinese were hated…
    and events like 9/11 can change the fortunes of how one or more group of people
    are perceived… for example, I flew to Denver three weeks after 9/11…
    and people were very, very suspicious of others, but the blacks were not
    considered part of the Arab attack on 9/11, so blacks were considered to
    be part of the club, at least for a while…and so the blacks on the plane
    weren’t considered to be part of the “enemy” which at that time was Arabs…

  3. and this one is true… we can think about or consider ourselves part
    of many diverse and different groups…we can identify with any number
    of groups… be it white or male or jew or gay or any combination of
    those possibilities or even more possibilities… someone who I didn’t know,
    recently came out as “Pansexual” I don’t even know what that means, but
    they identified themselves as such… a woman, I think…

  4. I hold this to be true as I can speak for someone who is handicap as I too
    am handicap, but I cannot speak for being a women, or being black or being
    gay… I cannot speak for those people as I am not a women, or black or gay…
    but I do understand what it is like to be handicap… and I can speak to that
    particular group…is there systematic racism in America? As I am white,
    I cannot say from my personal experience, but I can say, from what I have
    seen and heard, yes, there is systematic racism in this country… can I speak
    for or about, said systematic racism in America?.. Alas no, I cannot as I
    have never suffered from any type of systematic racism… I have experienced
    age discrimination, and I have suffered bigotry at the hands of those who
    have failed to understand what it means to be handicap…and I can speak to
    that… but to speak about racism or sexism, I cannot speak about that…
    I have never faced them… thus I can’t speak about it…


:laughing: (why even comment).


If you can’t tell the race of that bloke - you have no business telling anyone anything.

So that bloke is just a “social construct”. I wonder who constructed him that way. Can he get his money back? He doesn’t look very happy.

You left out the more significant part – part idiot.

And I can certainly see where the Ashkenazi Jew part came in.

So anyone can go to a Black college or get government special program assistance for minorities if he just bothers to identify as “Black”?

I think you would have a little trouble with that - but dream on (you lie about everything else - so why not).

“Kropotkin” is IRISH?

And I suppose “Smith” is Chinese?

So because you didn’t identify as Black - you can’t testify whether anyone treated you any differently. Tomorrow - identify as Black for a while - see if that makes a difference. Maybe people will show their racism to you (and I bet it would be the Blacks doing it :laughing: ).

And how do you know you aren’t Black? I thought you couldn’t tell by looking. :confused:

This is just too stupid. =;

Definitely not Irish. Bit also, definitely not ILP’s Peter.

Unless, of course, he identifies as real Pyotr Kropotkin. Who knows.

That certainly sounds like our Peter - although a little more intelligent. O:)

Anyone could tell from his ranting that he was Russian decent - if not currently Russian.

Peter Kropotkin: race is an social construct, not biological construct…
can you tell someone race by their color? Nope…

O: :laughing: (why even comment).


K: from our friends at Wike:

A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.[1] The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits. Modern science regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society.[2] While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning.[1][3][4]

O: If you can’t tell the race of that bloke - you have no business telling anyone anything.
So that bloke is just a “social construct”. I wonder who constructed him that way. Can he get his money back? He doesn’t look very happy.

K: and you didn’t answer my question… what about those who are mixed races?
how would we classify someone like Rashida Jones? whose father is Quincy Jones
and whose mother is Peggy Lipton? take a look at her picture and tell me if she if
black or white?

Peter Kropotkin: I am part black, part American Indian, part Ashkenazi Jew (where the hell
that came from, I have no idea) and mostly Irish/English…

O: And I can certainly see where the Ashkenazi Jew part came in.

K: it isn’t an observe post without insulting someone… today its the Jews…

Peter Kropotkin: what race am I from is decided by… me…

O: So anyone can go to a Black college or get government special program assistance for minorities if he just bothers to identify as “Black”?

K: and some have…

O: I think you would have a little trouble with that - but dream on (you lie about everything else - so why not).

K: I have a problem with anyone who lies…

Peter Kropotkin: who do I identify with? I identify with the … Irish…so, when asked,
I say I am Irish… my last name is clearly Irish… from my father’s side…
“Kropotkin” is IRISH?
:laughing: And I suppose “Smith” is Chinese?

K: two points, A. my real name isn’t Kropotkin…just as your real name isn’t Observe524
or is it, 524? and secondly, I live in California, and I do see Chinese people whose last name
is Smith and Chinese people whose last name is Lee… can you tell where someone is from
based upon their last name? no…

Peter Kropotkin: I am not colored… I am white, so I can’t tell you from personal experience,

O: So because you didn’t identify as Black - you can’t testify whether anyone treated you any differently. Tomorrow - identify as Black for a while - see if that makes a difference. Maybe people will show their racism to you (and I bet it would be the Blacks doing it :laughing: ).
And how do you know you aren’t Black? I thought you couldn’t tell by looking. :confused:

K: I have no need to self identify as black or white or red/white/and blue…
several family members have done the 23/me test and the results are what
I posted… as they are in small measure, black, so am I…

K: as I don’t identify in such a limited way as nationality or race or
creed. When asked about such things, I answer truthfully… but I don’t
self identify in terms of being an American, or being white, or being male…
those are accidental traits of my birth… and they don’t tell you about
what is important about me… when ask, Who are you? I self identify
as a liberal, or an Atheist, or such things as I deem to be important…
not the things that came to me accidentally… by birth…
but by things I have come to hold to be true…


So a CRT clut member writes a wiki article and then uses its cult books as testimony to its truth - :laughing:

But if you bother to dig a little deeper (surprised that you even bothered to read wiki) -

K; I attempted to find out who this writer, Michael Matthews is, but I am unable to…
Who is he? Is he a professor or some random guy with a PH.D? Is he qualified to
respond as to what CRT is? or is he a Dentist with delusions of greatness?

for example, I could claim to have a PH.D, I don’t, and trash Einstein’s
theory of relativity… does my claim to a PH.D or even a real PH.D in
being a dentist qualify me to respond to Einstein theory? It helps to
respond if I knew Mr. Matthews qualifications…
