K: I have taken sides … and don’t know it?
AP:This from someone who has himself taken sides; agreed with my -perceived- negative impression of capitalism while responding to my -perceived- negative impression of socialism with a “nuh-uh!” response.
K: actually, reread my post, carefully and you will see, I said, yes and no to the socialism part. For the most part, I agree with your
psychology of people. I made no comment negative or positive about your post. I simply amplified on it.
AP: All I will say is that there are instincts in humankind which drive one sort to dominate others through an individualist approach and another to dominate through being the hand and intrument of an abstract, absolute force - such as god or the state.
But both concepts could equally be twisted into a form of protectionism also …
K: I disagree with your point that “everyone” has instincts to dominate via individualist or abstract, absolute force, god or the state.
There are other motivations that exist in human beings. You would be surprised at what motivates people.
AP: Kropotkin, you say that the state is not the be all and end all of everything to you, yet you then say that everyone “should be equal before the state.”
You do not see the contradiction in this?
Is there not just a teeny-weeny possibility that you are afraid of the possibly negative, towards you, interests of your fellow man and wish to limit and control these potentials through the insertion of an absolute, overarching authority such as, in this instance, the state?
K: This tells me I haven’t done a good job explaining what I mean about socialism. I don’t believe in a absolute, overarching state.
I believe in a democratic political system. I do believe in making the economic system, more in line with our political system.
Capitalism is an economic dictatorship as marx’s says. The economic freedom everybody talks about is really the freedom to
choose between 500 cereals at the grocery store. But the truth is 90%+ of those 500 cereals is owned by 4 companies. That is
the economic dictatorship I am talking about.The 4 are Post, Kellogg, General Mill, and Quaker. That is the the challenge today.
to break down the economic dictatorship that exists and was noticed by marx all those years ago.
AP: But in the interests of fairness, let me say this also; I do not like the idea of wealth and power being denied me when it is in the hands of others - capitalists. I want it for myself. I am honestly self-centred and self-serving. My morality serves my interests and no more.
If I am to be ashamed because you accuse me of taking a particular side, the I am afraid that I shall dissappoint you.
The interests of the masses are not my interests. Money, the lever of power to the impotent, is not in my interests.
K: What if the world didn’t revolve around you? That is the great lesson of age. Without that “great unwashed masses” you don’t exist.
Simple as that. If they go away, you go away.
AP: Conceivably, if I wished to cultivate sympathy towards me in others, I would pose as representing them and their interests; in giving to them and with co-operating in their desires. I would pity and tolerate and perform the long et cetera of petty vitues.
This, I think, is what is conventionally referred to as a “good” man. “Good” here being the consensus meaning.
K: Pity and tolerate. Spoken like a good nietzschean. I know the type, as I once long ago, was one too.
AP: A socialist is a “good” man.
A “bad” man is he who pursues his interests with disregard for the intersts of others. Again; conventionally.
A capitalist is a “bad” man, by this reasoning, and yours.
But, he who desires political power, which shall he choose to be?
Either. They are both vehicles of ambition. So, the question is; do you pretend to be a saviour or do you dominate through elitism, power and ability? Because you are right, it is about people - and only people.
But then, I could also defend selfishness, and make it holy and virtuous, and condemn your “happiness of the greatest number” as cowardly and degenerate.
This is why I don’t take sides …"
K: I am simply making an argument. I am too old to pretend to be a saviour and domination always fails. always.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it does fail. I have learned history.
Many, many years ago, most likely before you were born, I was once called a
megalomaniac who doesn’t want to take over the world. The years have cured me
of my megalomania and I still don’t want to take over the world. Learn the truth
and it shall set you free.