So...what stops you...?

There’s lots of talk running about the past few years regarding the acceptance of religious differences, spiritual harmony, that it’s all for the same purpose, and here on ILP we’ve somewhat started hitting on that thread of concept ourselves with a few threads surfacing discussing the singularity acceptance of poly-theological symbiosis, and in some discussions, assimilation and conglomeration.

Obviously assimilation concepts are much further out than acceptance, but let’s start there.

Let’s start with a simple question, and I don’t want an answer.
Strange as it may be, I don’t want responses to this thread; silence would be better.

Exactly…what is it that stops you when you cannot accept someone else’s religious belief?
What is it that stops you from being part of the dream that brings unity to human spirit?

And why is … what is it inside of you that causes that last sentence to arise such sarcasm and cynicism?

If you were handed the magical bullet to hell, would you point it at your head? … Or would you point it at mine?

If you found out that there was nothing out there…would you make a widow cry once again? … Or would you let her hold to her faith?

I don’t want your answers, and I don’t want your reasons.
I’m not interested in your critiques of these words this time.

These are merely my words; take it, or leave it … as you will.

People can’t help what they believe. A man doesn’t say “right, shall be an X, Y, or Z?”, he lives as an X because that’s how he is.

I didn’t choose to be an atheist like how I choose which thong to wear each day. Having not been indoctrinated into anything as a child, and having looked the various religions over, I just …am an atheist.

I imagine people are becoming “embracing” in their beliefs as part of a recent globalisation-coinciding drive to unite the peoples of the world. Not so much people changing their minds as hooking up with newer memes in the first place. (If that makes sense.)

Just to let you know TheStumps…I read your post.

  1. My ego.

  2. Recalcetrance.

Sorry Stumps, I can’t get out of my skull. I’ve really tried. Truly, I wish I could. But until the time comes that I can, I just have to be wishful. And it seems my wishes aren’t conruent with the Other’s, in terms of Absolutes…

My non cynical, non sarcastic answer is true unity must be based on Truth.

BTW, if you didn’t want responses, you shouldn’t have posted it in the first place.