
Why did Osama attack us? Did he not foresee the shit storm after what he did?

when did you suppose that people like osama, cheney and all other fascist people who rule parts on the world think rationally and very well about the future?

Instant money and/or religious prestige is the motivator, not long term consequences.

First off, Osama never attacked us. But assuming he did, of course he foresaw “the shit storm after what he did.” He wanted exactly that.

ADDENDUM: Osama used our retaliation as a way to gain troops. He told them we would attack them, and that they should attack us first. When we retaliated, we essentially fulfilled his prophecy.

That makes sense, I guess. US presence in the middle east creates more ‘terrorists’ than it kills. Osama wins.

Osama attacks the US knowing that the US would fuck up a counterattack that would create more allies for Osama, in the meantime America’s war is depleting the economy. That guy’s a tactical Genius, or a very lucky gambler.


A few links for you to peruse at your pleasure. First up, we have the FBI’s website most wanted list:
And Osama Bin Laden’s page:
Note that there is no mention of 9/11.

Secondly, we have the Muckraker report, who quote the FBI as saying

Thirdly, we have The Power of Nightmares, a three-part documentary series about the rise of Islamic Extremism and Neo-Conservatism, and deal with Bin Laden particularly in the second and third episodes: … Nightmares

Then we have a transcript of the show:

Have a look at these if you’re truly interested in the answers to such a question as the one you’ve posed.

This is essentially the thesis of TPON, that regardless of whether Bin Laden was or wasn’t responsible for 9/11, he used it to his advantage. Indeed, it is claimed in the series that Bin Laden never spoke of Al Qaeda before the US started using the phrase.