It’s just a matter of nature vs. nurture. Scientists are still debating on the malleableness of the developing mind. It’s not so black and white, Joker. Sure, those that live in the disenfranchised underbelly of society end up, generally speaking, screwed in the ass. But also, just like condensing water, little by little, individuals from these castes will be born with exceptional IQs and will end up becoming successful, with some initial struggle, of course.
So, every individual in society, according to your logic, must be sheltered and horded for the sake of “utility” and “welfare” and “the greater good”. Well, I say, why should I be pestered with woes and misfortunes of a collective people from taxes? I may empathize with the sufferings of an individual, but that’s because every individual is subject to different circumstances and can’t legitimately be generalized into a “class” category.
Basically, the strong-minded will find some sort of outlet for their exceptional prowess and it’ll usually involve selling kitsch and manipulating the weaker herd.
Ok, I won’t. They have some choice in the matter, but it is hard to escape what you’re born into.
“Gullible falsity” just doesn’t make sense. Few now believe that criminals are born with “black hearts” or any such thing, I think. I don’t. The Government of the United States of America doesn’t.
Well, while I agree that criminal actions are usually more a matter of the perpetrator’s history than his genes, how do you mean that our land (by which I assume you mean the good ol’ U.S. of A.) “functions on the disenfranchised and exploited”?
I am not making comparisons of the greater good and all that mumbo jumbo. I truely don’t care what happens to anyone if they can’t find the courage in themselves to fight for their lives whether they be the oppressed or the vindictive elite.
I only respect raw strength and courage from both sides.
I never made such a claim.
I merely want society to stop pretending that such violent people are thrown onto themselves by some spontaneous anomaly by feining ignorance when they are pressed to discover the origins of such behavior.
I want society to owe up in confession that it creates such behavior in people by its own activities as a consequence of it’s false absolutism.
The criminals are brainwashed by ‘praying’ and serving discarnate entities which manifest in places like Bohemian Grove under the guise of ‘Satanism’ and stuff. The Illuminati and Masons are just levels of control that eventually lead to this anti-climatic revelation: The World’s problems are the result of pathetic 4d entities which are falling down through the dimensions, and as a result trying to hinder our ascension through the use of chemtrails, the FDA, and massive brainwashing just to name a few.
Hillary, Bill, Bush – all of them are involved w/ child sacrifice as their bodies were ‘born’ into existence without a ‘soul’ (in the energetic, physical form) and so they must live on small virgin girls and boys as a type of spiritual sustinence (this is complicated). This is all a means of control and in times of war – a feeding for these pathetic ‘evil’ components to the earth’s extra terrestrial/inter-dimensional creatures.
If makes zero sense, it will make more in the years leading up to the 2012-2018 period.
Our culture doesn’t require us to be greedy, it just heavily suggests it.
The fact is we have the technology available for a society of sharing and ‘wealth’ (we’d be off money in this model, as there would be such abundance) but in that model control over society is lost.
it’s a catch 22 - they think we need to be controlled, and they do that with money, but yet… we don’t really need to be controlled — but only if we get off money.
google free energh though… seriously check that shit out.
Well, if you put it that way, I pretty much agree with you.
This is one reason why I’m fascinated with anarcho-syndicalism in that, unlike communism/socialism, it requires such a great deal of commitment and investment on an individual basis. Mind you, I’m still a libertarian, but one of the great beauties of libertarianism is its compatibility with most forms of anarchism.
I’m not going to so far as to say that free will exists, because it doesn’t, but to solely blame society as the creator of malicious behavior in individuals has some unsound premises. There are so many other factors that come into play, that you might as well blame video games exclusively for violence in children. There are just too many biological, psychological, and, yes, socio-economical reasons to accuse just one thing. Look at Ted Bundy; he was raised in a seemingly perfectly normal household, yet for unknown reasons, he became a necrophiliac cannibal.
Doesnt matter what the social structure is, there is always going to be opportunity and reason for some people to be repressed to the point of murder. Also lets not forget that nature does have a very big part to play, we know this becuse there can be 2 people brought up under very similar circumstances, one will kill and one will not.
Natural instinct does play a important role and I would argue that murder,rape and theft are perfectly natural in accordance with it.
I would only say that society enhances these acts through it’s constant purposeful creation of scarcity and therefore should be responsible for the things itself creates.
( We constantly create forms of scarcity intentionally through our reverence of privation.)
If we’re going to send them to indoctrination centers for so much of their youth, we as parents (I’m not actually…) need to supplement their external lessons with critical, common sense concepts at home.
We can only look to examples in our past to observe what life would be like without society, and even then there is society just not of the scale that we see today. I would say that I dont agree with your belife, that society enhances these acts but then we have nothing to compare it against, the argument is based on speculation from both sides
I think your right, there is very little regulating tohe upbringing of children. Its difficult to regulate it without stepping on human rights, but Im most concerned with the rights of cchildren than adults and alot of the time these are not fully considered. Children can grow up in a multitude of difficult situations, one of the worst I would say would be having abusive parents towards each other and child