
Guys, PLEASE help me on this.

“I was attached to this city by the God - though it seems a ridiculous thing to say - as upon a great and noble horse which was somewhat sluggish because of its size and needed to be stirred up by a kind of gadfly”

I need you guys to PLEASE help me on this, its really been puzzling me, I want to understand it…but find trouble in doing so. I’m a n00b, but please analyze and interpret this as much as you can.

Omar Sheira

i had high hopes that you guys would’ve helped :frowning:

Hi Im no authority on philosophy but it seems to me that socrates is likenening himself to the “gadfly” which is needed to stir up the horse "which is the city and it is so wished by the divine power.Ergo he is on a divine misson from god to shake up and re awken the people of the city in question.

Well firstly I’m guessing your reading the Apology, or was thins from Crito? #-o Oh well, basically Socrates in your passage is giving reasons to why he can’t flee the city. He compares it to being a parent, where he owes to the city as one owes to their parents for raising them. This argument builds to his overall defense of living virtuously and not in vice. Since “leaving” the city would be to betray it’s laws, leaving would hurt the city. Thus leaving would be like harming one’s parent which is a vice to Socrates. Secondly, by the “gadfly” he means like a hero of sort. Something benevolent, where basically he finds himself to be the savior of the city. Keep in mind that Socrates believes in positive law, where the law is the law and it should all make sense. :wink:

… hopefully :confused: