
Contrary to what Maggie Thatcher had to say, society does exist - it is a mental trap, one of those invisible elephants in every room. We are bound by it, and it’s rules, mentally and physically. What’s your view of society?

To me society is roughly the same as community.

Like anything else, it is a matter of extension.

Everybody agrees on the existence of families. No argument there. When families get together you have a community – again, no argument there. When a bunch of communities are together, you have a community. I don’t see what is so difficult. There is certainly a lot of bleed between them (especially when pseudo-familial groups get taken into account), but they do have their own meanings. But That doesn’t deny their connection, I don’t see how one could accept the existence of one while denying the existence of the others.

Think about community - then add the element of culture and conformity. Society is the extended community of a culture or a people, I think. I am part of the community of my home town - but we are all part of the extended community of conformist England.

It is this obsessive drive for uniform conformity that makes society exist I think.


There is no society only individual people.

Society is a ideal.

Why should we have to be bound by society? What’s the benefit?

The benefit is illusion of security.

The bound is imaginary responsibilities.

I agree.

Seems like an infintile thing to adhere to.

I see a society (and it’s sub-groups) where I live - they band together because they have strength in numbers, and bleed us dry by being weak: therefore making taxes increase: in order to subsidise their medical expenses, living needs, and sorry asses :confused:

…they are the root of most of our misery: trying to stifle any-one better/more intelligent than them, or they will close ranks on you, and you become an individual / a non-sociotel being / other… fuck’em!

I dont see how society cannot exist surely those rules that we are bound by are a part of society how can something that does not exist have rules?

Are you bound by society’s rules? BOUND by them? 'Cos I certainly am not.

Well, society definitely makes doing what you want, more difficult.

I am sure there are examples that would show that society makes doing what you want, easier. Depends on what you want to do I assume

I believe I have an elementary understanding of society for the idea of it itself appears confusing. It appears to only exist in the mind, the abstract. That being said we will all have different views of what society is and we could all contribute to a larger, more evolved definition as to what it may be allowing us to become more knowledgeable and wise in the long run.

…if it benefits the weaker: then they are all for it :astonished: but if it benefits those whom the weaker deem to be non-weak: then they put hurdles in the way of the non-weak ones.

The non-weak then band together: in a sociotel sub-group, and from there other sub-groups spring forth: if they, in turn, are being hindered by their group.