Social norms enlightenment

Is it spiritual or perception?

Logic leads emotion. Emotion opens your mind to logic.

Are we biological robots merely reacting to predispositions of biochemical reaction or are we led by spiritual causes.


Jesus said, “in my fathers house there will be guests.”

Religion is mans perception of God and spirit. Christianity is God reaching out to man.

Is their an evolution of the soul?


a significant redirrecting fact. Ghosts have only been noted by side effects with unknown physical causes. Nay sayers control how we learn about this, and start teaching brain washing by limiting perspective. Especially when they think out the meaning of facts for you.

Ghosts are a phanominom noted by;
electromagnetic disturabances,
cold spots,
Orbs of light or appiritions of people that emit light without a source.

In this I have developed the theory or philosophy that the soul is an energy independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. Thus the brain reacts to certain energies the soul gives off. Maybe then people own their feelings with ideology of experiance,… because when a spiritual energy activates certain feelings, these memories of this feeling are stored in this certain section of the brain.

Thus, when your body goes through cycles, it brings up a sum of your memories. IE… child molestors have learned to get off with a child, and this dominates the sexual part of the brain, because other types of memories are now ?tame? (all worldly things grow mondane when your not spiritually content). So the proven side effect is that chemical casteration will not change a child molestor.

Calousness to spiritual feelings can be from learned behavior of distrust. If you are hurting, you will protect yourself psychologically to prevent the hurt. These defence walls can often be offencencive in nature. IE turning hurt into anger or even laughing at the pain. In this people can become suicidal or homicidal in nature because of the never ending frustraition of not knowing how to overcome the pain. It depends on who they blame.

Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is that of a child. The unconditional love of a child is something we are born with, but gets sadly blocked out by learned behavior. I have felt the Holy Spirit. I loosly define it as a residual charge brought on by a spirit of peace and love that heals the soul into something simular of that of the innocents and purity of a new soul. This residual effect wears away when I traveled down old thought patterens. But the solution would be to meditate on the bible to open your mind to a better way of thinking.

Heracies have started when people have tried to define God from a limited perception. Glitches in the church have started when people realize a perspective of God, then try to make rules or laws about it. IE priests who don’t have sex. The rituals can lose meaning unless you are spiritually led to do them.

I know some things about the spirit though. The soul merely percieves reality, but the souls energy can influance reality. (what the bleep do we know)(the secret)… So when I examined the science behind homosexuality and saw no dirrect proof but assumptions from side effects, I realized that the love that comes from the soul isn’t dictated by the body. But homosexuals notice differances between them and the norm, thus relate differently. In this social definitions allow them to assume that these differances make them gay. If different people only trust and respect other different people, they will only be likly to open up to certain types of people,… and maybe even subconciously mimic people with obtuse simularities. But the uncomfortableness in your own skin that can cause transgender behavior while not being gay,… well that says that the focus on the problem is pure confusion. Yet relying on constants from the soul will provide stability in this confusion.

Now with love so loosly defined but desires so easily defined, “players” can easily feel okey sleeping around without developing a spiritual connection to someone of the opposite sex.

If you find a twenty dollar bill on the ground, your first thought would be that you are twenty dollars richer. Merely because you see things from your own perspective first. Yet then you look around and realize that we are not islands, but a society interdependent on eachother on many levels,… your second thought should be about who dropped the bill and do they want it back.

If society was led by our first thoughts were supposed to run the world, then life would already be perfect.

Love between the sexes forces us to look beyond our bodily differences and more into the soul in order to save our love. Love dies when you take it for granted.

Most of this I did not find interesting at all however I did find one very insightful line…

“Glitches in the church have started when people realize a perspective of God, then try to make rules or laws about it.”

TRUE! (Assuming God exists)

Take this further and this may be applied to just about any ideology or system of belief. It could be said that laws (whatever that word may imply) themselves are “glitches” or misreadings of a greater ideal (whatever that may be). I only mention this because I haven’t really posted to ILP in about a year and feel I should say something…

So I will end it with this…

In one of the remaining fragments of Timon’s work on Pyrrho he writes:
“Empty hosts of people, weighed down on this side and that
By affections, opinion and pointless laying-down of the law.”


i thought this was very nice writing.

You’re right. That was too harsh. I’ve edited my prior post. I apologize.



Is science purposly leading peple against God???

Look at evolution.
Fact… natural selection according to enviormental needs.
Fact… layered rock that has fossils that change with each layer.
Fact… science can create amino acids with their own chemical ooze.

FACT… every “random mutation” (nothing is random) we have seen has been a lesser form of the DNA it came from.
… That is how they track human genetics.

Now to take these few facts and perpetuate them back to the start of time,… well we see how the theory of evolution has come about. Yet the last fact is the one that contradicts the theory of evolution. It was the one found after the theory of evolution was popularized. It in fact asks science to drastically rethink evolution. Yet this fact is never taught when leading people against creationism.

The historic book of the Bible…

After the flood of noah, recorded life expectancies dropped. Now science cannot fathom how people could live to be 500 years old, yet there are a couple facts that would allow it.

The theory of a thicker atmosphere.
A thicker atmosphere would allow this flood water to be suspended above the earth. This pressure would allow more oxogen per square inch. Witch would allow more energy gained per energy used. The water in the atmosphere would allow less solar radiation to hit people.

