Is it spiritual or perception?
Logic leads emotion. Emotion opens your mind to logic.
Are we biological robots merely reacting to predispositions of biochemical reaction or are we led by spiritual causes.
Jesus said, “in my fathers house there will be guests.”
Religion is mans perception of God and spirit. Christianity is God reaching out to man.
Is their an evolution of the soul?
a significant redirrecting fact. Ghosts have only been noted by side effects with unknown physical causes. Nay sayers control how we learn about this, and start teaching brain washing by limiting perspective. Especially when they think out the meaning of facts for you.
Ghosts are a phanominom noted by;
electromagnetic disturabances,
cold spots,
Orbs of light or appiritions of people that emit light without a source.
In this I have developed the theory or philosophy that the soul is an energy independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. Thus the brain reacts to certain energies the soul gives off. Maybe then people own their feelings with ideology of experiance,… because when a spiritual energy activates certain feelings, these memories of this feeling are stored in this certain section of the brain.
Thus, when your body goes through cycles, it brings up a sum of your memories. IE… child molestors have learned to get off with a child, and this dominates the sexual part of the brain, because other types of memories are now ?tame? (all worldly things grow mondane when your not spiritually content). So the proven side effect is that chemical casteration will not change a child molestor.
Calousness to spiritual feelings can be from learned behavior of distrust. If you are hurting, you will protect yourself psychologically to prevent the hurt. These defence walls can often be offencencive in nature. IE turning hurt into anger or even laughing at the pain. In this people can become suicidal or homicidal in nature because of the never ending frustraition of not knowing how to overcome the pain. It depends on who they blame.
Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is that of a child. The unconditional love of a child is something we are born with, but gets sadly blocked out by learned behavior. I have felt the Holy Spirit. I loosly define it as a residual charge brought on by a spirit of peace and love that heals the soul into something simular of that of the innocents and purity of a new soul. This residual effect wears away when I traveled down old thought patterens. But the solution would be to meditate on the bible to open your mind to a better way of thinking.
Heracies have started when people have tried to define God from a limited perception. Glitches in the church have started when people realize a perspective of God, then try to make rules or laws about it. IE priests who don’t have sex. The rituals can lose meaning unless you are spiritually led to do them.
I know some things about the spirit though. The soul merely percieves reality, but the souls energy can influance reality. (what the bleep do we know)(the secret)… So when I examined the science behind homosexuality and saw no dirrect proof but assumptions from side effects, I realized that the love that comes from the soul isn’t dictated by the body. But homosexuals notice differances between them and the norm, thus relate differently. In this social definitions allow them to assume that these differances make them gay. If different people only trust and respect other different people, they will only be likly to open up to certain types of people,… and maybe even subconciously mimic people with obtuse simularities. But the uncomfortableness in your own skin that can cause transgender behavior while not being gay,… well that says that the focus on the problem is pure confusion. Yet relying on constants from the soul will provide stability in this confusion.
Now with love so loosly defined but desires so easily defined, “players” can easily feel okey sleeping around without developing a spiritual connection to someone of the opposite sex.
If you find a twenty dollar bill on the ground, your first thought would be that you are twenty dollars richer. Merely because you see things from your own perspective first. Yet then you look around and realize that we are not islands, but a society interdependent on eachother on many levels,… your second thought should be about who dropped the bill and do they want it back.
If society was led by our first thoughts were supposed to run the world, then life would already be perfect.
Love between the sexes forces us to look beyond our bodily differences and more into the soul in order to save our love. Love dies when you take it for granted.