Everyone says you have to social network to move up in society. But most people are losers. So something doesn’t really click together here.
I noticed this paradox because I am now seeking to obtain a real job in order to get paid for filling in my hours of boredom. I’ve been scavenging information in order to ‘grab this thing by the balls’ so to speak.
It seems like the actual way to be a winner is through the expression of sociopathic and anti-social tendencies. That way, when another rare intelligent person sees you, they will immediately become aware of the fact that you are another winner just like them. They will want you in their group of anti-social winners and this is the real way to become successful.
This hate of everyone else around will serve as the backdrop for future success in the business world and consumerist utopia. Feeding off the idiocy of everyone else around you is the way to succeed.
Success is about action. Everyone has hopes and dreams and their own ideas of what success is, but what it comes down to is deciding what you want and going after it with everything you have. Fuck everyone else, if you’re worrying about what they’re doing and/or what they think about what you’re doing, you’re not going to get very far.
Everyday I have to resist the urge to punch every student - who dares to pull out his or her cell phone in my class - repeatedly in the face. And yes, the offenders are almost exclusively the stupid ones.
Of course, whether or not compulsive social networking is the cause, or the symptom, of said stupidity is a debatable point.
I have no hopes and dreams. I am driven by disgust and hatred of the world I see around me and at the moment the desire to obtain money because not having anything else to do all day bores me. Money and assets will also allow me greater ability to avoid contact with undesirables and having to take shit from anyone.
Yes I think retards prefer conversing with other retards
think about the question you asked ‘you have to social network to move up in society’
clicks fine with me, moving up in society means knowing more people, why? to get them to do things for you
society values getting things done. if you get things done, and more people attribute the things getting done to what one person can accomplish, through his contacts, then that’s what success is
yes, often you will feed across the idiocy of people around you
because you notice sociopathic and anti-social tendencies, and instantly value these people more, in my opinion says more about what you value as opposed to what society values
but what i REALLY think, is that a tendency to seek out anti-social and sociopathic persons represents a personal desire to capitalize on their lack of social ability, easily putting you at the top in the relationship, in the exact same way the person who is social networking is doing
morons? i don’t think so… just different values than you… or perhaps not so different
Not really - moving up in society means knowing the right people.
Most people are morons and knowing them will not profit you at all. The world is run by a few highly motivated sociopaths with above average intelligence that exclude everyone else.
Society obviously values sociopathic behaviors, because that’s what the people running society are doing. At least in terms of obtaining money and assets.
Duality, I think what your problem is is that you spend too much time worrying about what other people expect and what their idea of success is.
You seem very concerned with others. You hate them, you don’t to be around them, etc. etc., but what I read when I see that is, “I gauge everything I do by what other people are doing”. You’re too concerned with “them”. If you really didn’t give a shit, you wouldn’t have started this thread.
Who cares about what other people think is success? What you need to ask yourself is, what do YOU want. When you figure that out, and then go out and achieve whatever it is, you will have been successful. Joe Blow down the street thinking different shouldn’t really matter to you. So, bottom line - if you hate people so much, stop concerning yourself with them.
I already stated my reasons for creating this thread. It has absolutely nothing to do with what other people are doing and absolutely everything to do with obtaining money and assets efficiently.
Sociopathic I might agree with, but only insofar as it entails an apparent detachment from emotion. Lack of emotion or conscience is valued for more reasons than one. Anti-social, not at all – that characteristic just isn’t conducive to ‘team-building’ or leadership in a company. I speak from experience on that aspect.
Hmm… Who are you trying to convince?
Complacency disguised as adaptability, obligation disguised as initiative, and disinterest disguised as sincerity – that’s all it really takes. I don’t think it is a matter of actually harboring hate for those around you or what you do, but, rather, tactfully concealing such inclinations should they arise.
I don’t know what you mean by “feeding off idiocy”. To me, that seems like eating rancid meat for nourishment. It won’t get you far, but you’ll learn a thing or two about bad meat.
In honesty, and in general, your attitude as of late seems to be one of …defeat.
I don’t know I’ve been considering starting my own business since I really hate having to take shit from anybody. Maybe racketeering since it would be a bonus being able to avoid paying taxes and filling the coffers of the government pigs.
you’re right, I don’t really have any hope for the human race, as it seems to be just an endless cycle of shit with a few rare diamonds thrown in now and then.
No job is free of bullshit, that I know of. I’ve considered similar alternatives for similar reasons, but you also have to figure you are trading taking shit from a boss for taking shit from police and other government agencies looking to get into your pockets or shut you down. Not to mention the higher potential for prison rape.
See, I don’t know if it is the ‘person’, on the whole, that is “shit”. I think a majority of our customs and behaviors aren’t too far from bullshit, but it’s important to keep that in consideration. That is, what informs our behaviors and conceptions of ourselves. We aren’t bred to be diamonds, as much as we’d like to think otherwise. Most of us are seen as little more than common, workaday coal to be used as fuel for creating the diamonds. I disagree with that, though. The real diamonds don’t arise at the expense of others, but of themselves. Complacency borders both necessity and pathology in the workplace. I think many people realize that, but forget any reason to care. I say care and remain cognizant of yourself out of defiance if nothing else. I see something of cynic in you, which I think can be greatly beneficial. Cynicism helped me let go of similar resentments I harbored, as funny as that may sound. If that doesn’t make sense to you and you haven’t read on Cynicism, especially the classical school[s], I would recommend it. You’ll understand what I’m saying. And, to be clear, I only make this recommendation because I can relate to your current position all too well. Except, I never excluded myself from the “shit” category.
Yeah I hope I never work again, I hate the whole system of idiots who strive to become dominant by the irony of subservience and unctuous toadying. Good luck is all I can say, you have to sell your soul to become financially successful, but if it fills your time go for it. I will however offer one caveat, it’s not worth a hill of beans, to conform to anyone’s standards but your own. If your standards are dependant on financial success there’s not a man in the world who can stop you.
The human race is shit, you get used to it as time goes by.
90% of the human population are useful idiots where only 10% actually self introspect or analyze the rest of the world around them. Hooray for human achievement! Life is a ongoing violent tragedy.
I do give appreciate the ability of persons to be knowingly subversively subservient… people who actually are dominant (physically, intellectually), but choose to use yield to their weaker counterparts to get ahead whenever possible, as to minimize the public knowledge of his/her true power. seems like an awesome way to succeed to me, while not painting a target on ones own back… everyone wants to target the leader
i’ll agree though, that actually lacking dominance while being subservient is perhaps less admirable of an approach
i’d say its an approach that’s as consistent as possible with mainstream morality, while never sacrificing personal desires
What’s really the difference between prison rape and being raped by society? I’d be willing to bet the residual psychological effects are exactly the same. Except that one wasn’t accepted voluntarily.
Plus I read that law enforcement agencies are doing major cutbacks for the 2012 year due to budgetary decreases. It looks like the whole system is collapsing. Seems like it would be the best time in a long time for alternative enterprises.
I’m an Existential Nihilist + Platonic Idealist. But I’m not dumb or naïve enough to think that fundamental Christian ideals can actually be lived out to a T in this fallen world.
Good to see that my posts are finally bringing out your nihilistic inner nature.
Wouldn’t a Platonic Idealist believe something like ‘virtue’, albeit an abstract ideal, is essentially real? Ideals aren’t meant to produce totally accurate results – they are just measures. And by no means am I suggesting you adopt Christian ideals in particular.