So how would the flood happen??? I don’t know the means of God,… but I thought maybe an asteroid would hit the crust of the earth at an angle that would slow down the turning of the earth,… and instant dramatic changes could happen.

What parrellel facts could support such a theory???
The fact that dionosaurs were so big would be a dirrect effect of the enviorment they lived in. More vitamin packed food. More dence air. More thicker cell density. Think about whales, and the fact that they can live at more extream water pressures then any other animal. Does that have anything to do with size and cell density???

This theorization led me to the theory that dinosaurs had the purpose of teraforming a virgin earth for us beings with spiritual purpose.



The mere fact that space and time is a side effect of matter. Well that is highly significant. One would assume that space and time should be constants. Yet space and time are caused. So what aspect of matter causes space and time??? Why not the creation of matter. From an all knowing God that exsists outside of space and time, and matter.

Significant evidence that anti God theories are wrong,… inadvertadly giving more clout to creation theories. The fact that DNA mutates to only lesser forms gives more clout to creation theories. The fact that Black Holes will stop feeding because they simply don’t have enough mass to reach the rest of the galaxy,… well that is a spit in the face to the big bang theory.

Yet no one is willing to even sugjest a God or Higher power. They find refuge in the fact that they owe nothing to God, and perpetuate anti religious zeal. They have no right to contradict God so arrogantly.


Jesus was right.
Matthew 8: 18-22 recap… Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to even lay his head.
Follow me now. Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead.

Matthew 18:3-7 recap… I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.
And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
What sorrow awaits the world, because it tepts people to sin. Temptations are inevidable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting.

Matthew 19:14 recap… Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.

yet psychology today magazine said that we have to mature past/above children in order to learn to have permiscious sex.

Did they take into consideration that people who don’t want love do so because they have become burnt by love? But since our scientific religion leaders have themselves become caloused to love,… they automatically know that love is a hoax brought on by our own imaginations.

What about all the people who leave relationships and get divorced? What does running from their problems teach them besides how to be more self centered and thinking they are smarter then their partner. I guess it’s always the other persons fault. Although, especially today, I understand how people don’t have a real connection to their partner when they first experiment with love. They are ignorant children attracted to eachother for ignorant reasons. Then the image they fell in love with falls apart. So they think people are easily replaced. In this, the more materialistic our society becomes the more people will fall in love with Brad Pit baced on the image he sells.

According to cat scans, men don’t have brains like women untill they take estrogin pills and testosterone blockers.

This allows biasness n the brain toward gender spacifics, allowing them to be a dirrectional force. Thus men and women are different by nature. Love between the sexes forces us to look beyond our bodily differences and more into the soul.

Yet CBS news picks the scientists that are willing to say that it’s normal for homosexuals to be bias toward a sexual difference.They even said that homosexuals will come from mothers who have more then one son. That the younger son is exposed to a chemical that gives them antibodies to testosterone. Yet identical twins will have one be gay and one not. To them this means that they don’t yet understand why. Yet… no proof of an antibody haveing this cause and effect in people. And no proof of a selective chemical bathh that would effect one twin or another.
How is this science having bias assumptions. Psychology. Homosexuals are right brain dominate people. Thus their imagination side is dominate. Thus when they grow up, they define themselves in comparison to their older brothers. If their brother is an agressive personality, and they are passive agressive or agressive passive, they will imediatly feel different. Now the mother is more likely a passive personality, thus the child will bond differently with the mother then the brother. Thus they will be emasculated from birth.

Now what cause and effect will homosexual science blame to cause emasculation?.. Well it’s noted that as right brain dominate people they are less likely to be lawyers or mathmatical scientists. They will be theoretical scienists,… witch means they start with an assumption and try to prove it with parrellel facts. So they have noted that homosexuals will have an enlarged audio section of the brain. Well, As right brain dominate people they are likely to have an enlarged auditory section of the brain. Through conditioning, they may develope a photographic like audio memory. It is shown that dislexia is a visual memory that gives them problems with none visual things (math reading). So they probably have an enlarged visual section of the brain. Yet this wasn’t parrelleled to the gay thing because it wasn’t convienant. And just because you like music, it doesn’t mean your gay. So cause and effect isn’t forced by DNA or a chemical bath. It isn’t a choice. It’s a biasness of lifestyle. If you love someone you’d learn to love doing things for them. If you identify yourself with someone, you’ll be sypathetic to them, and be open to doing the things they do. You’d accept them and live bicariously through them. You’d use your imagination to hear them tell stories.

They did a study showing homosexuals react to same sex pharamones. Yet they omited bisexuals from this study. Bisexuals would have shown you can react to both pharamones equally. Yet this would mean a controlled cause and effect. Well did DNA cause your brain to biochemically react to pharamones? Or did you learn to associate pharamones with sex, and release endorphines at that memory. No one knows.

They even noted that homosexual males have extra physical memories in the sexion of the brain that has to do with ?sex? Yet I’m sure this is 100% conditioned. Yet that was never even mentioned. Your willing to admit that the mother can become conditioned to having male children (I’m sure it helps ease the child bearring tolls),… but your unwilling to admit that homosexuals can become conditioned to being homosexual. If you fill your section of the brain with only one kind of memory, then every time you have a sexual impulse, your brain will bring up these memories. Witch brings to subject, homosexuals are more likely to be child molestors then straights (by percent). Witch shows that all it takes is trying it to learn to like it.

I think you get ignored because you type so much that it feels like a stream of consciousness. Try consolidating your concepts into little chunks.